Realistic Harry Potter

84 The Philosopher

I'm posting early because I have an appointment later. Summoned Again will be delayed by several hours from the normal post time, too.

“You mean to tell me, who is a man that has lived for over six hundred and fifty years, that you entrusted the collection of my most precious possession to a half-giant in order to lure a Dark Wizard out of hiding?” Nicolas asked.

“I suppose it does sound bad when spoken of like that.” Albus said.

“Bad? It sounds just the tiniest bit insane, my old friend.” Nicolas said. “Especially since he never handed it over for you to carry out the rest of your cockamamie scheme.”

“As I explained, the plan went a little awry when Quirrell ended up dead.”

“So, the plan actually worked, and yet you didn't capitalize on it?” Nicolas inquired with an amused expression on his face.

Albus sighed. “There were too many witnesses...”

“Albus, Albus, Albus.” Nicolas shook his head. “You are making the same mistakes that many other wizards have made over the centuries. You are too fond of your own machinations to see the flaws in them.”

“I only wanted to lure Voldemort to the school, not kill him.” Albus said. “He cannot be killed in such a way, as many witnesses have testified.”

“Ah, yes. Your plan to test the mettle of a young boy. Harry Potter, you said his name was?”

Albus nodded. “I've groomed him to become the perfect lure and temptation for Voldemort. He is desperate for a caring family, for friends to rely on, and authority figures that won't verbally abuse him or allow him to come to harm.”

“Which of those were you going to provide for him?” Nicolas asked, curious.

“All three, over time.” Albus said. “Authority figures in the teachers and his Head of House, a loyal friend in one of the Weasleys of the same age, and by extension, the Weasley family would become the caring family he needs in his life.”

“With you lording over it all.” Nicolas said.

“No, I was to be an adviser and an occasional inspirational speaker.”

Nicolas sat back in his chair and folded his hands on his lap. He sat there and stared at the long white beard of his friend as he thought over what he was just told. He could see the wrinkles and the age spots on his friend's skin and they locked gazes.

“When did you start wearing glasses?” Nicolas asked.

“When I became a teacher here at the school.” Albus said.

“The outrageous robes?”

“An affectation over the years.” Albus said with a smile. “I've become quite well known and need to keep up certain airs.”

Nicolas had to nod at that. Keeping up certain appearances was definitely beneficial to having people underestimate you and your skills. The problem he saw was that the man in front of him actually believed in his facade. He had spent so much time playing the wise old mentor and an accomplished wizard, that he seemed to have forgotten that he was only a man underneath it all.

“You know what I had to do to create the stone.” Nicolas said.

Albus' eyes grew sad and he took in a long slow breath and let it out. “I do, and you know that...”

“I wouldn't ask you to make that kind of sacrifice, even if it is to save the life of myself and my wife.” Nicolas said and his eyes went to the ash covered perch where a baby phoenix cooed. “One life for another is not a fair exchange, is it?”

“No, it is not.” Albus said and was quiet for a moment. “May I ask what state your stocks of elixir are in?”

“Don't worry, old friend. Both Perenelle and I have just enough left to get our affairs in order.”

Albus was a little surprised to hear this, considering the nearly endless years that Nicolas had been around. He should have had decades of potion left, not 'just enough'. It was then that he realized he had made a terrible mistake. A mistake so bad that not only would it end the very long life of his good friend, it would also end the life of his friend's wife.

“Nicolas, I... I am very sorry.” Albus said. “I didn't realize...”

“You didn't realize what? That I was getting so old that I have a difficult time preparing such an easy potion?” Nicolas asked. “What was one of the conditions I gave you when you asked to borrow it?”

Albus couldn't hide the sorrow he felt. “Make as much potion as I could, in case it was needed.”

“It was... and what did you do with the stone?” Nicolas prodded.

“It sat in the vault for three months and then went missing.” Albus said in a defeated tone.

Nicolas looked at his old friend and thought about telling him to smarten up, then he realized all that would accomplish would be making Albus scheme even more. He sat there for several minutes... long and completely silent minutes... then he unfolded his hands from his lap and eased himself up and out of the chair.

“Well, it was nice seeing you again, Albus.” Nicolas said and made the chair disappear with a wave of his hand. He turned away from the desk and walked towards the door.

“Old friend?” Albus asked and Nicolas turned to look at him. “Aren't you going to use the portkey?”

“Keep it, for old time's sake.” Nicolas said with a sad smile. “If you don't mind, I would like to take a little walk around the castle for a while.”

Albus stood. “I'll come with...”

“No, thank you.” Nicolas said and waved for him to sit. “I have some things to think about and I don't need the distraction.”

“I understand.” Albus said and sat. “Please feel free to look around as much as you want.”

Nicolas nodded to him and opened the door to the office and descended the stairs as the door shut behind him. He rode the spiral staircase down and almost laughed at the simple transfiguration spell used to create it.

It was just like Albus to show off like this inside of a school. Nicolas thought and stepped out into the corridor.

The ancient man knew where he wanted to go and it would take him quite while to get there, considering his slightly decrepit state. His problem was that he didn't know how to get there. He took out a piece of parchment and a sliver of a wand.

Partum Regio. Nicolas thought and a basic map of the school appeared on the parchment. He saw where it was that he needed to go and smiled. Huminibus Revelo. He thought and the castle was populated with little dots and their names. He saw the one that he wanted and started walking. His dot moved on the parchment in the wrong direction, so he turned around and went the other way.


Neville was overcome with emotions. He wanted to shout happily, cry with sadness, yell to let everyone know that his parents were back, and keep extremely quiet in case it was all just a dream.

His parents had been moved down to the third floor and more healers than he had ever seen before had come and gone in the time that he was there. They performed diagnostic spells of all sorts and made notes and talked in hushed whispers. They wouldn't say anything to anyone else, not even to his Gran, Augusta Longbottom, when she demanded to know what they were doing.

That wasn't what had made Neville a nervous wreck, however. It was when a certain well groomed individual with long curly black hair showed up and barked at the healers for bothering his friends while they were recovering, then he had kicked them all out of the room.

“Sirius? Is that you?” Frank asked, surprised. “What are you doing here?”

“Ah, that's a long story, my friend. A very long story.” Sirius said. “One that can wait for another time, seeing as we've both been saved by my godson and have lots of time to catch up.”

“HARRY DID THIS?!?” Neville yelled at the top of his lungs.

“Easy there, lad. I just had these ears healed from the last person to scream into them.” Sirius joked and pat Neville's shoulder. “Yes, it was Harry. He and Madam Bones were here this morning and took care of us.”

“Madam Bones?” Alice asked, confused.

“Amelia Bones. Same year as us and sorted into Hufflepuff.” Sirius said. “She's the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement now.”

“A senior member of the Ministry came here to help us?” Frank asked, shocked. “Why would she...”

“I asked her to help Harry and she's taken a liking to the boy.” Sirius said with a smile.

“But... why would...” Alice looked at her husband and back at Sirius. “It's really been ten years.”

“Unfortunately, and we've suffered all this time, mostly out of our minds.” Sirius said. “It doesn't get much grimmer than that.”

“What... what do we do?” Frank asked, unsure.

“We live, of course.” Sirius said and they all looked at him. “We both have young boys that need more parents in their lives, don't we?” He gave Neville's shoulder a squeeze and let it go. “We have a job to do and we need to get to it.”

“It can't be that simple.” Augusta said. “They just woke up and...”

“It is that simple.” Sirius said. “After they make you stay for a day or two, so they can poke and prod you to make sure you're fine, go home and get yourselves up to speed. By the way, not much has changed, so you won't take long adjusting.” He said with a chuckle.

“You seem to have already.” Frank said.

“No, I've got some work ahead of me to get my affairs in order. After that, I'm going to do my best to take care of the people in my life.”

“Sirius.” A woman's soft voice whispered from the doorway. “You need to rest.”

Sirius turned to look at Healer Ela and her slightly red face. “Yes, my dear Ela. I've finished my first visit and checked on my friends.” He walked over to the door and took her into his arms. “Thank you for letting me out of your sight for a few minutes.”

Healer Ela laughed and gave him a kiss. “You're such a scoundrel.”

“Guilty.” Sirius said with a grin and he looked back into the room. “I suggest you two get some rest. Tomorrow is going to be the first day of the rest of your lives.”

Augusta, Neville, Alice, and Frank watched him leave with his arms around the healer.

“He's right.” Augusta said. “You two need rest. This day has been... well, it's been...”

“A revelation.” Frank said. “Who would have thought that the boy who lived and saved us all from Voldemort, would be the one to save Alice and myself from his Death Eaters?”

His words hung in the air as the implication that they needed a boy to save them was a heavy weight to bear.

“I should have.” Neville said.

“Neville...” Augusta started to say.

“You were right, Gran. Harry attracts trouble because of what was done to him, not because of who he is.” Neville said and looked at his father and then his mother. “I'm glad I'm his friend.”

“So are we.” Alice said with a smile. “You should go. I think I am feeling tired.”

“Okay.” Neville said and gave her a hug. “Bye, mom.”

“Goodb... what is in your sleeve?” Alice asked as it pressed against her side.

“Oh! I guess I need to give this back.” Neville said and flicked his left wrist. His father's wand slid out of his sleeve and he caught it. “Gran loaned this to me.” He said and handed the wand to his father.

“My... wand.” Frank whispered. “You have my wand.”

“After Harry showed me how, I polished it every day at school.” Neville said.

“It looks brand new.” Frank said as he took it and the familiar feeling filled him.

“I have yours at home.” Augusta said to Alice. “I'll bring it tomorrow when we visit again.”

“Thank you, Augusta.” Alice said and looked at Neville. “Really.” She said and looked back at her mother-in-law. “Thank you.”

Augusta reached out and took her hand for a brief moment, nodded, then let go and put an arm over Neville's shoulders. “Let's go, Neville.”

“Bye!” Neville said and waved to his parents as he and his Gran left the room.

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