Realm of the Night God

Chapter 131: Fight if Youre Unhappy!

Chapter 131: Fight if Youre Unhappy!

Master Zhou's messenger bag resembled the one Yang Haoran used during their business outings, except Master Zhou's bag lacked any decorative patterns and was made of ordinary material, just a plain yellow messenger bag.

Another difference was that while Yang Haoran's bag contained nothing useful except for some wax paper money, Master Zhou's bag held entirely different contents.

As he took hold of the bag, it felt heavy, as if it contained a lot of things.

When they emerged from the cave that day, Yang Haoran had been carrying the bag on his person, but his attention hadn't been focused on it, so he hadn't noticed this detail.

Without looking inside the bag, Yang Haoran emptied its contents onto the table, seemingly intending to inspect each item meticulously, not leaving anything out.

After shaking the bag to ensure nothing else fell out and confirming there were no hidden compartments, Yang Haoran treated the bag like trash, tossing it aside, then turned his gaze to the table.

There were talismans, a compass, a Bagua mirror, tattered books, and scraps of paper—a diverse array of items, albeit in small quantities.

The fact that Master Zhou carried these items in his bag indicated their importance to him, as they were likely essential tools for him to survive.

Yang Haoran inspected the compass and Bagua mirror, finding them to be ordinary items with no detectable power fluctuations, so he discarded them as junk.

It was the talismans that caught Yang Haoran's interest.

Creating talismans imbued with special powers was a skill exclusive to talisman masters. Drawing talismans required the talisman master to infuse them with their unique spiritual energy, granting them special abilities. This spiritual energy was akin to the Yin spirit power within members of the Yin Division, inaccessible to other sects or exorcists.

Of course, every organization had its own traitors, but they were exceptions.

In addition to spiritual energy infusion, creating talismans also required specific incantations. Each type of talisman had its own unique incantation; without the appropriate incantations, even with a sample, it would be impossible to replicate the talisman. Becoming a talisman master was challenging due to the high demands placed on them. They had to simultaneously draw, infuse energy, and chant incantations to create a talisman—a complex process that required intense concentration.

While talismans created by talisman masters could be used defensively or offensively by others, they couldn't fully control the talismans like the masters could. Non-talisman masters, like Chen Ying, couldn't manipulate talismans; they could only activate them passively when specific conditions were met.

However, Master Zhou seemed to be an exception. Yang Haoran had witnessed him using talismans against Xu Meijing in the cave, although unsuccessfully. Still, Master Zhou's skill in manipulating talismans was evident, indicating that he was likely a talisman master himself.

Yang Haoran couldn't understand the talismans Master Zhou had used against Xu Meijing, but he vividly remembered the lock yin talisman that had caused him a great deal of trouble.

These talismans were the bane of their Underworld Envoy and ghosts!

To be more precise, any being or entity powered by Yin Qi found lock yin talismans to be their nemesis!

Looking at the talismans on the table, Yang Haoran couldn't help but entertain the thought that if he had lock yin talismans, he might be able to deal with Half-Step Evil Spirits single-handedly in the future.

With this idea in mind, a hopeful expression crossed his face as he began rummaging through the talismans on the table.

But as soon as he examined one talisman, his expression froze.

"Lock yin talisman... What does a lock yin talisman look like?"

Staring at the yellow paper talisman in his hand, Yang Haoran realized he had never seen a lock yin talisman before. When Master Zhou had given him one, it had been folded, and he hadn't unfolded it to look at it.

Moreover, even if he had unfolded it, it had been so long ago that he wouldn't necessarily remember. Talismans all seemed equally complex and obscure to him; it wasn't something he could memorize with just one look. If not too much time had passed, he might have retained some impression, but with time, he couldn't recall.

Perhaps talisman masters, due to their profession, could remember talismans at a glance, but as a non-talisman master, Yang Haoran couldn't do that. Without knowing what a lock yin talisman looked like, Yang Haoran had no way of finding it among the talismans.

Feeling helpless, he neatly stacked the talismans aside to deal with later.

He had no intention of asking Master Zhou about his thoughts at the moment, as there were other things on the table to deal with. After handling everything together, he could slowly interrogate Master Zhou about anything he didn't understand or had doubts about.

He wasn't in a hurry; he believed that a cooked duck couldn't fly away. So, he shifted his focus to the other items on the table.

Two tattered books, a piece of paper, and something resembling leather, all seemed to hold some significance.

Yang Haoran first picked up the piece that looked like leather because it puzzled him. Was it really leather? If so, what kind of leather?

With a sense of curiosity, Yang Haoran picked up the object that resembled leather and examined it closely. Comparing it to the back of his hand, his brows furrowed slightly.

Though he couldn't be certain, he felt it was human skin, a piece from someone's back.

This made him feel queasy. If it were pigskin, he might consider whether to deep fry it or make it with pickled pepper. But human skin made him profoundly uncomfortable, killing any appetite he might have had.

Despite feeling repulsed, he didn't discard the human skin in his hand. Instead, he looked at what was recorded on it.

Upon examining the content, Yang Haoran was once again baffled, frozen in place with a stiff expression. Compared to the twisted and obscure talismans he had seen before, the information on the human skin confounded him even more.

Regaining his senses, Yang Haoran said nothing. He tossed the piece of human skin onto the table and then manifested his Yin spirit power into a chain, which he whipped towards Master Zhou.

Master Zhou, kneeling before the altar, let out a wail of agony. Though he had no physical form, the chain struck his soul, inflicting immense damage and a unique agony different from that experienced by living beings.

Initially, Master Zhou's soul had been faint, but after a moment of recovery, it had only slightly thickened. Yet, Yang Haoran's sudden attack brought him back to square one.

He couldn't understand why Yang Haoran would attack him out of nowhere, especially when he had been kneeling there quietly. Unable to voice his anger, he could only express his frustration through cries of pain.

After the chain strike, Yang Haoran didn't continue. He dispersed the chain formed by his Yin spirit power and looked at the piece of human skin before him with a gloomy expression.

The first thing that caught his eye was three large characters, but he couldn't understand them.

Below the three characters, numerous smaller characters were densely written, yet they were still incomprehensible to him.

Although Yang Haoran dropped out of school early, he recognized most characters. However, the script used on this piece of human skin was entirely unfamiliar to him; it was nothing like what he had learned. He couldn't recognize any of it.

Unable to decipher the talismans was one thing—he accepted that since he wasn't a talisman master. But what surprised him was that he couldn't understand the content recorded on this piece of human skin either. Fuming with anger, he said nothing and simply lashed out at Master Zhou with a chain.

"Darn it, am I being played by this guy? These words on it seem to be demonic script! How the hell am I supposed to understand demonic script?!"

Indeed, the script on the human skin was demonic script.

Before entering the cave, Yang Haoran had never seen what demonic script looked like. However, after coming out of the cave, he had gained some understanding of it.

Well, understanding might be an exaggeration, but at least he had seen what demon curses looked like and thus recognized the appearance of demonic script.

Xu Meijing had mentioned that the script used by powerful monster clans was called demon curses, while the ordinary script used by less powerful monster clans was referred to as demonic script. The characters on the human skin didn't exhibit any power fluctuations, yet they looked identical to demon curses. So, what else could they be if not demonic script!

When it came to resemblance, it wasn't about each character being identical, but rather their style and flavor, indicating that they belonged to the same script.

Taking a deep breath, Yang Haoran lit a cigarette, temporarily setting aside the piece of human skin.

Regardless of what was recorded on it, if he couldn't understand demonic script, then there was nothing to understand. Even if it contained treasures or secrets, what good would it do him?

Everything would be in vain, so he could only put the piece of human skin aside for now and deal with it later along with the talismans.

After two successive blows, Yang Haoran's enthusiasm was greatly dampened. At this moment, he couldn't help but feel disappointed in Master Zhou's collection.

His gaze fell on the paper on the table. Yang Haoran took a drag from his cigarette and then picked up the paper.

Why did he pick up this paper instead of the other two tattered books? Because this paper was closest to him.

Absently glancing at the contents of the paper, Yang Haoran's brows furrowed. Instead of showing interest, a cold glint flashed in his eyes.

Without a word, he once again manifested his Yin spirit power into a chain and whipped it towards Master Zhou's soul.

[Heartfelt thankyou for the support! BokuBoku]

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