Realm of the Night God

Chapter 175: Your Opportunity Has Arrived


Master Wu was a man of cunning and deep scheming, a fact that Yang Haoran was well aware of.

However, having benefited from others, he owed them a debt of gratitude, which certainly needed repayment. And now, there was a perfect opportunity.

Night Watch was currently short-staffed, and Deng Feng had instructed him that if there were suitable candidates, they could join the Night Watch team. The requirements were simple: loyalty to the Yin Division and loyalty to Deng Feng.

But loyalty or disloyalty was not something easily discernible. In other words, Deng Feng's requirement was as good as not mentioned at all.

Master Wu was already in his twilight years, but Yang Haoran's appearance had revealed to him the existence of the Yin Division in this world. The notion that people entered reincarnation after death, something he had previously given no thought to, now sparked ambition within him once more.

He had vaguely mentioned to Yang Haoran before, hoping that through Yang Haoran's connections, he could also join the Yin Division. At that time, Yang Haoran neither agreed nor refused.

Later, Master Wu visited the South Lake Death God Temple. He sought out Master Jiang and informed him of his good relationship with Yang Haoran, hoping that Master Jiang could help him connect with the Yin Division. However, Master Jiang outright refused.

Yang Haoran was unaware of this matter until he accidentally learned about it during a conversation with Master Jiang at the Death God Temple after returning from Yangjia Bay.

Therefore, if there was a chance to recruit Master Wu into Night Watch, Yang Haoran believed that Master Wu would not refuse.

However, he couldn't be certain whether joining Night Watch would be beneficial or detrimental to Master Wu.

Regardless, he would explain everything to Master Wu, leaving the final decision entirely up to him without interference.

He had already made up his mind. Whatever Master Wu's decision might be, he would consider his debt to Master Wu repaid.

Yang Haoran soon arrived outside Master Wu's villa. He parked the car and dialed the old man's number.

It was still early in the day, and Master Wu was preparing for his morning exercise when he received Yang Haoran's call, which both surprised and pleased him. He rushed out to greet him immediately.

For many, meeting someone as influential as Master Wu was difficult enough. Getting him to grace them with his presence for a meal was even more challenging.

However, this was only the case for ordinary people. For someone like Yang Haoran, with special abilities, Master Wu was just another ordinary person.

Master Wu was well aware of this fact. Thus, he always treated Yang Haoran and others like him with utmost respect, never daring to offend them in the slightest.

"Haoran, if you were coming, you could have just called in advance. I could have had my steward come to pick you up; there's no need for you to drive yourself."

From a distance, Master Wu warmly greeted Yang Haoran, who approached with a smile on his face.

"Master Wu, it's been a while," Yang Haoran replied with a smile.

"Yeah, it's been a long time. If you had been willing to grace my humble abode with your presence, we wouldn't have gone so long without seeing each other," Master Wu joked with a smile.

Yang Haoran's smile carried a hint of helplessness as he said, "I'd love to, but I've been so busy lately that I kept putting it off until now."

"I understand, I really do. Xiao Xiao admires you a lot. Before she left Lecheng, she insisted on treating you to a meal. I knew you were busy, so I stopped her. But it left her resentful towards me when she left. Even now, she's reluctant to talk to me," Master Wu chuckled.

The two of them chatted and laughed as they made their way towards the villa.

Once inside, after exchanging pleasantries, Yang Haoran got straight to the point. His current situation was quite unusual, and he didn't want to waste a single moment.

"Master Wu, I know you also want to join the Yin Division. I rushed over here early in the morning to tell you that the opportunity has arrived."

With these words, Yang Haoran stunned Master Wu. His facial expression froze, as if he hadn't expected Yang Haoran to suddenly say such a thing.

Upon realizing it, Master Wu's face suddenly lit up with joy!

This news was simply too overwhelming for him. His greatest wish now was to join the Yin Division while still alive, paving the way for himself after death.

However, despite his efforts over time, he hadn't achieved the desired outcome. He initially wanted to start with Yang Haoran, but considering the impact of the incident at Yangjia Bay on Yang Haoran, he wisely refrained from bothering him.

Now, Yang Haoran's straightforward statement caught him off guard, and even though he was adept at schemes and had a deep understanding of human nature, he couldn't contain the excitement within his heart.

Yang Haoran could see that Master Wu's joy was genuine, not feigned.

"Haoran! Are you sure you're not teasing this old man?" Master Wu's face beamed with joy as he spoke to Yang Haoran, seeking confirmation.

Yang Haoran smiled and replied, "Old man, you're overthinking it. How could I joke about something like this with you?"

With Yang Haoran's confirmation, Master Wu stood up excitedly from his seat and hugged Yang Haoran.

"This is wonderful! Truly wonderful! This is my only wish now, and I never expected it to come true so quickly! Thank you! Thank you so much, Haoran!"

Seeing Master Wu's excitement, Yang Haoran couldn't help but recall his own past. Once upon a time, he had been just as excited as Master Wu was now.

However, back then, his gratitude and respect towards Master Jiang, who had introduced him, were genuine. He wasn't sure how much of Master Wu's gratitude expressed now was sincere.

Regardless, whether Master Wu's gratitude was genuine or not, Yang Haoran didn't dwell on it because his actions were only meant to repay the favor Master Wu had done for him by giving him a car. He hadn't expected any repayment from Master Wu in return.

"Master Wu, calm down a bit. To become a member of Night Watch, there's still a test you need to pass. Only after passing this test and gaining the organization's recognition can you become one of us in the end."

Yang Haoran's words brought Master Wu back to his senses from his excitement. He released Yang Haoran and smiled apologetically before retaking his seat.

"I'm sorry, I got too excited. Please don't laugh at me," Master Wu chuckled. He tried hard to keep himself composed, but there was still a trace of uncontrollable excitement on his face.

Remembering what Yang Haoran had just said, he quickly asked, "What test did you just mention?"

"It will involve seeing ghosts to test your courage. Although you're getting on in years, I don't think you'll have much of a problem with this test. You've not only seen ghosts in this villa before but also managed to restrain your inner fear when facing them. So, I believe you shouldn't have any difficulty passing this test," Yang Haoran said with a smile.

Master Wu's joy didn't diminish. He confidently replied, "If the test is as you described, then I'm quite confident."

"Barring any unforeseen circumstances, what I said should be accurate. However, I must remind you of one thing. Ordinary people have their advantages and happiness. Once you join us, you won't be an ordinary person anymore. Although you'll have abilities that ordinary people don't possess, life will become extremely thrilling yet dangerous. A slight misstep could lead to irreparable consequences."

Seeing that Master Wu was still caught up in his excitement and seemingly not fully absorbing his words, Yang Haoran felt the need to remind him once more.

"People say that the business world is like a battlefield, and you've spent your whole life maneuvering through it. Perhaps you've grown accustomed to danger, but I still have to remind you that this is different from doing business. If a business fails, there might still be a chance for a comeback, but for us, failure could mean not just death but also the dispersion of our souls. Once our souls scatter, there's no chance for reincarnation. So, I hope you'll consider this carefully before giving me your answer."

[Heartfelt thankyou for the support! BokuBoku]

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