Realm of the Night God

Chapter 221: Raiding the Family (1)

In terms of appearance, even if Yang Haoran lacks distinct features, he's still far better off than the sharp-mouthed and monkey-cheeked Deng Feng.

Yet, he remains single to this day, while Deng Feng, with his sharp features, has a plethora of wives and concubines.

The young women before him, both in physique and facial beauty, are exceptionally rare. Compared to Deng Feng, with his monkey-cheeked appearance, they belong to entirely different worlds.

However, they have still moved into this villa and become Deng Feng's playthings. Whether they volunteered or were forced into it is something only they know.

When Yang Haoran initially came to the villa to request Deng Feng to plant the Death Mark Seal, he had also seen the beauties attending to Deng Feng. However, he doesn't spot them among the current women.

Whether Deng Feng grew tired of them and dismissed them, or they disappeared for other reasons is unknown.

Yang Haoran senses no power fluctuations in these women. In other words, they are mere ordinary people.

While Deng Feng was alive, being the Burial Master, if he wanted these women to possess extraordinary power, it wouldn't have been difficult. However, these women show no signs of possessing any unique abilities.

This situation may arise either because these women are uninterested in possessing unique powers or because Deng Feng simply didn't bother wasting time and effort to enhance them.

In Yang Haoran's view, the latter possibility seems more likely.

Regardless, it doesn't concern him.

"Ladies, I'm here to retrieve something, please don't misunderstand."

Before the young women could inquire, Yang Haoran speaks first, not hiding anything and stating the purpose of his visit.

"Retrieve something? Did Deng Feng send you?" one of the women frowns and questions Yang Haoran.

Yang Haoran goes with the flow, smiling, "Indeed, Deng Feng sent me."

However, before he finishes his sentence, the woman rebukes him.

"Nonsense! How could he possibly send you to our home to take something? Who are you, and what is your purpose?"

Yang Haoran, initially prepared to bluster his way through, didn't expect this to be part of the woman's tactic.

With his lie exposed, Yang Haoran doesn't feel embarrassed. In his eyes, these young women are like defenseless rabbits. Whether the lie is exposed or not, he doesn't care.

"To be honest, Deng Feng is already dead. If you were coerced to come here by him, then congratulations, you're free now."

Yang Haoran thought that after saying this, the young women would be excited and joyful. Yet, the reality is the opposite.

Deng Feng's death didn't bring the anticipated joy; instead, the expressions of these young women turned desolate, as if they had suddenly lost something crucial.

"What did you say? Deng Feng is dead?" one woman stares at Yang Haoran in disbelief, seeking confirmation.

Though surprised by their reactions, Yang Haoran nods, affirming the truth.

"Oh my, if he's dead, where will my monthly New Genesis Coins come from? What about the bag I ordered? I promised to pick it up in the next few days!"

"I was counting on him to give me money to repay my loan. Now that he's dead, what about my loan? Where will I find so much money? Isn't this essentially forcing me to death!"

The reactions of the young women are strikingly similar, completely defying Yang Haoran's expectations. He never thought they would suddenly become so sentimental, all for the sake of money.

As for how Deng Feng died, when he died, who Yang Haoran is, and whether Deng Feng's death is related to Yang Haoran, they don't seem to care. Their minds are solely focused on what they will do without Deng Feng.

They don't even doubt the truthfulness of Yang Haoran's words. They unquestionably believe him.

The scene before Yang Haoran is entirely unexpected. He shakes his head with a wry smile and sighs.

"How pathetic." Then, he addresses the women, "Ladies, don't rush into sorrow. I want to gather some information from you. Can you cooperate?"

No one pays attention to Yang Haoran. The women remain immersed in their individual sorrows, and at this moment, Yang Haoran, in their eyes, is like air.

The smile on Yang Haoran's face freezes slightly. Without making any other move, a hand formed from several Yin spirit powers suddenly appears and grabs the necks of the young women.

These women were still immersed in their grief when their necks were suddenly grasped. Their faces change abruptly, and before they can react in shock, their bodies are forcibly lifted by the hand.

Fear appears on the faces of the women as they struggle in the air, attempting to free themselves from the hand's control. The more they struggle, the tighter the hand grips, seemingly intent on choking them to death.

"I initially didn't want to take action against you, but I couldn't resist after all. I'm here to raid, can you show a bit of respect?"

Yang Haoran watches the women struggling in the air, his smile unchanged, and his tone as gentle as ever.

However, his words, falling into the ears of these women, don't convey any gentleness. Instead, a chilling sensation fills their bodies.

As the hand tightens, the women's breathing becomes difficult. Their faces turn red, indicating that they won't last much longer.

Seeing the women on the verge of collapse, Yang Haoran snaps his fingers, and the hands formed from Yin spirit power disperse, causing the women to fall to the floor.

The fall is not light, but the women don't seem to care. They all look at Yang Haoran in fear, then frantically retreat, huddling in the corner, trying to create distance from this seemingly harmless man.

"Don't hurt us. If you want to rob, take whatever you like from this villa. If you want companionship, we can satisfy you. Just please spare us."

One woman speaks with fear, while the others nod in agreement, even if they don't speak. From their fearful eyes, it's evident that they wouldn't refuse even if Yang Haoran wanted companionship.

Though lacking special abilities, judging from their expressions, they have experienced extraordinary power from Deng Feng. So, when they see Yang Haoran possessing similar power, their first instinct is submission, not resistance.

"I've already stated my purpose; I need to gather some information from you." Yang Haoran smiles gently.

This gentle smile sends shivers down the spines of the women.

"No problem, no problem! You can ask anything you want to know! As long as we know, we'll tell you!"

One woman assures, and the others nod frantically.

"I want to know the places Deng Feng frequented in this villa," Yang Haoran says with a smile.

"Frequented places?"

The women exchange glances, and their gazes eventually settle on one woman—the same woman who previously screamed loudly and was wearing a bathrobe.

Seeing all eyes on her, the woman appears flustered, unable to speak.

Yang Haoran raises an eyebrow, looking at her, subconsciously thinking there might be some secret about this woman.

"She's his favorite. The place he visits the most is her room."

One woman's explanation makes Yang Haoran twitch at the corner of his mouth. He thought there might be some secret on this woman, but he didn't expect it to come out like this.

The bathrobe beauty is quite adept. After hesitating for a moment, she bites her lip, trembling, and stands up from the corner. She stammers, "I...I'm not feeling well recently. If you really want it, I..."

Saying so, the woman reaches out to undo her bathrobe.

Yang Haoran's expression changes, quickly stopping her!

"No, no, no! I don't want it! My luck has been good recently, and I don't want to jinx it!"

The bathrobe woman is momentarily stunned but stops undoing her bathrobe.

Seeing this, Yang Haoran breathes a sigh of relief. He addresses all the women, "While I'm still in control, please don't trouble me anymore. Otherwise, I don't know what I might do. Perhaps my expression was unclear earlier, so let me rephrase it. I want to know if there's a place in this villa that Deng Feng particularly valued, like a storage room for precious items, a safe, or a restricted area that you're not allowed to enter. Does such a place exist?"

This time, Yang Haoran is quite detailed. If the women continue to beat around the bush, it would mean they've been playing him for a fool, and their displayed fear would be just a trick to confuse him.

However, this scene doesn't unfold. The fear on the women's faces remains, and one woman hastily stands up, saying, "Yes! There is such a place! This villa indeed has a restricted area. Deng Feng absolutely forbids us from approaching!"

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