Realm of the Night God

Chapter 230: Birth (7)

The man initially thought that the middle-aged fat man was trying to scare him with his words, but soon he realized that he was wrong, and terribly so.

The shorts he was wearing were violently torn apart, and the man's heart suddenly pounded with fear. Before he could even open his mouth, an intense pain spread through his lower body.

A pitiful scream escaped from the man's mouth, and blood stained the floor. His lower body had been completely severed.

The man fainted, while the middle-aged fat man stood up and turned his gaze towards the woman.

Seeing the middle-aged fat man looking at her, the woman, who had been crying hysterically, suddenly stopped. Her body shook uncontrollably, and a strong sense of fear spread through her heart.

"Husband! I'm sorry! I was wrong! Please forgive me! I won't dare to do it again! Please spare me! It's because I'm young and don't understand!"

The middle-aged fat man remained unmoved. He sneered and said, "Just because you're young and don't understand, you can do whatever you want? You're an adult now, and you should consider the consequences before doing anything. If you dare to do it, then you should be prepared to face the consequences."

"Husband! I was wrong! I really was wrong! Please spare me! Please spare me!"

The woman's pleas for mercy fell on deaf ears. The middle-aged fat man turned to a muscular man and said, "Cut off her breasts for me. Go slow, I'm not in a hurry, but I must have it done cleanly."

The muscular man nodded and drew out a sharp steel knife, approaching the woman.

The woman's face instantly turned pale, and she cried out for help while struggling fiercely. However, her struggles were in vain, and only intensified her fear.

"No! No! Please don't! Ah!!!"

Blood stained the bedsheets, and the woman's breasts were forcibly cut off. Yet, the middle-aged fat man did not regain his sanity. Instead, the sinister and insane smile remained on his face.

He turned his gaze to a tall and sturdy man who had not spoken or moved at all, and said, "I'll pay you double, but I hope you can handle this matter cleanly. I don't want the police knocking on my door."

"Don't worry, Boss. We're all businessmen here, even though our projects are different. Our essence remains the same. If we dare to take on this business, then we must have the confidence to handle it well. We won't cause any trouble for you. If we can't even do this, then we have no business being in this line of work."

"Hehe, your words make me very happy," the middle-aged fat man laughed.

"In business, reputation is key," the tall and sturdy man said.

The middle-aged fat man nodded in satisfaction and continued laughing, "I haven't finished playing with these two yet, so I'll need you to take them to the place I designate."

The tall and sturdy man agreed without hesitation.

"There's no problem, but it will cost more. It's not an easy task to transport them to the designated location without their knowledge," the tall and sturdy man said.

The middle-aged fat man laughed heartily, tears streaming down his face. He said, "Don't worry, money is not an issue. All I have left besides my daughter is money."

The tall and sturdy man did not question how he would handle the matter. After agreeing on the price, the middle-aged man left as if nothing had happened.

Upon returning to the villa, the middle-aged fat man saw Zhong Siyu running towards him from a distance. The madness on his face was replaced by gentleness, and he opened his arms to embrace Zhong Siyu.

"Dad! Where did you go? Why are you only coming back now?" Zhong Siyu asked curiously.

"Dad just went to the horse ranch. I got a horse eleven years ago, and in Dad's eyes, it's a rare and beautiful horse. It's very pretty, and it exudes an irresistible aura. So, Dad has always treasured it, feeding it well and rarely riding it. However, who would have thought that this horse would become a wild horse and be ridden by different people without Dad's knowledge. It's unbearable."

Zhong Siyu, who was only ten years old, naturally did not understand the hidden meaning behind the middle-aged man's words. She simply smiled innocently and said, "That horse is really ungrateful! How dare it make Dad angry? Tell me where it is, and I'll go take care of it for you!"

The middle-aged man laughed heartily, seemingly very pleased with Zhong Siyu's words.

"Yeah, truly an ungrateful beast, but it doesn't matter. It's just a horse after all. No matter how good it is, it's still just a beast. Without it, Dad can always get another one. Haha."

"That's right! Get another one. Our family has the means for that!"

Zhong Siyu innocently and naively uttered these words, unaware that they carried a different meaning to the middle-aged chubby guy.

For several days, Zhong Siyu hadn't seen a trace of her mother. This didn't strike her as odd, as such occurrences were not new. It had happened before, and she had grown accustomed to it.

However, her father's recent behavior had been peculiar, leaving her both puzzled and inexplicably fearful. She noticed a strange change in his character—occasional terrifying smiles, nonsensical muttering, and prolonged seclusion in his room, where he wouldn't allow anyone near, not even for meals.

Even his gaze towards her had undergone a dramatic transformation, losing its previous gentleness and replacing it with an unsettling eeriness.

From every perspective, Zhong Siyu felt that her father's mental state was abnormal, becoming both unfamiliar and frightening. He was nothing like the doting and understanding father she used to know.

Today, her father locked himself in his room again, and intermittent laughter emanated from within, revealing his apparent joy. However, to Zhong Siyu, that laughter sounded unnerving—a manifestation of pathological madness she had never heard in real life, only on television. No normal person would emit such laughter.

She wondered what her father was doing in the room, but the maniacal laughter made her reluctant to approach the door. She was afraid—afraid of the inner fear that made her want to stay far away rather than draw closer.

No one knew what the middle-aged chubby guy was doing in his room, not even the butler or the household servants. Like Zhong Siyu, they were filled with curiosity and dread.

As the night grew deeper, Zhong Siyu lay in bed, restless and unable to sleep. She couldn't pinpoint the cause, but a profound sense of unease plagued her.

Some animals instinctively sense danger, and at times, people do too. Before a significant event, negative emotions like restlessness and anxiety may surface. However, Zhong Siyu couldn't identify the source of her unease, yet it persisted.

In this situation, Zhong Siyu found herself unable to comprehend the origin of her discomfort, but the inner turmoil was undeniable.

As midnight approached, her inexplicable anxiety intensified. The inner fear drove her to the impulse of fleeing her room, but she dared not. At this moment, she lacked the courage even to uncover the blankets!

In the past, if her father happened to be home, she would have immediately sought him out, finding solace in his presence. However, in recent days, her father's drastic changes made her feel less secure in his company than in the darkness of the night.

Huddled in her blanket, Zhong Siyu's petite body remained tightly wrapped, leaving no gaps. Sweat had soaked her pajamas, and the lack of oxygen made breathing difficult. She wished to lift the blanket for some fresh air but feared exposing herself to a horrific sight or face.

After what felt like an eternity, Zhong Siyu couldn't endure any longer. Gasping for air, she cautiously peeled back a corner of the blanket, then gingerly extended her head.

The room was pitch black, and she considered turning on the light to dispel some of her fears. However, she refrained, fearing it might attract her father. The eerie smiles he had been displaying recently filled her with a chilling sense of foreboding, making her prefer the darkness over the prospect of facing her own father with the lights on.

Zhong Siyu moved with extreme caution, making no sound. Yet, even with her careful movements, an immensely frightening scene unfolded before her as her head emerged from the blanket—a face mere inches away in the darkness!

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