Realm of the Night God

Chapter 261: Im Cooking Soup

After the impatient remark from the woman, Kuai Le hadn't snapped out of her beauty yet. Seeing her about to close the door without a second word, Kuai Le finally shook off his daze.

"No, no, no! Thank you, beauty! Thank you, beauty!"

While expressing gratitude, Kuai Le hurriedly entered the room, afraid that if he was too slow, he might never step into this small wooden house again.

Once inside, Kuai Le wiped away the rain and saliva from his face. He turned to the woman again, saying, "Beauty, thank you so much. If I get the chance, I'd like to repay you. Any way is fine, even if it's for a lifetime."

The woman frowned, and with a disgusted expression, she said, "What do you want to say? Are you suggesting something more intimate?"

Seeing the displeasure on her face, Kuai Le quickly explained, "Just kidding, just kidding! Beauty, please don't take it seriously."

The woman's expression didn't improve with Kuai Le's explanation. She maintained a stern face, filled with caution.

"I don't like jokes, especially this kind. If you talk nonsense again, I'll have to ask you to leave."

Kuai Le nodded quickly; he had no intention of leaving the wooden house now.

His initial reason for wanting to enter was to protect his mobile phone from getting wet and potentially ruining his livestream. But now, he simply didn't want to leave the wooden house. It had nothing to do with his mobile phone or livestream; he just wanted to spend more time with the beauty in front of him. Even if she frowned at him, he felt incredibly happy and satisfied.

At the same time, he harbored a strong fantasy. If he could have some kind of interaction with this heavenly woman in front of him, that would be even better!

In this moment, Kuai Le found himself praying that the rain would continue. This way, he could stay here for at least an hour. After an hour, if the rain still hadn't stopped, he would beg the woman to let him stay a little longer, even if he had to pretend to be pitiful.

Seeing Kuai Le nod enthusiastically, the woman snorted but said nothing. She turned to the stove, and the wooden door remained open. It seemed she had no intention of closing it.

"Beauty, aren't you going to close the door?" Kuai Le looked at the door, then at the woman, and asked.

"Why close it? What if you have some malicious intent? Then I won't be able to escape," the woman responded coldly, walking towards her simple stove.

Kuai Le awkwardly smiled and quickly explained, "Don't worry, I'm not that kind of person. If I say I won't do anything, then I won't. You have to trust me. Besides, the door has been open all this time, and the rain is blowing in. Soon, the house will be soaked."

While speaking, Kuai Le closed the door. The woman only snorted, not stopping him.

The matters of the mobile phone and the livestream were completely forgotten by Kuai Le at this moment. After closing the door, he couldn't help but feel excited.

However, he tried not to show his excitement on his face and instead pretended to casually inspect everything in the room.

The room was simple, with just a wooden bed, a makeshift stove, and some ordinary wooden furniture. Though small, it had everything necessary for daily life.

The light in the room came from a brazier burning fiercely, illuminating the not-so-large space.

"Beauty, why do you live alone on the mountain?" Kuai Le found a topic and initiated the conversation.

The woman sat in front of the stove, adding firewood. Although she faced Kuai Le directly, she didn't look at him. She responded calmly while adding wood.

"The mountain is quiet."

Her answer was concise and to the point. Compared to before, her voice lacked a trace of impatience, which pleased Kuai Le. To him, it was a good start.

"It seems you're tired of the noise in the city, so you chose to live here. But, as a girl, living on the mountaintop, aren't you afraid?" Kuai Le had a smile on his face, genuinely curious.

"Afraid of what? Ghosts? Are ghosts scarier than people?" she countered.

Kuai Le chuckled, seemingly not grasping the meaning behind the woman's words. He grabbed a wooden stool, sat down, and continued with a smile, "Ghosts aren't scary, but when I saw this wooden house, my heart skipped a beat. And when I heard a woman's voice from inside, I was even more startled!"

"Why?" the woman asked casually, still not looking at Kuai Le, continuously adding firewood to the stove.

"Because I've watched a lot of movies. If there's a cabin or an old temple in the deep mountains, there must be a female ghost or a witch inside. They use various methods to seduce passing men and, once successful, might devour them. So, I got a bit scared, worried that I might be in such a situation," Kuai Le said with a smile, his face expressing not a hint of fear or regret but rather deep anticipation.

"Humph, they eat scholars. Are you a scholar?" the woman coldly snorted, questioning him.

This question made Kuai Le feel a bit awkward. He smiled and replied, "Didn't finish elementary school, does that count?"

"What do you think?" the woman asked, not even thinking twice, answering with another question.

Kuai Le didn't know how to respond, so he just chuckled.

"Although you're not a scholar, you share something with them," the woman said, causing Kuai Le's eyes to light up. Based on movies and novels, encounters with female ghosts or witches in the deep mountains didn't always end with being devoured. He knew it was just fiction, different from reality, but he hoped something good might happen to him.

"What's similar between us? Tell me!" Kuai Le eagerly asked.

"You're both lecherous and equally clueless about life," the woman said with a disgusted expression.

If someone else had said that to him, Kuai Le would have angrily retorted. However, facing this woman, he couldn't summon any anger.

"Hehe, from what I know, not many scholars who went to the capital for the imperial examination succeeded. Those who frequented brothels were good at it, and the annoying part is, many of them not only frequented but also pretended to be saints. It's disgusting. Even if you, beauty, find it repulsive, I hate it too. Times have changed. If they lived in our era, they might have become protected national treasures," Kuai Le said.

The woman remained silent, and Kuai Le felt a bit anxious. He didn't know if the woman agreed or disagreed with his words.

If she agreed, he could smoothly continue the conversation, using this topic to chat with her, gradually changing her attitude and perception of him, and perhaps becoming friends. If everything went well, he might even get to know her more deeply.

However, the woman's reaction made it unclear whether she agreed or disagreed. Maintaining silence, she killed the topic for Kuai Le, forcing him to switch to a new one.

Fortunately, he was prepared, so he remained calm. Acting as if nothing had happened, he casually shifted the topic.

"Beauty, are you stewing something? It smells so good; I could smell it even when I was outside."

Seeing the woman tending to the stove and adding firewood, Kuai Le directed the conversation towards this.

"Stewing soup," the woman replied calmly.

"Soup? What kind of soup are you stewing? It smells amazing. I've never smelled such a delicious soup before," Kuai Le licked his lips, smiling.

He wasn't lying; he had genuinely never encountered such a fragrant soup before.

The woman didn't respond and continued to wait with a piece of firewood in her hand.

It was clear that the woman didn't want to talk much with Kuai Le. He noticed, but he didn't give up.

"Now that the weather is getting cooler, and it's quite chilly up here in the mountains. If I could have a bowl of soup to warm myself, it would be so blissful," Kuai Le hinted, and the woman couldn't possibly miss it.

This time, the woman didn't show indifference or ignore Kuai Le as before. She looked at him, and her previously stern face unexpectedly broke into a smile.

"This pot of soup is for noodle soup. Do you want a bowl?"

The woman's smile was charming, but it carried a strange undertone, especially when she mentioned noodles. The air of strangeness in her smile became more pronounced.

Unfortunately, Kuai Le only saw the charming aspect of her smile and didn't perceive the strangeness. He was entranced by her smile, forgetting who he was, and kept nodding foolishly.

However, at that moment, a chill suddenly spread across Kuai Le's chest. This chill startled him, and he snapped back to his senses.

The woman in front of him was still the same, equally beautiful and enchanting. However, the piece of firewood in her hand had transformed into a white bone!

Next Chapter -> Chapter 262: Panic Stricken in Green

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