Realm of the Night God

Chapter 438: Never Expected

New Yang City is a neighboring city to Ancheng. However, New Yang City is much larger than Ancheng, with an area exceeding half of Ancheng's. The city's development is also far beyond what Ancheng can compare to.

Compared to Lecheng, Ancheng is significantly larger and has a much higher population. In this comparison, Lecheng is a small city in front of New Yang City.

Of course, Lecheng was originally just a small city. Looking at the entire New Genesis World, small cities like Lecheng are at the bottom tier.

Since they didn't know the exact destination, Yang Haoran had Sloppy Man tear open a space rift to lead the way.

Sloppy Man's strength is formidable. Each time he tears open a space rift, the distance traveled is considerable. However, due to the vast distance between Lecheng and New Yang City, he couldn't transport them to their destination in one go.

After multiple space rift openings, the three of them finally set foot within the boundaries of New Yang City, revealing themselves in a secluded dense forest.

Stepping out of the space rift, Yang Haoran's gaze instinctively swept around, seemingly casual, but observing if there were any abnormalities in the vicinity. Only then did he turn his gaze towards Sloppy Man.

"Where is this place?" Yang Haoran asked with a smile.

"New Sun Mountains. Our destination is near the foot of the mountains closer to New Yang City," Sloppy Man replied in a deep voice.

"How far is it from here?" Yang Haoran continued to ask.

"Five kilometers," Sloppy Man answered.

Yang Haoran nodded with a smile, indicating his understanding, then turned his gaze towards Bai Xue.

Before he could speak, the corners of Bai Xue's mouth curled up slightly beneath her mask.

"Underworld Envoy Big Brother, you don't need to remind me. I know what to do."

As the words fell, Bai Xue completely sealed her entire energy fluctuations. No trace of energy could be sensed from her.

Yang Haoran smiled and swallowed the words on his lips, then similarly sealed his energy fluctuations. The protective Yin Qi around his body dispersed, and the unique chilliness brought by the Yin Qi disappeared.

Sloppy Man also sealed his energy fluctuations. The reason he chose to exit the space rift five kilometers away from their destination was to avoid their presence from being detected if they got too close.

Such caution indicates that their opponent is formidable. Otherwise, Sloppy Man would not have exited the space rift at this location.

After successfully sealing their energy fluctuations, Sloppy Man took the lead, guiding them on foot towards their destination.

The dense forest was difficult to traverse, filled with numerous snakes, insects, rats, and ants. If an ordinary person found themselves in such an environment, they would need to remain vigilant at all times to avoid losing their lives.

Of course, Yang Haoran's group wouldn't fall into such a situation. Even with their energy fluctuations sealed and without using their internal powers, their physical bodies and reflexes were far superior to ordinary people's. Traversing through such a dense forest didn't pose much pressure for them.

Especially for Bai Xue, who was a Serpent Demon, returning to such an environment felt like a fish returning to water, making her feel both enjoyment and familiarity.

"Since we still have a distance to go, tell me about the specific situation so I have a better understanding," Yang Haoran said as he walked behind Sloppy Man.

Sloppy Man's pace remained steady, and after a moment of silence, he asked in a deep voice, "What do you want to know?"

"For example, is the target you're trying to rescue male or female? What are their distinguishing features? Are they a Demon Hunter or an ordinary person? I need to have a general idea, so I don't accidentally kill the wrong person," Yang Haoran said with a smile.

Yang Haoran wasn't particularly interested in the target Sloppy Man intended to rescue. He hadn't inquired about it before their departure.

However, since they were about to reach their destination and had nothing better to do, he decided to ask. After all, there was no harm in understanding the situation better.

At the mention of the target they were trying to rescue, a complex expression appeared on Sloppy Man's face. However, since he was leading the way, his back was turned towards Yang Haoran and Bai Xue, so they didn't notice the change in his expression.

After another moment of silence, Sloppy Man said in a deep voice, "The target we're trying to rescue is a female. She's not a Demon Hunter, but when we reach our destination, all the Demon Hunters will be our enemies. If you have the ability, you can kill as many as you want."

"Not a Demon Hunter?" Yang Haoran's face showed a hint of curiosity as he asked, "Could it be that she's an ordinary person? But if she's just an ordinary person, why would the other Demon Hunters capture her? Is it to use her as leverage against you?"

Sloppy Man shook his head and then replied in a deep voice, "She's not a Demon Hunter, nor is she an ordinary person. She's... a demon."

Yang Haoran's smile froze, and Bai Xue's eyes widened in surprise beneath her mask.

Two people did not expect that the sloppy man would give them such an unexpected answer.

Sloppy man was a demon hunter, and hunting demons was his profession and mission. To put it bluntly, as a demon hunter, he was completely opposed to demons, so how could he possibly save a demon?

Sloppy man risked his life to find Yang Haoran, and even paid a huge price for it, but it turned out to be to save a demon, to save a demon from the hands of his fellow demon hunters. This was simply unbelievable.

Yang Haoran was stunned for a moment, thinking he must have misheard. He looked at Bai Xue beside him, and seeing the confusion in her eyes behind the mask, he was sure he had not misheard.

"Save a demon? From the hands of your fellow demon hunters? Even going so far as to spend a fortune to hire me to kill your fellow demon hunters. Demon hunter, are you joking?" Yang Haoran asked in a tone of obvious surprise and disbelief.

"Heh heh, surprised? There's nothing surprising about it. Didn't you once risk your life to save the serpent demon beside you from me?" Sloppy man laughed and said.

However, although sloppy man laughed, his laughter was very low and gloomy, as if he was struggling to suppress something.

After hearing sloppy man's words, Bai Xue glanced at Yang Haoran beside her, then instinctively moved a little closer to him, but Yang Haoran was too focused on sloppy man to notice this detail.

"Back then, I saved Bai Xue because she's my friend. Of course, I wouldn't just watch her die at your hands. Besides, her identity doesn't conflict with mine. But you're different. You're a demon hunter, and isn't your duty to hunt and kill demons?" Yang Haoran wore a faint smile, but his tone revealed more confusion.

Upon hearing this, sloppy man first laughed at himself in self-mockery, then said, "Demons eat people, and demon hunters are tasked with hunting demons. It sounds great to be a demon hunter, but very few demon hunters can actually do it. Most demon hunters hunt demons only for their own benefit, not for anything great. As for why I chose to become a demon hunter, it's not because of any great ambition or to gain more benefits either. I simply want to kill demons, to kill all the demons in the world."

As soon as these words came out, Yang Haoran's smile froze again, but he quickly recovered, silently cursing to himself.

Bai Xue's reaction was even stronger than Yang Haoran's because sloppy man's words targeted all demons, including her. Upon hearing this, her eyes flashed with a cold light, and the resentment she already harbored toward sloppy man almost became uncontrollable.

But at that moment, a hand gently patted her shoulder. The owner of that hand was Yang Haoran.

Bai Xue looked at Yang Haoran, then struggled to suppress her resentment again, forcing a smile and nodding at him. Seeing this, Yang Haoran let out a sigh of relief before turning his gaze back to sloppy man ahead.

Sloppy man seemed to have not sensed the killing intent that had just burst from Bai Xue, or perhaps he sensed it but didn't care. Either way, he kept leading the way without pause.

"Demon hunter, your words are increasingly contradictory and confusing. If you want to kill all demons, why would you take such a big risk to save a demon?" Yang Haoran continued asking.

Upon hearing this, sloppy man, whose steps had never faltered, finally stopped. He only said one sentence before resuming his steps, but that sentence left Yang Haoran and Bai Xue stunned once again.

"I chose to save her because I want to kill her with my own hands!"

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