Realm of the Night God

Chapter 84: Stabbed Once

Chapter 84: Stabbed Once

Approaching Guanhai, Yang Haoran yelled and shook him vigorously, but to no avail. Guanhai remained trapped in the illusion.

Seeing this, Yang Haoran had no choice but to infuse Guanhai with his Yin spirit power!

Directly injecting Yin spirit power into a living body, Yang Haoran couldn't be certain whether this would affect Guanhai. However, in the current situation, he couldn't afford to consider too much. Even if infusing Guanhai with Yin spirit power might have some adverse effects, it was better than losing his life.

With Yin spirit power dwindling in Yang Haoran's body, infusing Guanhai with it showed the weight Guanhai held in his heart. In this situation, every bit of Yin spirit power preserved could potentially be the saving grace.

To awaken Guanhai immediately, he had to do this!

As he infused Guanhai with Yin spirit power, Yang Haoran witnessed the scene he least wanted to see. It wasn't because Guanhai reacted violently to the infusion; quite the contrary. Guanhai showed no reaction at all to the Yin spirit power, remaining ensnared in the illusion.

This sight filled Yang Haoran with a sense of powerlessness. He had thought Yin spirit power would be his trump card to awaken Guanhai, but it turned out to be futile.

He understood that the ineffectiveness of the Yin spirit power wasn't due to its quality but rather his own weakness. He was simply too feeble, resulting in the Yin spirit power infusion having no desired effect.

Reluctantly releasing Guanhai, Yang Haoran shifted his gaze to the red robe evil spirit hovering in the air.

The only way to awaken Guanhai from the illusion was to eliminate the red robe evil spirit. Once the red robe evil spirit disappeared, all illusions she created would vanish.

However, Yang Haoran knew that dealing with the red robe evil spirit with his current strength was extremely difficult. Nevertheless, he had to try. He couldn't stand by and watch Guanhai perish before him.

"Darn it, I hope Haizi can get through this. If he survives, I'll make sure he stays away from such dangerous ventures in the future!"

With these thoughts in mind, Yang Haoran glanced at his left hand, noticing that the soul gathering bead was still embedded in the ring. This indicated that the previous events involving the soul gathering bead being knocked into the wall hadn't actually happened. He had already been ensnared in the red robe evil spirit's illusion at that time.

As for when exactly he had fallen into the illusion, he didn't have the time or inclination to analyze it now. The most important thing at the moment was to get rid of the red robe evil spirit!

Since everything that had happened before was just an illusion, he needed to see if the soul gathering bead could have any effect on the red robe evil spirit.

Without hesitation, Yang Haoran summoned the soul gathering bead towards the location of the red robe evil spirit.

As the soul gathering bead flew towards her, the red robe evil spirit, who had been motionless, reacted this time. She seemed to have some fear of the soul gathering bead, choosing to evade rather than stand still and be hit.

Seeing this, Yang Haoran felt a glimmer of hope. His biggest fear was that the soul gathering bead would have no effect on the red robe evil spirit. But from the current situation, it seemed otherwise!

As long as the red robe evil spirit feared the soul gathering bead, there was still hope!

Upon seeing the red robe evil spirit evade, Yang Haoran swiftly controlled the soul gathering bead to pursue her. However, at that moment, a figure suddenly lunged towards him.

Reacting quickly, Yang Haoran, now a member of the Night Watch, dodged to the side like an arrow.


A chair smashed where he had been standing before. The attacker turned out to be Eldest son Wu!

Looking at the shattered chair, Yang Haoran took a sharp breath. With the wealth of the Wu Family, it was evident that their furniture was of excellent quality. Despite that, he managed to smash the chair into pieces! Fortunately, Yang Haoran avoided the blow. If he had been a bit slower, he would have been seriously injured or worse.

"Damn, Eldest son Wu has been quite inconspicuous today. I almost forgot about him, but now he's giving me a surprise attack! And it's vicious!"

While Yang Haoran was alarmed, Eldest son Wu showed no signs of relenting. He charged towards Yang Haoran as if possessed by an irreconcilable hatred.

Facing the frenzied charge of Eldest son Wu, Yang Haoran didn't retaliate. He knew that Eldest son Wu's mind was ensnared by the illusion at this moment, mistaking him for some enemy, hence the vicious attack.

With Eldest son Wu's interference, Yang Haoran couldn't focus on dealing with the red robe evil spirit. Just as he was contemplating how to overcome this dilemma, Master Wu, Wu Xiaoxiao, along with Guanhai, all rushed towards him!

"Darn it! This red robe evil spirit intends to kill me through this method!"

Yang Haoran saw through the red robe evil spirit's trick, but he couldn't think of a good solution for the moment.

While facing a single attacker wasn't much of a problem with his current reflexes, being attacked by multiple people was overwhelming.


Unable to dodge, Wu Xiaoxiao swung a vase at Yang Haoran's back. The vase shattered upon impact, causing him to stumble. Before he could regain his balance, he felt a sharp pain in his abdomen.

Looking down, he saw a fruit knife lodged in his stomach. A complex expression crossed his face.

It wasn't that he didn't believe someone would harm him. Given the chaotic situation, it was normal for him to be injured with his current strength. However, what made his expression complicated was that the one who stabbed him wasn't someone else, but his best friend, Guanhai.

Guanhai, under the control of the red robe evil spirit, seemed filled with hatred. This stab didn't seem to lessen his anger. From his demeanor, it seemed he wanted to pull out the knife and stab Yang Haoran again.

At the same time, seizing the opportunity, Wu Xiaoxiao, with her robust physique, leaped towards Yang Haoran with the force of a mountain.

If Wu Xiaoxiao's entire weight landed on Yang Haoran, even if he wasn't stabbed by Guanhai, he would be crushed to death.

At this critical moment, a black suitcase suddenly smashed into Wu Xiaoxiao. As she was sent flying, a powerful shockwave erupted, sending everyone tangled with Yang Haoran flying, including Guanhai.

"Come over here!"

Turning around, Yang Haoran saw Ma Ling, who had somehow broken free from the illusion, looking anxiously at him.

How Ma Ling broke the illusion was no longer important. What mattered was that she woke up just in time!

Without hesitation, despite the intense pain in his abdomen, Yang Haoran stumbled towards Ma Ling.

As Guanhai was thrown away by the force of the black suitcase, the fruit knife he held was pulled out. This posed a problem for Yang Haoran as blood continued to flow from the wound.

"Hurry, use your Yin spirit power to seal the wound. It will stop the bleeding and aid in healing!"

Seeing Yang Haoran cover the wound with his hand, yet blood still spurted out, Ma Ling quickly reminded him.

Yang Haoran had never used Yin spirit power in this way before, so he wasn't sure if it would work. However, given the current situation, he didn't have much choice. He immediately concentrated his Yin spirit power towards the wound.

A black aura emanated from the wound, accompanied by a cool sensation. Though the wound continued to bleed, it significantly reduced, and the pain lessened.

Yang Haoran didn't expect Yin spirit power to have such a miraculous effect. The fact that the Yin spirit power took effect immediately surprised him. If Ma Ling hadn't reminded him, he wouldn't have discovered it until later.

Ma Ling beckoned, and the black suitcase returned to her hand.

The others present were still trapped in the illusion. Under the control of the red robe evil spirit, everyone, including the talisman master Wang Yiming, charged towards Yang Haoran and Ma Ling.

It seemed that the red robe evil spirit intended to eliminate Yang Haoran and Ma Ling using everyone's power!

"Is there a way to make them wake up?" Yang Haoran shouted to Ma Ling.

The evil spirit itself wasn't physically powerful, but it could create extremely realistic illusions, causing those trapped within to lose themselves and obey its every command. If they could break free from the illusion, dealing with the evil spirit would be much easier.

As a member of the Night Watch, Yang Haoran naturally understood this principle. However, with his current strength and means, he couldn't awaken others from the illusion. Thus, he could only rely on Ma Ling, considering she had also broken free from the red robe evil spirit's illusion.

Ma Ling didn't answer Yang Haoran. She was now serious, devoid of the drunkenness from before. There was no hint of intoxication on her face. Instead, she quickly formed hand seals and muttered incantations under her breath, seemingly preparing a powerful spell!

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