Realm of the Night God

Chapter 87: Complex Relationships (1)

Chapter 87: Complex Relationships (1)

Today, Guanhai, unusually, got up early from his warm bed. With Yang Haoran stabbed, he wanted to understand what had happened and also to see how Yang Haoran was recovering.

So, he made a special trip to the pharmacy, buying a lot of nutritional supplements for Yang Haoran, as well as some medicines useful for wound recovery.

Upon seeing Yang Haoran, although his face was pale, when Guanhai saw Yang Haoran snatch everything from his hands, he knew that Yang Haoran's condition was much better than he had imagined, which relieved him considerably.

But when he inquired about the wound on Yang Haoran's body, instead of getting the results he wanted, Yang Haoran mentioned the Red Robe Evil Spirit.

Guanhai knew Yang Haoran was intentionally changing the subject, but the mention of the Red Robe Evil Spirit piqued his interest, especially the last words Yang Haoran shouted at Second Son Wu when he was finally imprisoned in the Soul Gathering Bead. Even now, it sent shivers down his spine.

"So, what's the deal with this fierce ghost?"

Guanhai directly referred to the Red Robe Evil Spirit as a fierce ghost. In the eyes of ordinary people, any such entity could almost always be referred to as a fierce ghost. So Yang Haoran didn't elaborate much on this question; instead, he began telling the story of the Red Robe Evil Spirit.

The Red Robe Evil Spirit was named Ning Longyang. His family was not well-off, but he never thought about doing anything for his family to change their situation or ease their burden. He felt that as long as he lived well himself, it was enough. So he had no goals for improvement and lived his days aimlessly.

Until a woman appeared again and changed his perspective, giving him the motivation to strive. This woman's name was Yang Lu, who was also Lulu, Second Son Wu's girlfriend.

Yang Lu's hometown was the same village as Ning Longyang's. They had some interaction during their childhood. Ning Longyang liked Yang Lu, his playmate, very much. He felt empty whenever he didn't see her.

Because they were young at the time, Ning Longyang didn't understand what love was. He just knew that Yang Lu made him feel good, comfortable, so he looked forward to meeting her every day.

But these days were short-lived. Within a year, Yang Lu's parents went out to work and took her along. And that was over a decade ago.

When Yang Lu returned to the village, more than ten years had passed. She had turned into a beautiful young lady, attractive in appearance, good figure, and demeanor.

However, her parents didn't return to the village with her. She came back alone and pregnant.

Ning Longyang, who had been idle in the village, naturally saw Yang Lu's return. When he saw Yang Lu again, scenes from their childhood flashed in his mind. His heart pounded inexplicably, his face flushed with excitement, and even his body trembled slightly.

In Ning Longyang's eyes, the present Yang Lu was like a celestial being, the woman he most desired to marry. But to his disappointment, Yang Lu was pregnant with someone else's child.

A good cabbage had been dug up by someone else, and it was the cabbage he had his eyes on. This made Ning Longyang very uncomfortable, but he didn't give up. He went to Yang Lu's house every day, helping with chores and taking care of Yang Lu during her pregnancy.

Ning Longyang, who used to be idle, living off others, suddenly became diligent because of Yang Lu's return. However, his parents were not happy; they were extremely worried and repeatedly told him not to go to Yang Lu's house.

What kind of person their son was, Ning Longyang's parents knew very well. Besides, they were experienced people who had lived for many years. How could they not know that Ning Longyang went to Yang Lu's house every day with ulterior motives?

Was it not easy for a girl like Yang Lu to be pregnant?

It was not that simple. Ning Longyang's parents knew that their son had taken a fancy to Yang Lu, so he went to her house every day, sweeping the floor, cooking, and making the bed. Those who didn't know would think they were a married couple.

Ning Longyang's actions made his parents extremely worried. If Yang Lu hadn't been pregnant, it would have been a good thing for them. They wouldn't need Ning Longyang to speak up; they would find ways to help their son get married early and become grandparents sooner.

However, Yang Lu was pregnant, and through the mouths of Yang Lu's relatives, Ning Longyang's parents learned that Yang Lu returned to the village because of emotional setbacks. She fell in love with a married man and was forced to return temporarily to the village.

Although Ning Longyang's parents were rural people and hadn't seen much of the world, they had lived for many years after all. They could guess what Yang Lu was planning.

In the eyes of Ning Longyang's parents, Yang Lu probably wanted to wait until the child was born, using the child as leverage to get what she wanted.

Although this was just the speculation of Ning Longyang's parents, they felt it was very likely. After all, that's how it's portrayed in TV dramas.

Therefore, Ning Longyang's actions were strongly opposed by his parents. They didn't want to see their son hurt, let alone become a father so soon.

However, despite their persuasion, Ning Longyang became even more rebellious. He visited Yang Lu's house more frequently and took care of her even more meticulously. Unable to control Ning Longyang, his parents could only reluctantly let him go astray.

As days passed by, the relationship between Ning Longyang and his parents became increasingly strained, but his relationship with Yang Lu grew closer.

Perhaps it was because there was a void in Yang Lu's heart, and Ning Longyang's presence happened to fill that void.

Or perhaps it was because Yang Lu had been feeling helpless and lonely during this time, needing the care of a man.

Or perhaps there were other reasons, but they didn't matter. What mattered was that Yang Lu showed affection towards Ning Longyang.

Ning Longyang was ecstatic. It seemed like he had tasted the sweetness and fragrance of love, making it irresistible, wanting to immerse himself completely in it.

As Yang Lu's belly grew, she went to Lecheng for check-ups several times with Ning Longyang to ensure the baby's health. The baby was developing well with no problems.

However, an unexpected event occurred: Yang Lu inexplicably miscarried.

Losing the child left Yang Lu in despair. Ning Longyang's parents were right; she did indeed want to use the child to elevate her status and reclaim what she believed was rightfully hers.

But now that the child was gone, everything fell apart, leaving her utterly hopeless. For a long time, she couldn't recover, living like a walking corpse, as if she had lost her spirit.

During this period, Ning Longyang became even more attentive to Yang Lu. Apart from returning home to sleep at night, he spent all his time with her.

With his efforts, he seemed to gradually enter Yang Lu's heart. Because of the increasingly strong affection Yang Lu showed towards him and her growing dependence on him.

However, this was only superficial. Yang Lu had her own agenda behind showing strong affection towards Ning Longyang.

Since she had lost the child, she decided to conceive another one. Thinking of how foolish Ning Longyang was, Yang Lu believed she could quickly become pregnant again as long as she agreed.

With this plan in mind, Yang Lu decided to break through the thin paper between them.

Without any surprises, the two confirmed their romantic relationship. In order for Yang Lu to live a good life, Ning Longyang, who had been idle, decided to find a job in the city.

Since Yang Lu had her own plans to implement, she naturally decided to leave with Ning Longyang.

The decision was made in the afternoon, and they acted immediately. That afternoon, despite his parents' dissuasion, Ning Longyang packed his things and prepared to head to Lecheng overnight.

Under the setting sun, Ning Longyang ran recklessly on the road, appearing excited and happy, like a bird released from a cage, feeling as if the sky was the limit.

However, he didn't notice the passing vehicles and was hit by a speeding car. The driver of the car was none other than Second Son Wu, who had returned from a trip.

Ning Longyang wasn't killed on the spot, but he was seriously injured and was taken to the hospital.

With the financial power of the Wu Family, handling such matters was not difficult. Even if Ning Longyang wasn't in danger, if he had been killed, Second Son Wu could have dealt with it without much trouble and without any consequences.

Usually, Second Son Wu wouldn't bother himself with such incidents; he would just settle it with money. However, his actions this time were quite unusual.

Not only did he compensate Ning Longyang with a large sum of money, but he also visited the hospital every day during Ning Longyang's stay, seeming to care about Ning Longyang's condition.

Accustomed to being arrogant, how could Second Son Wu possibly be concerned about the health of a poor guy? The reason he visited the hospital every day, under the guise of seeing Ning Longyang, was actually to pursue Yang Lu.

Yang Lu was beautiful, elegant, a rare beauty. The first time Second Son Wu saw Yang Lu, he was captivated by her beauty.

Yang Lu was Ning Longyang's girlfriend, and since Ning Longyang was hospitalized, Yang Lu would definitely be at the hospital to take care of him. It was with this in mind that Second Son Wu visited the hospital every day, seeking more opportunities to interact with Yang Lu.

He firmly believed that as long as he wielded the hoe well, there was no wall he couldn't knock down. He had experience in this area and believed that given some time, he could definitely win over Yang Lu!

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