Reaper's Resurgence: A System Reset LitRPG

B1 | Chapter 22 - Reasoning and Species

Alexia Knight

The clone doesn’t say anything for several seconds before eventually narrowing his eyes and answering, “Because my original grew tired.”

I blink in confusion at that.

“Tired?” I ask, unsure of what he means.

“Yes, tired,” he repeats with a nod of his head. “To clarify, my original was over one trillion years old.”

My eyes widen in shock at that, and I find myself glad that I’m already sitting down.

“Just… what level were you?” I can’t help but ask. The man just smiles at me without answering though, leaving me feeling disgruntled.

Nothing I can say if he doesn’t want to answer though. And I can understand wanting to die if he’d lived over a trillion years. Especially if he spent the last three hundred years of that locked in a liquid-filled tank being experimented on, showing him the depravity of those he had uplifted with his System.

In fact, that actually makes the System Reset make a lot more sense as well.

Take the power away from the scumbags of the universe and see what happens.

If the System’s Notification is anything to go by, a fourth of the former Ascendants are already dead. So it certainly seems to be working.

I doubt it’s much of a permanent solution though, since more scumbags are just gonna rise out of this Reset to replace them.

The clone doesn’t say anything in regard to my thoughts, just saying silent.

This guy is just leading me to come to my own conclusions, isn’t he? Not giving me any specifics and instead throwing out random bits of information…

His smile grows wider at that, making me want to slap him.

Well, whatever. He’s not going to answer any more questions along those lines, and thinking about it now is wasting the remaining minutes I have to question him.

“Would you mind telling me who my parents are?” I ask the next question, albeit one that isn’t as pressing in my opinion.

He shakes his head, “No. That is for you and your father to figure out on your own.”

I blink at the way he phrased that.

For me and my father to figure out… meaning my father doesn’t actually know about me? Or Astrid?

He once again doesn’t answer.

“Do you know where Astrid is?” I ask with a frown, and he mirrors it for a second, his eyes flashing before he answers, “Your twin is nearby the dungeon entrance outside of the dungeon.”

“And is she safe?” I continue, feeling a little bit better knowing that all I’ll have to do is complete the dungeon or find a hidden exit and I’ll be able to find her quickly enough.

“Her team is doing better than average,” he answers without giving any details away, but this time it’s enough to make me relax. Until he adds, “And you won’t be able to find a hidden exit in this dungeon. There aren’t any until after the first clear of each dungeon.”

My jaw drops.

The hell?!

“This dungeon run is meant to be a challenge for you, and the original did not want Legendary Feat holders running around unchecked at the start of the Tutorial,” he explains, basically saying almost the same thing the System Notification did. “If you can clear the challenge, you can leave the dungeon. If not, you’ll either be dead, or stuck in here until the end of the Tutorial.”

Well that’s annoying.

He raises a brow and asks, “Would you rather all the former Ascendants go around killing the users at the very start of the Tutorial with their higher rarity classes and more advanced knowledge on skills and magic in general?”

No, I agree with the decision. That doesn’t make it less annoying for me though.

If the System didn’t do that then it would end up with a lot of the Ascendants just going around using their knowledge and Legendary Feat perks and class advantage to kill everyone they saw, taking their points and leaving them in stasis for the duration of the Tutorial. And that would just lead to those Ascendants ending up at the peak again right off the bat.

Doing it this way, while it technically gives them an opportunity to grow strong thanks to the dungeons, it also culls their numbers a bit.


“Why did you let people retain a single Legendary Feat, anyways?” I can’t help but ask, curiosity taking over for a moment.

He frowns at that and answers in a disgruntled tone, “My original didn’t have a choice. The System itself enforced that.”

I raise a brow.

So you didn’t have absolute control over your own creation?

The man refuses to look me in the eye.


“Do you know what sort of skills my class will give me as it levels?” I ask, but he just shakes his head and says no. So I move on to ask, “What are the differences between a quantum reaper and a human?”

“You should’ve led off with that question,” he says, making me understand he’ll be answering it. “Unlike humans, quantum entities do not require food or water to survive. Instead you take your nutrients directly from the quantum energy around you. Your body is also no longer fully in the normal reality, making you constantly on the border between the quantum realm and the normal realm. This in turn makes your body more susceptible to magical attacks and far less susceptible to physical ones.”

Okay, finally got my confirmation on the nutrients thing. Meaning I can bathe in the pond without caring about saving some clean water in case I needed to drink it.

His eyebrow twitches at my thoughts, but he continues talking anyways, “Some of your body will also be affected by the quantum state of it through glitching back together when separated from your main body, but keep in mind that this only happens sometimes. Meanwhile your senses will be clearer than they were as a human, especially your eyes which simply no longer need light to see since you’re looking from a halfway point between the normal realm and the quantum realm.”

That would certainly explain why I can see perfectly fine in the dark. Also would explain the whole ‘some of my blood glitching back into my wounds’ thing.

“Every other difference will be one you must learn about yourself or discover as you advance in Tier and receive the Racial skills,” he says, making me frown for a moment before I nod my head.

He’s already given me more than I expected he would, so I’ll have to be content with that.

His image begins to glitch out, making me frown.

“It would appear as if our time is out,” he states before nodding his head once, “farewell once again, young reaper.”

Then he vanishes in a flash of purple light.

Shit. There was still a couple things I wanted to ask him. Like about mana and soul.

I sigh before looking at my soul and finding that it’s regenerated a decent chunk already even if it’s not full yet.

Guess I can ask him the next time one of his clones appear. For now I’ll just finish regenerating my soul before going back in to deal with the bugs.

Because I have a long way to go if I want to finish this dungeon before the month is over, and it’s likely to only get harder from here on out.

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