Reaper's Resurgence: A System Reset LitRPG

B1 | Chapter 25 - Pond of Restoration and an Unpleasant Surprise

Alexia Knight

The very first thing I do after checking the forest for monsters and finding it vacant is rush straight to the lake before jumping in without even taking off my armor. Because my armor really needs some cleaning as well.

And almost immediately after entering the water, I feel a tingling sensation run through me, making me realize my mistake. So I quickly identify the water.


Pond of Restoration

Description: A pond located within the middle of a Tier 1 dungeon with regenerative properties. Anyone who enters the pond will gain a temporary boost to their mana stat, feel refresh of energy, and their Tier 1 or below System Items will be repaired.

Stats Bonus: +10% Health Regeneration.

Requirements: None.

Item Tier: 1


I relax again after seeing that, smiling again.

Didn’t realize the pond itself could be a System Item. Also didn’t think to check if the pond wasn’t just a regular pond of water.

I should probably start getting used to identifying items just like I identify monsters. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if I’ll have to get used to identifying other users as well, strictly due to the fact that I’m pretty sure it’s gonna be necessary to survive.

Although I’ll have to find users first to get used to identifying them.

Anyways, I look at my armor to find the damaged spots repairing themselves rather slowly.

Okay. This I can work with.

The only question is if I can take the pond with me.

After letting myself clean up, relax, and get my armor repaired in the pond for a bit, I get out and begin walking back to the main tree of the forest. All while casting a pitiful glance towards the pond that I really can’t take with me. For obvious reasons, seeing as it’s a pond.

Once I make it back to the main tree, I head to the back of the bottom floor of the tree before finding what I’m looking for. The only exit to this large cavern aside from the one I entered through.

A large hole in the ground covered in cobwebs.

I can’t help but grimace at the thought of jumping into that cobweb infested two-meter-in-diameter hole, but a quick glance at my level on my status makes me feel more prepared.

Name: Alexia Knight Species: Quantum Reaper(T1)

Level: 29 Class: Quantum Reaper

Soul: 2,475/2,475

VIT: 85 DEX: 85 STR: 85 MAG: 113 MEN: 113

Racial Skills Active Skills

Passive Skills General Skills

Alright. My level should be high enough to deal with whatever is in this cobweb infested hole. Which is probably a bunch of spiders considering the cobwebs.

Not so surprising considering arachnids are the main type of monsters for this dungeon.

I take a deep breath before jumping into the hole and letting myself fall for a little bit through the cobwebs, making the effort I just put in to clean myself completely ruined again. After several seconds of falling though, I reach my hand out and dig into the stone wall, the tips of my fingers sparking slightly with quantum energy thanks to Quantum Infusion, letting me bury them a bit in the wall to slow my fall. Then after it’s slowed enough, I let go again and continue falling, repeating this process a few times after that.

Eventually I clear the hole, falling into a large cavern where the very first sight that greets me before I even land on the large, web-covered hole directly beneath the other one in the cavern is of the massive spider standing at the center of the cavern. One spanning at least five meters in length and three meters in height.

{Arachnid – Level 50}

And at the same time as when I identify the terrifying creature, another System Message plays out in my head.

[You have entered the Tier 1 Dungeon Crawling Cavern’s Second Boss Room. The Spider’s Lair.]

“What the fucking hell?!” I shout, not bothering with being quiet since the spider has clearly already noticed me, what with all its incredibly loud hissing. Not to mention the dozens upon dozens of other smaller spiders rushing towards me, all lesser arachnids like the ones in the maze.

And all between level 30 to level 40.

Whoever designed this dungeon should be fired. Who the fuck makes a random boss room that shoots up twenty-

My thoughts are interrupted when I hear a cracking sound, bringing my gaze to my feet, where I’m still standing on a layer of webbing over another seemingly endless pit. And as I look, I find the layer of webbing slowly cracking from my weight.

“Shit,” I mutter, following which the layer of webbing splits in half, making me fall straight down despite my attempts to grab at it. But the sight of the lesser arachnids almost reaching me make me change my mind about trying to not fall.

Okay, maybe it’s a nicer place down here rather than up there.

I can’t help but nod my head at the thought, using my own sense of humor to block the terror I was just feeling as I fall. And this fall lasts quite a bit longer than the other, without me ever leaving the boss room. Meaning that this entire place is one massive boss room.

Well that’s just peachy.

I find a pond that can heal me and my armor, then I end up stuck in a boss room with a boss twenty-one levels above me.

After a few more seconds of falling, I dig my hands into the wall again, just like with the last hole I fell into. Then I repeat the same process I did there until I finally end up dropping into some sort of tunnel full of cobwebs.

I look around for a moment before glancing up through the hole at the sound of skittering coming from it, likely signifying the approach of some of those lesser arachnids. Because I can’t see the boss fitting down this hole. It’s just too big.

Although I’m not going to risk it.

I look back down at the tunnel I’m in, finding an occasional tiny spider moving across the floor spanning only an inch or two in length. But when I try to identify it, I don’t get anything. Meaning that it’s too weak for the System to even consider a Class E species. Like most regular insects and animals.

Well, nothing else to do but take a walk through the cobweb infested tunnel.

So I begin walking through the tunnel while being careful not to make too much noise.

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