Rebirth 1991: Start Canned Food for Airplane

Chapter 418

Chapter 418

Seeing that the effect has been achieved, Jiang Cheng left chicly, leaving only a group of European car owners with big eyes and small eyes.

They are already in a state of confusion. What are they going to make in China?

While producing such advanced technology satellites, it is also possible to develop entirely new weapons.

Moreover, the bosses of these European cars are not fools. The weapon of China that can make Jiang Cheng so confident is definitely not a casual commodity.

“It seems that the times have changed. The rise of China is really fast, especially after Jiang Cheng appeared.”

Mercedes Cook said with emotion that there are many emotions in his eyes, helplessness, unwillingness, and weighing the next actions.

Cook is thinking about whether he should change to a cooperative ally.

Beautiful state-owned money is really rich, and it’s also a real pit when it gets people.

If China can become another choice, it seems to be a good situation.

Cook’s emotion is actually the common idea of ​​all European car owners present.

In their minds, a concept suddenly emerged.

China now seems to be able to bring greater benefits to them.


On the third day after the European car owners arrived in China, a loud noise suddenly sounded in the middle of China.

Through the efforts of countless scientists and staff day and night, the latest generation of precision guided missiles was successfully detonated.

This precision-guided missile named ‘eastwind’ is the result of a lifetime effort of countless scientists in China.

The strength of its core structure has reached a level of horror.

Faste Ordnance Factory is also the largest military base in Watsonton, a beautiful country.

The top missile experts in the beautiful country were all shocked after seeing the data of China’s ‘eastwind’ precision guided missiles.

“‘Eastwind’ precision-guided missile is a two-stage implosion nuclear device. This kind of nuclear bomb looks at the whole world, and only we and Da Mao can make it. Now there is actually one more China!”

Tony Mack, a first-class engineer from the beautiful country, gritted his teeth and said, his expression was very ugly.

Originally in precision guided missile technology, the beautiful country dominates the world. The sudden appearance of China directly shakes the dominance of the beautiful country, which makes the fanatical hegemonist Tony Mac very unacceptable.

As for the messy Da Mao who was beaten by himself in that good hand, they had already withdrawn from the battle for precision-guided missiles in silence.

“The hit accuracy of the eastwind precision guided missile is controlled within two hundred meters! The primary fission material of the missile head is plutonium, the fission core is wrapped by a beryllium reflective layer, the booster is deuterium-tritium, and the possible fusion material is lithium deuteride. -6! This is almost the same as our X80 precision guided missile!

Didn’t Da Mao stop its technical support for China a long time ago? How did they get this eastwind precision guided missile? Is it really magical? ”

Bieber Doyle took Tony Mack’s words and said with an incredible expression.

As a top missile research expert in a beautiful country, Bieber Doyle knows how difficult it is to study precision guided missiles.(Read more @

Even a beautiful country with the world’s strongest precision-guided missile strength does not have the confidence to be able to develop the eastwind precision-guided missile in such a short time without any help like China!

These parameters are no different from the X80 precision-guided missiles of the beautiful country. You must know that China’s precision-guided missiles were developed, but after losing the so-called support of Da Mao, they developed them independently in a way that was almost behind closed doors.

Naturally, these beautiful guys who started from blood and slaughter would not understand, but the reason why China is great is its endless creativity, and the force of never admitting defeat and not bowing to fate!

“There is almost no difference? The latest “eastwind” precision guided missile detonated by China is even equipped with two systems, a slow-rotation directional system and an attitude control system. The two systems can greatly improve the accuracy of the “eastwind” guidance. The flight stability, penetration capability and hit accuracy of the missile in the re-entry phase, thereby achieving a significant increase in the effective range!

“The effective range of the’eastwind’ precision guided missile is 5000 kilometers! The equivalent of its missile head is 500,000 tons!”

Looking at the two most critical data of Eastwind precision guided missiles, Wall Leonard was so scared that he stood still in place, with a steady stream of cold sweat from his back.

He is the chief engineer of precision-guided missiles in the entire beautiful country, and he is too aware of the horror of these two data.

Even the beautiful country’s X80 missile has an effective range of only 3,000 kilometers, and the missile head’s equivalent is no more than 200,000 tons.

Both the power and the effect are far inferior to the ‘eastwind’ precision guided missile!

“Five thousand…five thousand kilometers?! The launch distance between us and China’s coastal missile base is only more than 4,900 kilometers!”

James Howell was stunned when he heard the data of five thousand kilometers.

As the supreme leader of the Fatt Arsenal and the general of the beautiful country, James Howell discovered at once the meaning of the range of this ‘eastwind’ precision guided missile.

The whole person couldn’t say a word for a long time, and it felt as if someone had choked his throat, as did other researchers.

The huge arsenal research room was silent for a moment!

In fact, from the missile launch base along the coast of China to the Fast Arsenal, the exact distance is 4,912 kilometers!

And this data is the result of detailed measurements and calculations by countless scientists and mathematicians in China!

China is going to use the ‘eastwind’ precision guided missile to tell the beautiful country a truth.

You, who claim to be the world’s most powerful fighter, have military bases within the range of China.

This is a kind of deterrence, but also a manifestation of absolute power.

Back then on the land, you were beaten by me.

Now in terms of missiles, you still have to be beaten by me!

The truth is within the range of our China precision guided missile!

The successful detonation of the ‘eastwind’ precision-guided missile, the precision-guided missile, directly silenced the beautiful country.

They are very clear that this means that their tactics against the Gulf are not effective against China. As long as China is willing, their war intensity will be multiplied by a geometric increase.

You turn off the GPS, I can provide Beidou system!

The European car owners, headed by Mercedes Cook, hurriedly boarded the flight home, and even had no time for lunch.

For fear of wasting a little time, it will affect them to develop a new cooperation plan with Jiang Cheng and Bocheng Company

There is no need for Jiang Cheng to say more, the ‘eastwind’ precision guided missile is the best lobbyist.

The European car owners who originally wanted to stand on the sidelines between Jiang Cheng and the beautiful country, now there are only two thoughts left in their minds.

Go to fucking beautiful country, we want to and China! To cooperate with Jiang Cheng and Bocheng Group!

They all have their own interests.

The beautiful country is powerful, but you can’t prevent me from making money, right?

People now have Beidou satellites, ‘eastwind’ precision guided missiles and precision guided missiles. The biggest problem now is that I have two choices.

One reason can be seen from the behavior of these European capitalists who turn their faces faster than they turn books and only recognize money.

China now seems to be a choice that can bring them huge profits!

Times have changed.

We have to admit that perhaps China once had a bleak history, but this is just history.

We are unable to change what has happened.

But in the future, we can create.

Relying on the tenacity in the bones and the determination of generations to never give up, the descendants of China have stepped out of the trough step by step.

The dragon sleeping in the east has awakened.

Who doesn’t believe it, just listen to Longyin!

The east wind blows up in China, and everyone in the world is terrified!


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