Rebirth 2000, childhood sweetheart school beauty 18 years old

Chapter 189

Previously, Yi Feng met with Penguin founder Ma Teng and technical director Zhang Zhibei at the White Swan Hotel in Guangzhou, and the two sides had preliminary negotiations on investing in Penguin.

At that time, Yi Feng proposed a plan for investing in Penguin, that is, he invested 1 million yuan in the early stage of Penguin, took 10% of the shares of Penguin, and participated in the operation of Penguin, and the two sides also discussed the gambling agreement.

In the gambling agreement, if Yi Feng joined Penguin and made Penguin achieve an annual revenue of more than 10 million within a year, he could increase his equity share to 51%.

If he failed to achieve the revenue target, Yi Feng needed to invest another 5 million in Penguin, and he could not add more equity.

At that time, Ma Teng and Zhang Zhibei were somewhat tempted, but the equity change plan still needed to be agreed by other shareholders, including third-party investor shareholders, IDG Capital and Telecom Group and other co-founders.

Now that Ma Teng called, there must be progress!

Yi Feng's mouth curled up with a confident smile. This year is the most difficult year for Penguin, and it seems that they are also anxious.

After the phone rang three times, Yi Feng answered the call slowly.

"Hello, Mr. Ma."

"Haha, hello, Brother Yi, I’m here to tell you some good news today."Ma Teng's hearty laughter came from the other end of the phone.

"Oh? What good news?"Yi Feng pretended not to know and asked

"After Zhibei and I took turns doing the work of other shareholders, we have now agreed to discuss your investment in the company. Everyone feels that it is time to introduce new investors and new funds."Ma Teng said

"That's good. Yi Feng smiled.

"However, there are still some details that need to be discussed in a meeting, including the gambling agreement. Brother Yi, do you think you are free to come to Shenzhen Stock Exchange in the next two days? Decide on a time so that I can inform other shareholders."Ma Teng asked.

Yi Feng thought for a moment and replied,"I am only free on weekends. Tomorrow is Saturday. I can go to Shenzhen Stock Exchange at 9 o'clock on Saturday morning. The main thing is that I have too little time to arrange. Mr. Ma, do you think this time is suitable?"

"Haha, that's right. I also want to settle this matter for the company as soon as possible. Let's do it at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning. I'll notify other shareholders and book a meeting room. I'll text you the location later."Ma Teng said with a smile

"Okay, I'll wait for your news."Yi Feng smiled.

After the two finished talking about the business, they exchanged pleasantries for a few minutes before hanging up the phone.

Yi Feng was playing with his phone, thinking in his mind how to negotiate this investment and shareholding.

His goal for Penguin Company is to fully control the company, and the ultimate goal is to get 100% of the shares, but he knows that this matter cannot be rushed, and it must be done slowly, and one cannot get fat in one bite.

The first step is to buy shares and take advantage of the situation to get certain operational management rights. The second step is to successfully implement the gambling agreement and completely master the personnel and operational department power of Penguin Company. The third step is to plan to get their shares from the original shareholders.

Yi Feng is very ambitious about Penguin Company.

Because this company will become a behemoth in the future, from Penguin Company to the entertainment industry invested in, it can be said to be a super business empire.

Now is the best time to enter Penguin Company. Once they solve the funding problem and find a profit model, there will be nothing for him to do.

Therefore, he must seize this only excellent opportunity!

Yi Feng was thinking quickly in his mind, and then picked up his mobile phone to call Wang Tie.

After a while, the call was connected.

"Hey, Tiezi, are you free tomorrow and the next two days?"

"Brother Feng, tomorrow and the next two days are weekends. I plan to go back to the company to deal with suppliers. Brother Feng, are you okay?"

"I will let Ping An assist you with those matters. You can put them aside for now. You can come with me to Shenzhen City in the next two days."

"ah? Going to Shenzhen City? Brother Feng, why are you going to Shenzhen City?"

"Hey, Mr. Ma of Penguin Company just called me. We have made progress on our investment. Tomorrow morning we are going to the Shenzhen Stock Exchange for a meeting. I need you to sort out a brief summary of our company, compile it into a document and send it to me. Moreover, this is the first time for you to go along, and you can also gain some knowledge and get started with it."

""Oh shit! That's great! No problem, Brother Feng!" Wang Tie shouted excitedly on the other end of the phone.

He had heard Yi Feng mention his plan to invest in Penguin Company a long time ago. The QQ software operated by Penguin is now a well-known software. He also likes this instant messaging software very much. Except for the occasional crash and disconnection, there is no problem with it.

Yi Feng smiled and said,"Okay, see you tomorrow!"


On the other side, in the office of the president of Penguin Company.

Ma Teng looked at the four co-founders in front of him, knocked on the table and said:"You all know the matter. Tomorrow at 9 o'clock, Yi Feng will come to the Shenzhen Stock Exchange to hold a shareholding meeting. Is there anything else you want to mention now? Mention it"

"Penguin was founded by five of us, and I respect your opinions and ideas."

Zhang Zhibei sat up straight on the sofa and said seriously,"I agree to let Yi Feng invest.

Although 1 million yuan is not much, they have the technology and are about to operate a 361 computer security manager software.

If we join forces, we may be able to increase our company's revenue path.

The most important thing is the gambling agreement.

If he cannot achieve a revenue of tens of millions, he will invest another 5 million yuan later, which can greatly solve our financial difficulties and give us more time to explore profit models.


"If he can completely gamble on the agreement, then our company will have the ability to make blood. In the future, if we increase the scale of users, our company will also be able to rise rapidly. Generally speaking, it will be more beneficial to the company."

"Penguin is our hard work. Now the company is in trouble and the servers cannot be expanded. I don't want to see the company go bankrupt or even resold."

After the words fell, the office fell into silence. The other three were silent.

Ma Teng didn't say anything either. He understood that everyone knew that this was good for the company, but not so good for the founding shareholders.

Sometimes, the interests of the company and the individual are inconsistent.

Yi Feng's joining will inevitably dilute the equity in everyone's hands, which will also affect the interests of all shareholders.

"Why don't you speak? Why am I the only one saying this?"Zhang Zhibei showed a hint of dissatisfaction.

Ma Teng then said:"I think Zhibei is right. Now is the life and death of the company. We need to put our personal interests aside and think about the overall situation."

"Cheng Dan, Lao Xu, I know you have worked so hard for so long and you are reluctant to let others interfere in the company's affairs, but this is the only investor we can find who is willing to invest directly."

"If we are to be like other capital companies, we will not be able to pass the threshold until our revenue increases."

"You two should express your opinions first."

Cheng Dan is a young man wearing glasses, with a thin face, less than 30 years old, the same age as Ma Teng, and is in charge of administration and human resources at Penguin.

"I agree with Zhibei and Mr. Ma, but... I have to make a suggestion first. I don't want Yi Feng to participate in the company's operations. He is an outsider and is not familiar with the company. If he acts recklessly, it may have a negative impact on the company. There is a possibility of this risk."

Another young man with a neat and slicked back hair, Lao Xu, Xu Ye, is in charge of the company's customer relations and external relations.

"Well, I think Cheng Dan's worries are reasonable. It is understandable and necessary for us to introduce new investors. However, I am opposed to Yifeng's direct involvement in company affairs."

Both of them expressed their opinions. Ma Teng was expressionless, but he was clear in his heart. He just didn't want his equity to be diluted too much and his power to be taken away by others. This was his personal interest.

Then, Ma Teng looked at The last partner said,"Old Zeng, you are the chief operating officer of our company. What do you think?"

Zeng Jing, the main operating person in charge of Penguin Company, is responsible for the marketing and operation of QQ. He has the greatest power and responsibility.

"What Zhibei said makes sense. We need to find a new method and a new way to increase revenue as soon as possible. This is a problem that has been bothering us. Maybe Yifeng will bring us a different solution. However, I also I agree with what Cheng Dan and the others said. Don't let him participate rashly. At least he must be familiar with and understand our company's business and technical conditions before looking at his solutions."

"Alas, I have been the head of the operations department for almost two years. I have also tried several profit plans, but none of them were ideal. I feel really guilty.

Zeng Jing finished speaking and sighed heavily, looking somewhat helpless.

Ma Teng waved his hand and said,"Now is not an accountability meeting, so let's not talk about this. Now we have at least reached a partial consensus, that is, we can introduce Yifeng Investment, which everyone agrees with. However, the investment conditions include participating in company affairs and fulfilling the gambling agreement, which is unavoidable."

"Lao Zeng is right. We can give Yi Feng some room to participate in operations, but we also need to prevent new risks from arising. I will personally monitor this matter and I will be fully responsible."

"As for his initial 10% equity quota, we have discussed it before. IDG and Telecom will each give 1%, and you will give 1%. The remaining 4% will be diluted from my equity."

"If he completes the 10 million revenue betting agreement, then we will hold a shareholders meeting and discuss it together."

After Ma Teng said that he was fully responsible, several people in the office were shocked and saw Ma Teng's determination to make this happen.

After thinking for a moment, Cheng Dan nodded and said,"Then let's do as Mr. Ma said."

Although the people present were all the founders and partners of the company, Ma Teng had the power to make the final decision in the team.

The others also nodded in agreement.

Ma Teng finally smiled,"Okay, everyone go back and prepare. Tomorrow at 9 o'clock, go meet Yi Feng!"

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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