Rebirth 2000, childhood sweetheart school beauty 18 years old

Chapter 48

The QQ function of adding friends requires entering the account number. Although some people who surf the Internet are so bored that they just search and add people at random, Yi Feng doesn't think that the other party can find his newly opened QQ account by chance.

"Let's see what the IP address is first!"

Yi Feng chuckled and opened the firewall software.

Early QQ software will record local information. The firewall software can record the information of the sender and the receiver, and can also see the IP address of the sender.

This address is the real IP address of the chat partner, which has not been blocked or disguised in the early versions.

Yi Feng moved down the firewall record, and there was a string of IP addresses after the earliest conversation record.

When he saw this IP address, he was stunned.

Isn't this the IP address of Gu Muxi's home?

When I helped her install the computer and configure the network in the afternoon, I saw this IP address.

That is to say... this netizen named"Shui Mu Qinghua" is actually Gu Muxi?!

Yi Feng's eyes flashed with a gleam of light. No wonder, no wonder there were inexplicable strangers adding friends.

Gu Muxi must have applied for another QQ account and pretended to be a stranger to trick herself.

After Yi Feng made up his mind, he decided to go with the flow and see who would trick whom?

Hehe, little guy, play with me?

Yi Feng immediately typed and sent it over

"Oh, hello netizen, I thought it was some woman."

At this time, Gu Muxi, who was opposite the window, received the message.

She was stunned. Which woman was Yi Feng talking about?

She must ask clearly.

Shuimu Nianhua:"What woman? Which woman do you think I am?"

Feng:"Nothing, just a little girl from my neighbor's house. You wouldn't know her even if I told you."

Shuimu Nianhua:"You seem to be very familiar with her?"

Feng:"Yes, of course I am. I know every hair on her body."

Gu Muxi blushed and glared at Yi Feng's QQ.

You know nothing!

How shameless!

Shuimu Nianhua:"Haha, really?……"

Feng:"By the way, who are you and where do you live?"

Gu Muxi hadn't thought of a disguised message yet, so she quickly made one up.

"As for me, my family is from the Northeast, and you wouldn’t recognize me even if I told you."

Yi Feng chuckled, and you’re still talking to me about the Northeast?

Feng:"Really? Tell me a few words in Northeastern dialect. I like Northeastern dialect the most, it’s so funny."

Gu Muxi didn’t understand Northeastern dialect at all, she scratched her head, and didn’t know how to reply to him for a while.

She couldn’t think of it, so she had to type:"Why are you saying Northeastern dialect while surfing the Internet? I don’t want to speak it!"

Yi Feng chuckled,"Well, it’s fate that we can meet each other even though we are thousands of miles apart."

"We should communicate more in the future and get to know each other better."

Gu Muxi snorted.

Shuimu Nianhua:"How deep do you want to get to know each other?"

Feng:"You can get to know each other as deep as you want, I don't care."

"It's the kind of understanding where I know you well and you know my strengths and weaknesses."

Gu Muxi raised her eyebrows.

Great, you stinky Yi Feng, you actually dare to flirt with girls online!

And you still talk in a set way!

Humph, I'll slowly deal with you later!

Shuimu Nianhua:"Haha, okay, but I have something to do now, let's talk about it another day!"

After a while, Yi Feng saw that the other party's QQ turned gray and had gone offline.

Hehe, Gu Muxi, if you pretend to be a stranger to me, then I will have fun with you!

He also downloaded QQ and continued to tinker with the computer.

Although the network is relatively poor, it does not affect the local performance of the machine.

He now has to set up C++ programs in the computer and install the JAVA environment to facilitate his own code and software writing in the future.

Yi Feng plans to make an antivirus software. The computer major at that time included a network security course. At that time, he also participated in the third domestic Internet Security Competition. Although his team only won the third place, it also deepened his understanding of network security. Understand.

The broad-spectrum signature technology commonly used in current antivirus software is very old and not convenient for users.

What he wants to make is a heuristic antivirus engine that is more advanced, safer, simpler and more convenient.

For the current computer configuration, this antivirus software cannot be big, and it can only be concise, simple, and efficient. The functions will not be very rich, but they will be enough.

After computers become popular and the Internet explodes, we can officially enter the field of cloud detection!

You know, at that time, a well-known overlord was born, 360!

Hehe, if I lay out this field now, maybe there will be no 360 later.

"Da da da——"

Yi Feng tapped the keyboard with his ten fingers. After setting up the environment, he started writing code.


During the day, Yi Feng studied hard at school. After school in the afternoon, he repaired computers. At night, he went home and wrote code after dinner.

On weekends, he would go to the store to lay out the lines, paint the walls, buy furniture, make soft furnishings, and simply repair a batch of broken computers.

He lived a very fulfilling and busy life every day. He didn't even have time to go out and play, and he didn't have a single day to rest.

More than a month passed in the busyness, and in the blink of an eye it was the last weekend before the college entrance examination. On this Saturday morning, Yi Feng and Wang Tie rushed to the store.

When they arrived at the door of the store, Yi Feng looked at the glass door in front of him, with a confident smile on his face.

I believe this store is enough to make anyone who enters the store shine.

There is a simple and well-designed sign above the store. Half of the sign has a simple red maple leaf LOGO on the left and the store name on the right.

"Xifeng Electronics - Computer Repair Experts."

The reason why we chose Xifeng Electronics is because it sounds like Xifeng, and this is the starting point of his and Gu Muxi's future life.

The name is concise and clear, and the suffix is also very direct, so that everyone who comes here can see the sign at a glance.

This is a professional computer repair shop. The entire storefront looks very comfortable at first glance, very stylish and simple.

Yi Feng certainly knows that this is the flavor of an Apple mobile phone store.

Entering the store, the main color of the decoration inside is white and light yellow, with four white walls with light yellow spotlights, huanghuali wood tables on both sides, and display racks with light strips to render the atmosphere.

People will feel very comfortable and comfortable in such an atmosphere.

The store has four main areas, with display racks on the left and right sides, and two huanghuali wood tables in the middle area, which are customized according to Yi Feng's design, and are very beautiful and atmospheric.

Yi Feng plans to use these two tables to display computers and various accessories, so that customers can feel the strong electronic technology atmosphere as soon as they enter the store.

After all, in addition to the repair business, Yi Feng also plans to sell assembled computers and new computers, or second-hand accessories. The third area is the rest area. This area is not large, but Yifeng uses leather soft seats, and there are water dispensers and fashion magazine racks next to it.

This area is mainly a temporary rest area for customers who come here to wait for computers. This area is also the service area that Yifeng plans to improve later.

Because this is the place where customers come into contact with customers and where customers may stay in the store for the longest time.

It is a key service scene!

The fourth area is Yifeng's work area. There are perforated boards on the wall with various tools on them. There are also various testing instruments, pressure gauges, power boxes, etc. on the desktop.

Although there are many things, it is very neat and beautiful.

This area is also made into a semi-display state. Half of the work area can be seen, which can give customers a very professional and intuitive feeling. The other half is blocked by a partition, and there is a very clear and simple Xifeng LOGO on the partition.

The whole store gives people a very simple, fashionable and technological feeling. The design is extremely advanced and the store is very immersive!

Yifeng chuckled and was very satisfied with his masterpiece.

Xifeng Electronics is about to take off in Wuhu!

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