Rebirth 2000, childhood sweetheart school beauty 18 years old

Chapter 65

In the hottest days of the year, the heat waves are rolling, and the cicadas on the trees are tirelessly playing the music of summer.

In the park, under the shade of the trees, two people are sitting on a bench leaning on each other.

Gu Muxi is sleeping soundly, but Yi Feng is awake, and he is playing Snake on his phone.

"Didi didi——"

Suddenly the cell phone rang.

2:10 p.m.

Gu Muxi was woken up by the sound of the alarm clock and muttered drowsily:"Shou Yifeng, what time is it?"

"Little fool, it's two-ten, get ready, it's time to take the exam."Yi Feng turned to look at her and smiled.

Gu Muxi slowly opened her eyes and rubbed her eyes,"It's so fast.……"

"Hmm? Have you been here all the time?"

Gu Muxi realized that she had been sleeping on Yi Feng's shoulder, and her cheeks turned red.

"Yes, where else could I go if I wasn't here?"

""Hurry up, wash your face and wake up. We have to go to the examination room." Yi Feng moved his shoulders and felt a pain.

In order not to wake up Gu Muxi, he had been in this position for nearly an hour.

"Oh, okay!"Gu Muxi sat up straight quickly, feeling embarrassed.

"Did you just dream? See how you smile... so happily?"Yi Feng rubbed his shoulders and asked with a smile.

Gu Muxi recalled the scene in his dream, her cheeks turned redder, and she spat:"No!"

Actually... she didn't know why she just dreamed of swimming with Yi Feng in the swimming pool, and there were only two of them...

That scene... was too weird.

There were all kinds of scenes in the dream, but she didn't dare to tell her about it.

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to care about you, let's go."Yi Feng stood up and said

""Tiezi, let's go!"

Yi Feng called to Wang Tie.

Wang Tie quickly sat up from the bench and replied,"Okay, Brother Feng, wait for me!"

The three of them left the park and entered the examination room again.

The subject for the afternoon exam was Chinese. After Yi Feng got the test paper, he turned it over and took a look at the composition topic.

Sure enough.

It was exactly the same as he remembered.

This is easy.

If I don't get a full score for the composition, I will be sorry for my preparations for so many days.

Yi Feng picked up the pen and began to write quickly.

Time passed by, and in a blink of an eye, he was ready to hand in the paper early.

At the school gate, Yang Na came again with her assistant Wu Gang and the cameraman after lunch break.

"Sister Na, do we have to shoot twice?" Wu Gang asked doubtfully.

"You had breakfast today, why do you have dinner? Yang Na said with a smile


"It’s math in the morning and Chinese in the afternoon. In our series of college entrance examination news, there is a very important topic. Have you forgotten? College entrance examination composition!"Yang Na woke up and said

"Oh, yes, yes, yes, I need to report on the college entrance examination composition, and I need to ask the candidates what the topic of this year's college entrance examination composition is."Wu Gang nodded suddenly.

"As usual, I will catch the first student to leave the examination room later."Yang Na said with a smile.

She was thinking to herself, the young man won't come out so soon this afternoon, right?

This is Chinese language, so take more time to check for typos, isn't the sentence good?

It shouldn't happen this time Someone must have handed in the paper too quickly.

The weather was hot. Yang Na took a bottle of water and drank it in big gulps.

"Hey, Sister Na, someone seems to be coming out!"Wu Gang shouted happily.

Yang Na put down the water bottle, looked up at the school, and suddenly saw a familiar face.


She took a sip of water and squirted out.

"Ahem! Why was he the first to come out again?"

Yang Na looked very shocked.

Because the first one to walk out of the examination room was Yi Feng.

Parents at the school gate also saw Yi Feng and started talking about it.

"Why was he the first to come out again?"

"Maybe I can’t write it, so I just wrote it down randomly."

"Oh, that might really be giving up on yourself!"

"There are few top students in this world, but many poor students. I understand."

"Yes, in fact, many people take the college entrance examination just as a formality. After graduating from high school, they have to work in an electronics factory!"

"This kid has no future in the electronics factory!

Wu Gang asked in a low voice:"Sister Na, should we go and interview him?""

"Pick it, why not pick it? Being the first to come out twice in a row, of course I had to pick it up!"Yang Na suddenly said excitedly.

She vaguely caught a hot spot.

After Yi Feng walked out of the door, Yang Na greeted him again

"Hello, classmate Yi! How difficult do you feel about the Chinese language test this afternoon? Yang Na asked directly.

Yi Feng scratched his head and said,"It's okay. It's not as difficult as I thought. It's just so-so.""

Yang Na and others were stunned.

The difficulty is just average? It's still such a loud tone!

"Uh, may I ask what the Chinese language topic is for this year's college entrance examination? We viewers are very curious about this!"

Yang Na paused and asked,"Mr. Yi, you didn't read the essay topic, did you?"

Yi Feng smiled and said,"How is that possible? The topic is"The answers are colorful", and the theme is that looking at things from different angles will lead to different discoveries. Looking at problems from multiple angles is like looking at things from different angles."

"oh oh! It turns out that this year’s college entrance examination essay question is this one. Thank you so much, Mr. Yi, for sharing it!"

"Next, there is another question. Today’s subjects have all been tested. What will Mr. Yi do when he goes back? Yang

Na asked with a smile.

In fact, the most standard answer is that I will prepare well for tomorrow's exam when I go back and try to do better, and so on.

"Of course, we're going back to eat. We're having garlic oysters tonight!" Yi Feng licked his lips, looking like a greedy cat.


Yang Na, Wu Gang, and the cameraman almost fell down when they heard this answer.

"Ahem, yes, it seems that Mr. Yi is hungry, so we won’t disturb you anymore! Yang Na coughed twice and said awkwardly.

This was the first time she was shocked by such an answer!

This young man is not taking the usual path!

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