Rebirth 2003: Dominate the Tech World

Chapter 107

After thinking for a moment, David suddenly asked, “I wonder if Mr. Ye has heard of the Habsburg family?”

Seeing Ye Yunzhou and the other two shaking their heads slightly, David seemed to be recalling and slowly introduced: “The Habsburg family, also known as the Habsburg dynasty, is a German feudal ruling family with many branches in European history. The main branch is in Austria, also known as the Austrian family.”

“In the 12th century, the Habsburg family supported Emperor Lothair III against the Hohenstaufen family and obtained a large piece of Upper Alsace land and the title of earl lord awarded by Lothair. Later, they turned to support the Staufen family and obtained a lot of political privileges and property through family marriage.”

“In 1218, when the Zähringen family in Switzerland was extinct, the Habsburg family seized most of Switzerland, and the family members were upgraded from earls to dukes.”

” In 1273, Rudolf I, Duke of Habsburg, was elected as the Roman-German King. In 1282, he seized the Duchy of Austria and the Duchy of Stilich and gave them to his son. Since then, the family power base has moved to Vienna, and began to rule Austria for more than 600 years, and also gained the name of “Austrian Family”. In the early 19th century, the name Habsburg became common again. ”

“After Rudolf I was elected king in 1273, he defeated his opponent Ottoka II and annexed most of his territory, successfully turning the vast Austria into the hereditary territory of the Habsburg family, and became a powerful vassal of Germany.”

David paused, picked up the coffee on the table and took a sip: “Not bad, good coffee.”

“This is coffee grown in southern my country, and the quality is no worse than the top European coffee.” Gu Xiaoou said.

David took a sip of coffee and continued: “Let’s continue. Well, Rudolf IV tried to ascend the throne, but was not recognized by the parliamentarians. Charles IV of Bohemia issued a decree during his reign to deprive the Habsburgs of their electoral status.”

“However, the Habsburgs eventually regained the throne in 1438. Albert II became the King of Hungary and Holy Roman Emperor, but he fell ill and died while resisting the attack of the Ottoman Turks.”

“During the reign of Frederick III, the royal family was eased through the marriage of his son Maximilian and Mary, the daughter of the Duke of Burgundy. Maximilian was worried after Mary’s death, and later consolidated his position through marriage. ”

“Members of the Habsburg family have served as Holy Roman Emperor, Duke of Austria (1282-1453), Archduke of Austria, Emperor of Austria, King of Hungary, King of Bohemia, King of Castile, King of Spain, King of Portugal, Emperor of Mexico, and Duke of several Italian principalities. No family in Europe can match its influence. ”

“In the mid-16th century, the abdication of Charles V led to the family’s split into Spanish Habsburgs and Austrian Habsburgs. ”

“In 1700, the death of King Carlos II of Spain triggered a war of succession between the French Bourbon family and the Austrian Habsburg family, and the Bourbon family eventually won the Spanish throne. ”

“In 1740, Holy Roman Emperor Charles VI died, and his eldest daughter Maria Theresa succeeded to the throne. A branch of the Austrian Habsburgs entered the Habsburg-Lorraine dynasty and established the second largest empire in Europe after Russia – the Austro-Hungarian Empire. ”

“During the First World War, the Austro-Hungarian Empire In 1918, the Habsburg dynasty was disintegrated due to defeat in the war, and was forced to go into exile overseas. ”

“Since then, people thought that this family had disappeared, but they didn’t know that this family just moved from the light to the dark, and their influence on European countries is still unparalleled.”

Ye Yunzhou frowned and asked: “What does this family have to do with your family?”

“Because our family is one of the spokespersons of this family.”


Ye Yunzhou was shocked. This is the famous Rothschild family, but it is someone else’s spokesperson?

“Patriarch David, it stands to reason that you are also a famous family in Europe. Why are you willing to be someone else’s spokesperson?” Ye Yunzhou was very puzzled.

“Mr. Ye should know about the anti-Semitism in Europe during World War II, especially the massacre of Jews in Germany at that time.”

Ye Yunzhou nodded, indicating that he had learned about it.

“At that time, our family had a great influence in the European financial field. However, this not only did not become a talisman for our family, but instead became a sword hanging over our heads. Don’t you have an idiom in Daxia called “holding a treasure is a crime?” Ye Yunzhou nodded, thinking that at that time, Europe was collectively anti-Semitism.In this situation, holding a large amount of wealth, isn’t that a crime?

Seeing that Ye Yunzhou was listening carefully, David continued: “At that time, in order to save our family, our patriarch found Habsburg, and we gave up most of the shares of the company controlled by our family, and finally got the protection of the Habsburg family and survived.”

Ye Yunzhou thought, no wonder, after World War II, 90% of European Jewish families were wiped out, and the Rothschild family was able to survive until now, and it turned out that such a price was paid.

Moreover, Ye Yunzhou now figured out why the Xia official attached so much importance to David Rothschild and his party, because they represented the Habsburg family, and the Habsburg family had a very large influence in Europe.

However, Ye Yunzhou still had a doubt, so he asked: “Patriarch David, since you have such a great influence in Europe, you should not be short of money, so what is your purpose in investing in our Cambrian Company?”

“Mr. Ye, ‘Trading Treasure’ is your product. You know, it is the only online payment software that can be used in the world. Moreover, as long as you are willing to open it, this software will immediately monopolize global online payments. Do you know what this means?”

Ye Yunzhou certainly knew that once he monopolized global online payments, his influence would be comparable to that of the heads of some countries.

“Does the Habsburg family want to expand their influence in Europe to the world?” Ye Yunzhou asked with some interest.

“Mr. Ye, there is a saying in your country Xia that if you don’t advance, you will retreat. Today’s world is an era of rapid technological development. Many backward families are rapidly accumulating wealth through the technology they control, and their influence on the world is gradually surpassing ancient families like us. If we can’t keep up with the times, we will be eliminated by this world sooner or later. The old patriarch of the Habsburg family also thinks so.”

Ye Yunzhou nodded and finally understood that when ‘Trading Treasure’ announced that it would be open to other platforms, so many investment institutions and families in Europe and the United States were eager to send money, because it not only involves monetary gains, but also whether their families can enter this influential circle in the future.

Now that we know that the Habsburg family is behind the Rothschild family, it is very necessary to cooperate with them if we want to win the European market.

“Chief David, in principle, I am willing to cooperate with any enterprise, organization or family that can help the development of Cambrian. However, you should know that Cambrian has previously announced that we will conduct round A financing in December, and we will adopt the form of AB shares at that time. I wonder if Chief David can accept it?”

David frowned, thinking, is this a disguised rejection?

“Mr. Ye, we can accept your AB share format, and we can discuss your company’s valuation, but why wait until December?”

“Mr. David, the reason why I have to wait until December to raise funds is that our company needs to make a change in the company’s equity, which takes time, and we have some other arrangements. Of course, Mr. David came with sincerity today. To show our sincerity, we can sign a cooperation intention agreement. As long as we start financing, we will give your family the largest share. What do you think?”

David finally smiled when he heard Ye Yunzhou say this. Then, the two sides held a small signing ceremony. Cambrian Company and Rothschild Bank signed a strategic investment intention agreement. After the signing of the agreement, Ye Yunzhou hosted a banquet for everyone on behalf of the company.

During the dinner, Ye Yunzhou said to David Rothschild: “Mr. David, another company of mine has a product that has encountered some problems in listing in Europe. I wonder if Mr. David can help?”

David knew that Ye Yunzhou’s request at this time might be because he did not trust their family or the influence of the Habsburg family in Europe, and wanted to test them.

“Mr. Ye, as long as your product does not violate the laws of European countries, we will help you quickly.” David vowed.

Ye Yunzhou did not say anything, and directly asked Tian Xiaohui, the general assistant, to open the laptop and open Facebook to show David.

David was shocked again after reading it. He had always focused all his attention on Cambrian Company, but he did not expect that there was an Alphabet Company and a product like Facebook.

“Mr. Ye, does your Alphabet Company need financing? Our Rothschild Bank can give you a satisfactory valuation.”

“Well, Mr. David, let’s reach a cooperation on Cambrian Company first. If you want to invest in my Alphabet Company in the future, I am also welcome.”

DavidI secretly felt sorry, and at the same time, I became more curious about Ye Yunzhou. This young man from Xia Country was really amazing. He actually created two world-class products at once.

“Mr. Ye, don’t worry. Give me two weeks. I guarantee that your two book websites will be online in Europe.”

“Then I would like to thank Mr. David first.”

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