Rebirth 2003: Dominate the Tech World

Chapter 27

In the morning, Ye Yunzhou was awakened by the piercing alarm clock.

He got up and stretched himself, and habitually opened the window. The raindrops fell on the window lattice, making a crisp sound, accompanied by the singing of birds in the distance, forming a beautiful spring symphony.

Since his parents were not at home, Ye Yunzhou was too lazy to make breakfast at home. After washing up, he put on his school uniform, took an umbrella and went out.

The drizzle was like silk, gently floating on the umbrella, making a very slight sound. The air was filled with the freshness of the soil and the fragrance of flowers and plants, as if nature was telling the story of spring.

Came to the breakfast shop where I used to eat.

“Boss, give me a bowl of freshly ground soy milk, a fried meatball, and two fried dough sticks.”

“Oh, it’s Xiaoye, I haven’t seen you for a long time.”

The boss greeted him happily when he saw that it was Ye Yunzhou.

“I’ve taken a long vacation. By the way, boss, we won’t pack up this time. We’ll eat here.” Ye Yunzhou replied.

“Okay, take a seat first. It’ll be ready soon.”


After breakfast, we came to the classroom of Senior 3 (5). The classroom was already bustling. Students were chatting in groups of three or five, or sitting alone, holding review materials tightly in their hands, with frowns on their faces.

When they saw Ye Yunzhou coming in, everyone’s eyes turned to him.

Classmate A: “This guy hasn’t been to class for two weeks. Is he so confident? Is he only here to take the exam?”

Classmate B: “I bet he won’t get first place this time. It is said that several students in Senior 3 (1) who have been admitted to Yan University and Tsinghua University also took the exam.”


“Brother, if you don’t come to school again, I won’t recognize you anymore. What have you been doing recently? Why don’t you come to class? You didn’t even reply to my QQ messages.” My deskmate Sun Yifei said exaggeratedly.

“I recently started a business project. I won’t come here except for important exams.” Ye Yunzhou said calmly.

“What? You started a business? You opened a company? Hey, we are all human beings, how can you be so awesome?” To Sun Yifei, people who can open a company are quite awesome. This era is not like the later generations, where anyone can open a company. At worst, it is easy to open a self-employed business. Now, company is still a more high-sounding word.

“It’s just a small thing, not worth mentioning. I just made a few hundred million.” Ye Yunzhou said in a very arrogant manner.

“Brother, you must take me with you when you become rich in the future.” Sun Yifei said flatteringly.


The two chatted for a while, and Ye Yunzhou quickly got up and went to find his examination room. This time, Ye Yunzhou was assigned to the classroom of Senior 3 (3).

Walking into the examination room, the air seemed to be frozen, with only the occasional sound of turning pages and the sound of the pen tip scratching on paper. Ye Yunzhou found his seat and sat down, gently put down his schoolbag, and took out stationery and draft paper from it.

Time soon came to 8:30, “Ding~Ding~Ding”, with the sound of footsteps, two invigilators entered the classroom. They first looked around the entire classroom, and then began to read the examination room rules.

After reading the examination room rules, the two invigilators asked all candidates to hand in all the teaching materials and communication equipment brought to the classroom. After the hand-in was completed, the two invigilators patrolled the classroom again, and only began to distribute the test papers after finding no abnormalities.


With the ringing of the nine o’clock bell, the exam officially began. The first subject was Chinese, and it was still the old rules. Ye Yunzhou shared the vision. Except for reading comprehension and composition, all other things were handed over to Jarvis.

Ye Yunzhou first browsed the entire test paper, and after finding that there were no mistakes in the question type, he immediately started to write his name on the answer sheet and began to answer the questions.

The pen tip touched the answer sheet lightly, making a rustling sound, and the answers to the questions appeared on the paper. Time was in a hurry. When the last punctuation mark of Ye Yunzhou’s composition fell, he looked up at the alarm clock on the wall. It was exactly half past ten. This time, Ye Yunzhou did not rush to hand in the test paper. Instead, he read the questions from beginning to end again. After confirming that there were no problems, he handed in the paper and left.

However, this time Ye Yunzhou was no longer the first person to hand in the paper. A candidate in the same examination room chose to hand in the paper just after an hour, and shook his hair and left the examination room in a pretentious manner.

Since the afternoon math test was not until three o’clock, Ye Yunzhou went home directly after leaving the examination room. He had to seize this time to write code.

After leaving the campus, a breeze blew, and the brain was like a shot of awakening needle, and it woke up instantly. The drizzle had stopped, but the clouds in the sky had not yet dispersed. It was a dark and misty sky, which made people a little depressed.

After returning home and turning on the computer, the body authorized Jarvis to start writing the “Trading Treasure” software again.

The math test in the afternoon was not very suspenseful. After opening the vision sharing with Jarvis,Just after an hour, he handed in the paper. The invigilator of this subject obviously knew Ye Yunzhou, after all, his speech at the last monthly exam summary meeting was too good, so when they saw his test paper, the two teachers took it up and nodded slightly, indicating that the multiple-choice questions they looked at were all correct.

After taking the math test, Ye Yunzhou did not stay in school for long. Now he had to race against time to write “Trade Treasure” quickly so that the majority of online shopping customers could enjoy the fun of convenient shopping.

In the evening, Ye Yunzhou had just finished dinner at a restaurant outside and was about to go back to continue writing code when his cell phone suddenly rang.

“Student Ye Yunzhou, I’m Lin Qianxia. I haven’t seen you come to school for a long time. What happened?” Lin Qianxia’s gentle voice came from the phone.

“Oh, classmate Lin Qianxia, ​​I just went to school to take the exam today, but I’m busy with something very important recently. I’ve discussed with our class teacher that I only go to take the exam and don’t need to go to school the rest of the time.” Ye Yunzhou was surprised that the beautiful Lin suddenly called him. They haven’t contacted each other since the last time they called each other.

“Oh, then I’m relieved. By the way, is your injury healed?”

“It’s just a minor injury, it’s healed a long time ago.”

“Well, oh, uh…”

“Is there anything else? Classmate Lin.” Ye Yunzhou couldn’t help asking after hearing her not speaking for a long time.

“Well, nothing else, I just want to ask about your recent situation.”

“Oh, okay, then I’ll hang up first.”


After hanging up the phone, Ye Yunzhou was a little confused about the intention of the beautiful Lin to call this time, and her tone of speech was a little different from the usual beautiful Lin.

On the other side, Lin Qianxia sighed deeply after finishing the call. During this period, she was full of Ye Yunzhou’s figure, and she was a little crazy. Today, she finally mustered up the courage to call Ye Yunzhou, but she didn’t know what to say when she called. Moreover, she clearly felt that Ye Yunzhou didn’t seem to want to be too deeply involved with them.


The next morning, the dark clouds in the sky finally dissipated. When I got up in the morning, the sky was as blue as a wash. Walking on the way to school, a breeze blew, bringing the smell of spring soil, making people feel relaxed and happy.

There was nothing special about the English test in the morning, so I gave it to Jarvis.

However, some interesting things did happen in the examination room. A smart guy put the cheat sheet in his trouser pocket. When he was copying intently, he was caught by the invigilator. I don’t know if this guy was quick-witted or too nervous at the time, and stuffed the cheat sheet into his underwear. Thinking about the expression of the invigilator at that time, it was simply wonderful, but this guy was then asked to leave the classroom by the security guard.

Ye Yunzhou didn’t check the English test paper after he finished it. He handed it in directly. It was exactly one hour and ten minutes.

In the afternoon, the last science comprehensive test was slightly more difficult than the first mock test. Ye Yunzhou didn’t hesitate to hand it in to Jarvis. Including the final check time, it took a total of one hour and twenty minutes.

The second mock test was finally over. After leaving the campus, Ye Yunzhou breathed a sigh of relief. He didn’t have to come to school for almost a month. He must complete the company’s construction within this month.

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