Rebirth 2003: Dominate the Tech World

Chapter 63

The Alphabet office should be ready in the next few days, including computer installation and debugging, network fiber layout, etc.

The next step is to recruit people. Once the basic personnel are in place, the product can be launched.

However, talent recruitment cannot be rushed. It is still 2003, not 2023. There is still a shortage of talent in the market, especially Internet-related talents.

Although the impact of the bursting of the Internet bubble this year still exists, causing some Internet companies to downsize, the Internet industry has not stagnated. On the contrary, signs of recovery have begun to appear in some regions and fields.

In the first quarter of 2003, although the overall talent market showed a situation of oversupply, electronic talents in the IT industry were still in short supply, especially in the Yangtze River Delta region. With the recovery of the IT industry, the demand for IT talents is growing.

The compound talents that Ye Yunzhou needs are even more scarce, especially experienced technical and management talents, such as Lu Qi, who are very scarce in any enterprise.

As for recruitment, 2003 is no better than later generations.

In this era, the Internet has not yet been fully popularized. Although online recruitment has begun to rise, it does not dominate like it will twenty years later. Job seekers and recruiters mainly rely on traditional recruitment channels, such as newspaper advertisements, talent markets, campus job fairs, etc.

Ye Yunzhou does not have the time and energy to go to talent markets and campus job fairs in person. His idea is to let headhunters find the most basic management talents, and then let them go to talent markets and major campuses to recruit the following talents.

Monday afternoon, August 4, Cambrian Company Conference Room.

“Everyone, let’s have a simple meeting today. The theme of the meeting is mainly to confirm and adjust certain points in the company culture.”

At the beginning, Ye Yunzhou set the tone for the theme of today’s meeting.

Several company executives present frowned slightly, wondering what the boss was up to today.

Ye Yunzhou saw this and continued, “I have been chatting with everyone at the grassroots level these days, and many people have reported that our company has begun to have some bureaucratic colors. This makes me very alarmed and alert. Our company has only been established for a few months, and this phenomenon has begun? This is absolutely not allowed.”

After a pause and a sip of water, Ye Yunzhou continued, “In order to emphasize equality and de-bureaucratization, in the future, Cambrian will avoid using traditional “boss” and “general” and other hierarchical titles. Internal colleagues can call each other “classmates”, and superiors and subordinates can call each other “teachers” to show respect for experience and knowledge, while also maintaining a relatively equal and close atmosphere. Of course, you don’t have to call me teacher, just call me by my name.”

After Ye Yunzhou finished speaking, the executives below fell into deep thought. Among them, Lu Qi and Gu Xiaoou, two American-educated people, agreed very much, because they had worked in American companies, where everyone called each other by their names, and rarely called each other “general”.

As the vice president of Cambrian and the second-in-command of the company, Lu Qi was the first to express his support for Ye Yunzhou’s reform. He wrote a few key points on his notebook, then looked up and said, “I strongly agree with this way of addressing. This way of addressing breaks the hierarchical barriers in traditional enterprises, allowing employees to feel that they are working in a more equal environment, which helps to improve team cohesion and sense of belonging. Moreover, direct addressing reduces formalism in communication, makes information transmission more efficient, and helps to make decisions and solve problems quickly.”

After Lu Qi finished speaking, the financial director Gu Xiaoou took over and said, “Equal addressing encourages all employees to express their opinions and ideas. Regardless of their position, they have the opportunity to be heard, thereby stimulating innovation and creativity. Moreover, when employees feel equality and respect in the company culture, they are more likely to be enthusiastic about their work, improve their job satisfaction, and increase their loyalty to the company.”

After Lu Qi and Gu Xiaoou finished speaking, Li Mi and Sun Zhiyuan did not immediately respond.

After thinking for a moment, Li Mi, general manager of “Trading Treasure” and chief human resources officer of Cambrian, expressed his concerns.
-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-

“I am in favor of equality and de-bureaucratization, but an overly equal environment may cause some employees to be confused about professionalism and career boundaries, and sometimes find it difficult to distinguish between work relationships and personal relationships.”

Li Mi has worked in banks in Xiaguo for more than ten years and has achieved a high position. His concerns are not unreasonable.

After Li Mi finished speaking, Sun Zhiyuan, general manager of “” and chief marketing officer of Cambrian, said: “This kind of equality and de-bureaucratization is indeed good, but leaders may need to find new ways to establish authority and guidanceTeam, to avoid leadership ambiguity caused by de-bureaucratization. ”

After several executives finished speaking, they all waited for Ye Yunzhou to see his decision.

Ye Yunzhou felt that what several executives said made sense, but the company’s de-bureaucratization must be carried out. Bureaucratization will make the company rigid and lose its combat effectiveness.

Ye Yunzhou coughed, attracted everyone’s attention and said: “Li Mi and Sun Zhiyuan’s concerns are not unreasonable, but de-bureaucratization must be carried out. This is a matter of life and death for the company. As for the problems you two are worried about, I have several solutions. You can write them down and then form the company’s management regulations to implement them. ”

Several executives took pens and prepared to take notes. The secretary in charge of the meeting minutes was even more on guard.

“First, although the address is approachable, make sure that every employee is clear about his or her scope of responsibilities and reporting structure. Conduct regular role and expectation training to help employees understand the boundaries of work under equal address. ”

“Secondly, establish clear work norms and codes of conduct to ensure that employees can maintain a professional attitude in a friendly working atmosphere and avoid confusing work relationships with personal relationships.”

After everyone finished taking notes, Ye Yunzhou continued.

“Also, leaders should demonstrate leadership through actions and results, not just by relying on titles. Provide leadership training to help managers learn how to effectively guide and motivate teams without traditional symbols of authority. Let Lu Qi be responsible for this matter. Make a training program and regularly train middle and lower-level managers.”

Lu Qi nodded, indicating that he had no objection.

Ye Yunzhou continued: “Also, provide communication skills training to teach employees how to communicate effectively in an equal environment, including how to provide constructive feedback and opinions. Let Li Mi be responsible for this matter.”

Li Mi nodded. He used to be the deputy president of the head office of ICBC, and he was very good at communication.

Ye Yunzhou did not stop. After they had almost finished taking notes, he continued to speak.

“We need to create a safe environment where employees can provide feedback on the company culture, whether positive or negative. This can help the company adjust its strategy in time and ensure that the culture adapts to the needs of most employees. We can set up an internal forum where all employees can make suggestions and recommendations. Our executive team must regularly take time to read and organize employee feedback to understand the situation at the grassroots level. ”

This plan was learned by Ye Yunzhou from Warwick in later generations. Warwick’s Voice Forum is very famous and has been imitated by many companies in later generations.

“Finally, I want to say that the company’s senior management should be a model of culture and demonstrate through their own behavior how to maintain professionalism and efficiency in a flat environment.”

After Ye Yunzhou finished speaking, everyone couldn’t help but give a thumbs up to this boss. It was really amazing. Being able to find problems and provide solutions in a short period of time can no longer be described as a genius.

This made Lu Qi think of Yahoo’s boss Jerry Yang. Why does it feel that this boss Ye is better than Boss Yang? Lu Qi vaguely thought of Apple’s Steve Jobs and Microsoft’s Bill Gates.

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