Rebirth 2003: Dominate the Tech World

Chapter 87

At 4:30 in the afternoon, the meeting was finally over, and Ye Yunzhou walked out of the Origin Building.

The weather in Yanjing in autumn has gradually turned cooler, but the sun is still bright. The sycamore trees on both sides of the street have begun to change into autumn clothes, and the golden leaves sway gently in the autumn wind. Occasionally, a few fallen leaves fall with the wind, dotted on the sidewalk. The vendors nearby are busy, selling all kinds of snacks and fruits, and the air is filled with the sweet smell of roasted sweet potatoes and candied haws.

Ye Yunzhou is in a good mood, feeling very much like the atmosphere of market life. Well, it should be difficult to see such a scene in Yanjing in 20 years!

Ye Yunzhou walked to the side of the road and stopped a taxi. Ten minutes later, the taxi stopped at the side of a lane in Nanluoguxiang, and opposite was a super courtyard with a mysterious atmosphere.

It is really fast to get home from school or company in Yanjing without traffic jams. Ye Yunzhou sighed as he looked at the two gold-plated characters “Ye Mansion” on the gate of the courtyard.

Thinking of cars, Ye Yunzhou wondered if he should take a driver’s license. Before his rebirth, he was considered an experienced driver. His driving skills were developed by driving construction vehicles on construction sites. Now, learning to drive is just a formality to get the license.

When he entered the house, he found that his parents were not at home.

Ye Yunzhou called them and found out that they had gone to the supermarket.

Since the office of Red Letter Capital was still under renovation, they only needed to go there occasionally. They did not need to manage the other two companies. They were just investors and occasionally went to the company to check the accounts. They had nothing to do during normal times, so they had plenty of time.

Ye Yunzhou put down his laptop, went to the kitchen to make some food, and then returned to the study to authorize Jarvis to control his body to continue writing the game engine.

Due to the tight military training time during this period, he could only spend one or two hours to write every day when he returned to the dormitory. The progress was relatively slow and he had only completed about half of it. If he could spend four to five hours every day in the future, it would take four or five days to complete the writing. Then he could start his game business.

Papapapapa… With the sound of keyboards, lines of code appeared on the computer interface like beautiful poems. After typing for two hours, Ye Yunzhou stood up and stretched his body. He walked out of the study. It was already evening. The light of the setting sun passed through the eaves and projected on the ground of the courtyard, forming a long shadow.

Creak~~ The sound of the door opening sounded.

“Mom and Dad, why did you buy so many things?”

“Son, how come you are tanned like this after only two weeks of military training?” Ye Yunzhou’s mother asked Ye Yunzhou, who was tanned.

“Well, although you are tanned, you look more energetic than before.” Ye Yunzhou’s father nodded with satisfaction at the energetic Ye Yunzhou.

“Mom and Dad, can you finish all the things you bought at one time?”

Ye Yunzhou looked at the things his parents were carrying, which were basically all food.

“It’s okay, just put them in the refrigerator and eat them slowly.”

After his parents brought the things to the kitchen, they started cooking. After stretching for a while, Ye Yunzhou continued to go back to the study to write the game engine.

As night fell, the family sat together and enjoyed a warm dinner. Because Ye Yunzhou was coming back for dinner, his mother bought a black-bone chicken and some wild ginseng. She was worried that her son didn’t eat well at school and wanted to supplement him.

“By the way, Dad, have you bought the Moutai stocks I asked you to buy?” Ye Yunzhou suddenly remembered that he had talked to his father before and asked him to transfer 100 million to Alphabet Company and use the remaining 100 million to buy Moutai stocks.

“All have been bought, with an average price of around 20.5. Don’t tell me, your prediction is very accurate. We have only bought it for two or three days, and now it has risen to 21.3.” Ye Zhenting said, very happy. That’s 130 million stocks, a slight increase will be a profit of several million.

“Well, that’s good. By the way, has the office of Hongxin Capital been decorated yet?”

“It will be soon, because our requirements are a bit high, and many environmentally friendly materials have to be shipped back from abroad, so it will be a little slower.” Ye Yunzhou understood his father’s thoughts, because this office may be where they work for a long time in the future, so when looking for a decoration company, he said that all environmentally friendly materials must be used, but there are not many companies in Xiaguo that make environmentally friendly decoration materials at this time, so they can only import them from abroad.

“Dad and Mom, do you have any thoughts on the organizational structure of Hongxin Capital?”

Ye Zhenting and Li Wanrong were stunned after hearing this. To be honest, they really haven’t thought about this issue carefully, although they have read a lot of books on entrepreneurship and company management in the past few months since they resigned from school.

They are used to doing what their son says, especially when they were cheated of dozens of times in Yanjing.After 10,000, they felt that they had to communicate with their son first for any major matters.

“Son, what do you think?”

Li Wanrong thought that since her son asked, he must have thought about it.

The mother’s question reminded Ye Yunzhou of Buffett’s company.

The organizational structure of Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway is very unique.

Berkshire’s headquarters needs to coordinate and manage its insurance business, non-insurance industrial operations and investment businesses. Its headquarters has only about 25 people and does not have its own office building. It only rents half a floor on the 14th floor of Kiewit Plaza as an office.

The team mainly includes Buffett himself, his partner Charlie Munger, CFO Markham Berg, Buffett’s assistant and secretary Gladys Kaiser, investment assistant Bill Scott, in addition to two secretaries, a receptionist, three accountants, a stockbroker, a financial director and an insurance manager.

Unlike ordinary companies, Berkshire Hathaway does not have lawyers, strategic planners, public relations departments, human resources departments, doormen, drivers, messengers or consultants and other logistics personnel, nor does it have rows of financial analysts sitting in front of computer terminals.

Buffett only concentrates the most core work such as fund allocation, investment, important personnel appointments, finding potential acquisition targets and writing annual reports at the headquarters.

However, no special departments have been differentiated to manage the horizontal business units or vertical personnel, procurement, investment, research, administration and other functions, achieving the maximum degree of “function streamlining”.

Berkshire Hathaway’s subsidiaries have greater autonomy: each subsidiary retains its own budget, operation and human resources system and process, and sets up traditional departments such as accounting, compliance, human resources, legal, marketing, technology, etc.

Subsidiaries are led by their own CEOs, who are not subject to interference from the head office. The CEOs can make daily decisions on their own, including advertising budgets, product features, environmental quality, product mix, pricing, personnel recruitment, sales planning, inventory management, and accounts receivable management. Senior position successors, including CEOs, are usually subject to the choices of subsidiaries.

However, Berkshire Hathaway has certain mandatory requirements for the CEOs of subsidiaries, such as defending the company’s reputation, reporting bad news early, discussing changes in interests after retirement and large capital expenditures (including acquisitions and consulting the headquarters), focusing on 50-year corporate prospects, and submitting written successor recommendations.

The advantage of Berkshire Hathaway’s organizational structure is that it avoids bureaucracy and reduces costs, while giving the management of subsidiaries enough trust and autonomy to enable them to show their talents. But this also depends on Buffett’s excellent investment vision and management capabilities, as well as his full understanding and trust in the management of his subsidiaries.

This unique organizational structure and management style is one of the important reasons why Buffett can manage a huge corporate empire with a relatively streamlined team, making him a huge success in both investment and corporate management.

“Mom and Dad, have you heard of Buffett?”

“Of course I have. Your mom and I have read his books. What? You want us to learn from him? But he is the stock god. Is it so easy to learn from him?” Ye Zhenting said unhappily.

“Dad, I mean to learn the organizational structure of his company. You should study the organizational structure of Berkshire Hathaway. I think we can learn from it.”

After hearing what Ye Yunzhou said, Ye Zhenting thought for a moment and nodded slightly: “Okay, we will study it carefully.”


After dinner, Ye Yunzhou continued his programming career, while his parents went to another study room to study the organizational structure of Berkshire Hathaway.

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