Rebirth 83: Hundreds of billions of net worth, starting from setting up a stall

Chapter 66

Out of caution, Li Cunxi did not follow the fishing village chief's suggestion to stay in a certain village, but ran straight along the main road.

The heavy rain was heavy, and the six of them ran and stopped. I don’t know how long they walked. They didn’t stop until they found a private guest house in a street. In the middle of the night, they woke up the boss who was sleeping and opened three rooms. Double room.

in the room.

After Li Cunxi tidied up, he lay on the bed and stared at the ceiling. Maybe he secreted too much adrenaline during the escape. Although he was physically exhausted, he was not mentally sleepy at all.


The door opened again.

Jin Wen came in with a thermos bottle: "Brother Xie, would you like to drink some hot water before going to bed?"


Li Cunxi sat up again.

Jin Wen picked up two upside-down enamel cups from the table, washed them with hot water, poured half a cup of water into them, and handed them over.

Li Cunxi took the water glass, and the heat that hit his face drove away the chill.

Jin Wen put down the thermos bottle, closed the latch in the room, took off his clothes at once, got into bed and wrapped himself in a quilt.

"Go to sleep now."

Li Cunxi drank a few sips of hot water, put the cup on the table, lay back on the bed, and tried to sleep with his eyes closed.

I don’t know how long it took, but I finally fell asleep, and when I woke up again, it was already afternoon.

"Brother Xie, are you awake?"

Jin Wen walked in with an enamel jar and a paper bag.


Li Cunxi shook his head. Maybe he was sleeping in the wrong position. He had been having nightmares about escaping from the fishing village all night, and he felt even more dizzy when he woke up.

"You can order the steamed buns and porridge first."

Jin Wen took out a bun from the paper bag and handed it to Li Cunxi.

After ten days of eating dried fish, and having consumed a lot of energy yesterday, Li Cunxi's mouth was full of saliva and his stomach was bulging just by looking at the buns.

He took the bun and swallowed it in a few mouthfuls without even understanding what the fillings were. Then he picked up the enamel vat, drank the warm rice porridge, picked up the bun again, and began to taste it slowly.

Well, it's barbecued pork buns.

I ate six in a row.

He burped, put on the dry clothes quickly, and asked, "Where are the others?"

"The two Xiangjiang guys ran away. Your second brother-in-law tried to steal Brother Wei's money last night, but he was punched and knocked unconscious by Brother Wei. He still hasn't woken up yet."

Jin Wen took out two gold bars from his trouser pocket and placed them on the table.

Li Cunxi took the gold, weighed it with his hands, and raised his eyebrows: "Two pieces weigh at least one pound! I got them from the cellar."

Jin Wen shook his head: "It came from your second uncle's socks. I don't know how long he had them stuffed in his socks. It smelled so bad. I washed it for half an hour to get rid of the smell."

"I guess I stole it last time and kept it hidden. I planned to return to Beijing and sell it secretly."

Li Cunxi immediately saw through his second uncle's thoughts.

But this idiot doesn't know how strict the domestic control of gold is. In a place like Shencheng, it can still be sold cheaply in a small gold shop.

If you cannot produce proof of purchase when you arrive inland, the gold store may call the police immediately.

"Then we stay?"

Jin Wen asked tentatively.

Li Cunxi stuffed it into his pocket and walked out quickly: "I remember there was a small gold shop next to the guest house. I went there to sell some bat shirts and toad glasses to match with jeans."

Last night, when he saw the gold shop, he was confused. How could he make a living by opening a gold shop in this place where no one had a chance to shit?

If you want to open it, you have to go to Shekou District, where young people gather.

But on second thought.

This place is located in a remote area, so it would be perfect to open a gold shop to buy and sell stolen goods.

After all, this place is connected to Huiyang, and smuggling is common over there. There must be dishonest people who secretly take some gold from the smuggling dens and sell it here at a low price. The oil on their fingers is enough to make this small gold shop a lot of money.

"That's a good feeling."

Jin Wen quickly followed out.

dong dong dong.

Li Cunxi knocked on the door of the gold shop, and soon a skinny old man opened the door.

The two walked in. Silver and gold jewelry were placed on the old table without any protective measures at all.

He took out two gold bars: "Boss, do you want to take them?"

The old man glanced at the gold bar and asked, "Do you have a receipt?"

Li Cunxi grinned: "Stop making trouble, I won't come to you if I have the receipt."

The old man took the gold bar, cut a section with pliers, made sure it was real gold, put it on the scale, picked up the pole and measured it, and said: "620 grams, if you sell it, it's 15 per gram."


Li Cunxi bargained.

The current price of gold is about 30. Since this gold cannot be seen in the light, there is nothing wrong with selling it for 15. People have to bear the risk of collecting stolen goods, so naturally they have to take more.

"That's the price."

As expected, the old man refused to give in.

Li Cunxi nodded and said, "I can sell it, but you need to find me two similar iron blocks and paint them with gold paint."

"Okay, wait."

The old man walked to the back room carrying the gold bars, and five minutes passed.

He held two fake gold bars and three large stacks of solidarity: "9300 yuan, you click on it."


Li Cunxi took two fake gold bars and looked at them carefully. In fact, they were very different from selling two pieces.

However, he believed that his second uncle had a guilty conscience these days and had not carefully examined the gold bars after taking them away, so he could not tell the difference between real and fake gold bars.

Jin Wen counted it again to make sure the number was correct, and put the nine hundred banknotes into the canvas bag he just bought. The canvas bag was bulging.

Go back to the guest house.

Jin Wen stuffed the fake gold bar back into Bai Maowen's wet socks and patted the other person's face hard: "Wake up, wake up."


Bai Maowen woke up leisurely: "Who am I and where am I?"

"You are Bai Maowen. You are at a guest house in Shencheng. Get dressed quickly. We are going to Yangcheng."

Jin Wen threw a new set of clothes to Bai Maowen and walked out of the room.

Outside the guest house.

Li Cunxi was sitting on a tricycle, wandering around.

During this trip to Yangcheng, his experiences were comparable to those in Hong Kong movies of the 80s. It would be no exaggeration to say that he was surrounded by dangers.

After he returns to Beijing, if he tells his story to his wife, she will probably be so frightened that she will burst into tears and never let him go on a business trip again in her life.

Thinking of his wife, he was eager to return home.

But before going back.

He wants to block a Crown car in front of the People's Building in the middle of Heping Road in Yangcheng at 24:[-] tomorrow afternoon.

The driver of this car was the car that killed his wife and daughter in his previous life.

In his last life, he spent his whole life and offered a reward of hundreds of millions, but could not get the identity of the other party. He only pieced together the truth about his wife and daughter's car accident from many people's mouths.

It is said that his wife and daughter were on the roadside at the time, inquiring about him.

The Crown plowed straight onto the sidewalk, knocking his wife and daughter away and speeding away.

Since God almost gave him a do-over, he must find out the murderer who caused him pain for half his life and torture him.

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