Rebirth and Second Chances

Chapter 170: Prologue - Book 4

"I'm positive, My Lord. The Sidhe King, Teigh, presented documented evidence that proved that someone from your staff used your symbols of power. I examined the recordings of the tattoos that had been placed on the Sidhe known as Thom myself.

"They had been obscured, but it was clear that they had been placed under the seal of Horus, redirecting the soul energy that was ritually sacrificed and destroying the soul in the process. Unfortunately, there was nothing left of the body after the battle for anyone to examine so I was unable to ascertain who the soul energy that was accumulated during sacrifice was directed too," Eine said in apology.

Eine was one of Isis' best operatives. His investigative abilities were honed and tested over a millennium in his God's service. If he wasn't able to tell who was profiteering off of a ritual that was exclusively regulated by the domain of Osiris, then the knowledge that he sought was unable to be ferreted out. At least on Talahm.

There were only a few people that had the knowledge to dedicate a person with the hieroglyphs that had been tattooed on the Sidhe's body. The body art that would open a person's soul and allow it to straddle both the physical and metaphysical realms was restricted to the priest class, and only High-Priests of Osiris were given the secrets to the full ritual.

Isis had also tried her best to find the culprit, she knew once Osiris discovered what those fools on Olympus and Asgard had done, how they had corrupted one of his High-Priests and stolen and empowered hieroglyphs to contend with and manipulate the Sidhe of the Tuatha de Danaan Pantheon, that his anger would shake the very bedrock of the underworld he ruled.

Whoever had had the effrontery to steal and corrupt had made a fatal mistake, by usurping Osiris' Divine mandate, he would act. He was not the kind of God to forgive any slight or turn his cheek to any insult. He would retaliate if he had to wait an eternity.

The Egyptian Pantheon had, for the most part, remained neutral in this contest of Gods. Osiris and Isis were prescient enough to know that Ragnarok was inevitable. Someday, no matter the scheming and delaying tactics any of the Gods employed, a final reckoning would be at hand, and that any actions taken against the Tuatha de Danaan now, would only be repaid tenfold when the final battle was joined.

The Egyptians had chosen to ignore the contentious squabbles, and power grabs other Pantheons delighted in. They would marshal their strengths and usher as many souls as possible into the lands of the dead, the domain that Osiris ruled absolutely. This Universe may end in a final battle, but like the Sidhe's Summerlands, the afterlife that Osiris ruled was interconnected with a multitude of Universes. If an Egyptian Pantheon existed, in any incarnation across the wide multiverse, then the land of the dead enjoyed a connection, the Egyptian Gods would continue, certainly greatly reduced.

But rebirth was a cycle of life, and for Gods, the end of this time stream was just a small river rapid that had to be navigated. Ragnarok was the fated end-time for this incarnation of Gods, but there would be a new day, the rise of new Powers.

Olympus and Asgard could have done the same, each had their own underworlds, but Zeus and Odin were too proud to allow themselves to be constrained by the Gods that ruled those lands. Even so, Isis thought it likely that Hades and Hel both had plans in place, connections between the multi-verse that linked their domains. Those two were much too crafty to allow themselves to be destroyed in the fires of Ragnarok.

She blamed the Fates for much of how Zeus and Odin acted and responded. They had been instrumental in eliminating the Titans by spouting pronouncements, Fate that became a self-fulfilling prophecy. They did the same with Zeus and Odin releasing just enough information about the future to nudge circumstances to conform to the weft and weave of the tapestry of life.

Atropos was the driving force behind Ragnarok. She would fulfill her role as the final arbiter for all life and snipe the last thread, her action putting an end to the tapestry of life that her sisters had spun and woven. It was her actions, more than any other, that influenced events and would lead Olympus and Asgard to their eventual doom.

No matter.

Ragnarok was a future event, Osiris would act now. The new Tuatha de Danaan King would bring change Isis own foresight had determined. System announcements already hinted that the people of Talahm would soon be moving onto the Universal stage and would be taking a seat in the Senate. A seat for the Sidhe that had remained empty since Portal technology had linked the diverse Pantheons and their planets. When the Tuatha de Danaan had been forced into Sleep.

Isis was realistic enough to know that action was called for, to do nothing would do irreparable damage to Osiris' and by proxy the Egyptian Pantheon's influence. But it was better to be smart when dealing with the Olympians and Asgardians, and she hoped the idea Bastet had suggested, an idea that she brought forward in her incarnation as the Eye of Ra would soothe his anger and engage his interest.

"Osiris," Isis said, her voice firm, "stop and listen before giving into anger. I came to you with more than news of the corruption that has infiltrated your priesthood, I came with a plan. A suggestion that Bastet had offered.

"This idea seems workable. It will allow you to make obvious to the senate that you not only had nothing to do with this scheme but that you will act against any further incursions or usurpation of your Godly prerogatives.

"The Tuatha de Danaan Monarch may be a new ruler, but his objectives are clear. He would find a way to allow his people to step upon a new stage, to gain access to new worlds. Use his drive.

"Bastet has suggested that we partner with him and his people. Specifically, she has proffered the idea that we cede most of the rights to the planet Ijal. Let his people break themselves against the tides of beast and dungeon found there. If they can tame that world it will elevate your position for diplomacy, if they can't, they will have softened and closed enough of the incursions and dungeons to make an Egyptian offensive more effective."

"Cede the entire planet? Is that necessary?" Osiris asked finally calming down enough to discuss the situation rationally.

"Most not all. Keep an insignificant island as Egyptian territory, somewhere out of the way that can be easily defended. Have the scribes craft a treaty that expressly returns the world to our control if the Sidhe have not managed to make substantive gains," Isis explained, "Perhaps a five, ten, twenty, and a fifty-year treaty that will spell out expectations for both sides."

"How does this affect Zeus and Odin?" Osiris wondered.

"How do you think those two will react when the Sidhe that they have worked tirelessly to usurp from the one planet they have absolute control of are finally liberated by an Egyptian treaty and edict?

"I imagine they may just explode in apocalyptic fury when they find out what you have done. And the fact that not only can you act, but are astute enough to respond diplomatically, in a way that deals a real setback to their schemes and political maneuvering will be noticed by the rest of the Senate.

"It will be the largest challenge to their authority since the Senate was formed. This action may be the beginning. The downfall of Olympus and Asgard is Fated. This may be the first step for the Egyptians to ascend.

"Let's take a chance on this new Sidhe King and test the fortunes of our two people."

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