Rebirth As a Writer In Britain

Chapter 126

Chapter 126 Refusal to write a word invitation

“Sorry, would you please say it again?”

Kevin naturally knew who the other party said Brian was, but he was a little surprised at the news, so he chose to ask more.

“Dear Mr. Kevin, I mean we, Mr. Brian, asked you to write some lyrics for him. Maybe we should meet the previous person and talk about it in detail, right?” The other party said again.

“It turned out that you, Mr. Brian, asked me to write lyrics for him. Why didn’t he contact me, but you?” Kevin asked back.

Kevin is just a writer, and his ideal is to become a writer. As for the lyricist, he sold the music copyright of “When You Are Old” to the other party because of Bella’s face.

But Brian is different, he and he are not relatives. On the premise that the other party didn’t call and invite him in person, Kevin could make a decision based on his mood.

“Sorry, Mr. Bryan has been busy filming recently, so there is no extra time. I think we are the same in detail. He has conveyed all his thoughts to me.” The other party continued.

“But respectable sir, I am also very sorry. I am also a bit busy recently. So I am afraid I will betray your kindness.” Kevin also refused.

“Mr. Kevin, don’t you think about it carefully? You know that Bryan is now a smash star in the UK, and he will surely sing the lyrics you write. Then, your lyricist’s worth is naturally high. That’s a lot.”

The other party felt incredible that Kevin directly rejected him. After all, if an average lyricist meets an invitation from a big star, he usually won’t refuse it. The reason is simple. The prices offered by these big-name celebrities are not very low, and the degree of vocalization is high, which is conducive to the promotion of their own reputation.

But he won’t know, Kevin doesn’t rely on this to make a name for himself. Besides, since Bella sang “When You Are Old”, no one will doubt his ability to write lyrics.

“Thank you for your kindness, I think I will consider it.” Kevin tactfully refused.

“Well, you think about it, you can call me anytime. I think my phone will be open for you 24 hours. Bye bye, talented Kevin.”

After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone when he was unhappy with the convenience. For so many years, he has been with Bryan’s side, and he has rarely seen anyone refuse Mr. Bryan’s invitation.

“What? Isn’t it that I wrote a song that was sung by Bella? I’m starting to play big cards now, and he will come out only if we call Mr. Brian personally. Hey! I don’t believe it, this world You are the only one who can write lyrics.”

Obviously, Bryan’s assistant was upset about Kevin’s rejection of his invitation.

Kevin doesn’t take this matter to heart, after all, he doesn’t have much interest in the lyricist. If it was not a sincere invitation, or out of some friendship, he would not easily write poems and lyrics for whom.

Kevin put the phone back on the bed and went to the bathroom to wash it. After all, I drank a lot of wine last night, and my stomach was empty at this time. He desperately needs a nice pastry to fill his stomach.

After Kevin finished washing, he thought of Bella and Alva. So he called Bella. Bella said on the phone that she was about to go down for morning tea, and asked Kevin if she wanted to be together. Kevin was missing a company and agreed to go with him.

After a night’s rest, Alwa was obviously much better than last night. .

“Kevin, thank you for the hot towel last night.” Alva said to Kevin.

“You’re welcome, that’s what I should do.”

“I didn’t expect you as a great writer to have a gentle and considerate side.” Bella teased at this time.

“Thank you, I think this is what every elegant man should do.” Kevin replied wittily.

“Really? Tell me, will you include the situation of last night’s banquet in your work tonight?”

“Perhaps I don’t have the habit of writing a diary. Oh, let’s go. Is the wonderful morning tea waiting for us? They can’t wait to let us drink it.”

After drinking morning tea with Bella, it was almost eleven o’clock. This is an awkward time because it is also very close to lunch time, and they have just finished breakfast. Kaiwen thought there was a chance to have a meal with Bella, but Bella said that she would fly to Birmingham to sing in the afternoon, so Kaiwen’s wonderful plan was broken.

“Dear Kevin, is it true that you said before that you welcome me to be a guest at your house?” Bella looked at Kevin seriously and asked when she was parting.

“Yes, and welcome anytime.” Kevin also answered her seriously.

“Well, after the Birmingham concert, I think I can have time to go to Edinburgh.” Bella said.

“It’s great. That beautiful city welcomes you, a beautiful person.”

“It’s greasy again. Oh, the time is up, I’m going into the airport. Bye.”

After Kevin watched Bella enter the airport, he returned to the Sykes Hotel. Then, plan to pack up and return to Edinburgh.

The purpose of Kevin’s trip is to attend the celebration banquet of “Jane Eyre” Now that the banquet is over, he should go back.

Kevin bought a night plane, so when he returned to Edinburgh, it was already past ten o’clock. But the two elders did not fall asleep. After they went to the airport to pick Kevin up and returned home, they made a temporary dinner for Kevin.

Kevin is very moved. This also proves that no matter in that world, the love of parents is always deeply warming.

Kevin did not fall asleep immediately after taking a cold shower. Because he remembered that his poems in the column of Time Magazine had not been sent to Wall. He has to remember to send it to the other party first while he still remembers, otherwise he will go to school tomorrow and he will probably forget about it.

“Ode to the Nightingale” has been serialized to the fifth chapter. After the five chapters were published, many people were full of praise for Kevin’s writing. They have never seen a poem so beautiful and can be serialized. They have fallen deeply into the wonderful world imagined in the plot set in “Ode to the Nightingale”. They are full of curiosity about the plot that follows.

Precisely because of the curiosity of these readers, the sales volume of Time Magazine has maintained a good number, which makes them very happy. If it continues, Kevin will undoubtedly be awarded the title of “Time Magazine” gold medal writer.

In this parallel world, it is undoubtedly the highest honor for a writer to be given the title of “gold writer” by magazines or newspapers. This means that the writer’s contribution to the magazine or newspaper is huge. (Special thanks to the friend “Evergreen No Regrets” and wish her (him) all the best. Thank you Welcome to read the latest, fastest and hottest serial works. .;

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