Rebirth As a Writer In Britain

Chapter 13

Chapter 13 “Jane Eyre” signing

The first to post this incident on Twitter was Brooke, a gold medal reporter of The London Times. Brooke is a humorous reporter with more than 300,000 followers on Twitter.

“This year’s literary competition is really interesting. A contestant wrote the rematch essay in just ten minutes. Please remember that this rematch question is temporary. No one will know before the question, including the chief examiner. ”

Not long after his tweet was posted, many people left comments immediately.

“There is no doubt that this man is a genius, and God has sent a genius to save English literature.”

“Dear Brook, this person is not going to hand in a blank paper. Haha, you know that writing an article is a laborious task. It doesn’t take half an hour, so I can’t write it. Besides, this topic is still temporary. ”

“This person is really awesome, if I write it well, I should read it a few more times and polish it up.”

“Tell me, who is this person?”

Following the tweets of other media people, for a while, many people also participated in the discussion of Kevin’s submission of articles in a short period of time. Since some media people posted the initial avatar when they posted their Twitter, they were seen by Dehai editor Zela who was watching Twitter.

Zera naturally remembered who this person was, and then smiled contemptuously.

“Huh, I said, this young man is too impetuous. If you submit the work within ten minutes, do you think you are Shakespeare? Do you really think you are a genius? Still, it is a miracle to be able to enter the semi-finals. . Champion, don’t even think about it.”

After seeing that the person who delivered the work in a short period of time is Kevin, Zella feels a lot more at ease. At least it proves that her original point of view is correct. How can such a person write good works?

So, at this time, the editor of Zella is very sure that Kevin will definitely lose the election.

Kevin just walked out the gate of the rematch area when he saw a 30-year-old young man waiting for him there.

“Enni editor, why are you here? Oh, it’s nice to meet you.” Kevin said with a smile.

This is a country that pays attention to etiquette, so Kevin keeps smiling all the time. In Edinburgh, and even in the entire United Kingdom, a smile is considered one of the best expressions of human beings. This is also their culture. Many British people believe that a smile can be favored by God and thus get good luck.

“Kevin, why did you come out so soon? Isn’t this rematch time two hours?”

Enni, the editor in chief, was also surprised when he saw Kevin come out. She thought that Kevin would have to come out in at least an hour, but she just happened to run into him shortly after she came.

“Dear Editor-in-Chief Enni, I finished writing my work, then handed it to the chief examiner, and then it came out. Why are you all so surprised?”

“Kevin, we have to be surprised at this speed. You need to know that writing an article requires inspiration, ideation, and then writing. It also takes time. And you…”

Enni editor-in-chief began to worry about Kevin’s work at this time. Ever since she saw Kevin’s “Rose of Love” and “Jane Eyre”, she deeply believed that this was a literary genius. And it would be a shame if he lost the championship of this literary competition because of his premature handing in or over-confidence.

“Don’t worry, I am sure of my work, and I maintain confidence.” Kevin said confidently.

Enni admires his talented self-confidence. No matter what the final result is, she decided to support this literary talented teenager as much as possible.

“If you have confidence, do what you like. That’s right. Oh, I have something to do with you, come to my office to talk.” At this time, the editor-in-chief Enni remembered the business.

Kevin followed Enni’s editor-in-chief to her office. The other party poured him a glass of water, and then sincerely asked him to sit down.

“Dear Kevin, I read your “Jane Eyre” and I have to say that this is a great work, so our publishing house is willing to sign a contract with you to publish it, and we can also help you promote it to film and television companies. Said that there is a chance to arrange it into a movie or TV series.

Enni editor-in-chief put a thick stack of manuscripts on the table at this time. These are the manuscripts of “Jane Eyre”, which she printed out on the USB flash drive this morning.

“Is it true? Are you really willing to sign “Jane Eyre” with me?”

Although it was expected, Kevin still couldn’t restrain the joy in his heart. Yes, before the rebirth, countless times on the street, countless times of rejections, and now I finally feel the feeling of signing.

“Yes, this is the reason why I called you to come to the office. Maybe we should talk about copyright. Oh, this is the contract we have drawn up for you. You can check it out. If you have any questions or objections, we can talk.”

After finishing speaking, editor Enni took out a contract from the drawer and handed it to Kevin.

Kevin took the contract and looked at it carefully. According to the terms of the contract, Kevin can get 200,000 pounds of remuneration for writing and publishing. As for the remuneration for film and television, it will be given at 15%.

All this is absolutely high for a newcomer author, and Kevin is still a teenager who has not published any literary works. His only identity that can be used as a publicity is just a semi-finalist in the seventh literary competition, and the rest are all zero.

The reason why he was able to get 200,000 pounds was only because of Enni’s appreciation of his literary ability. She wanted to do all she could to help this literary genius.

Therefore, Kevin is not dissatisfied with the contract given by the London Literature Publishing House.

“Dear editor-in-chief Enni, thank you very much. Thank you for your willingness to use my manuscript. However, rest assured, I can assure you that the launch of “Jane Eyre” will definitely make a sensation in English literature.”

Enni sighed in her heart: This boy is still so confident, but I just admire his self-confidence.

“Well, I believe you. If you can get the champion of this literary competition, maybe the sales will be much better. After all, the organizer will also promote it vigorously.” Enni said.

Enni is not wrong. As the most authoritative literary competition in the UK, although there is no monetary reward, the packaging is not saved. Moreover, everyone who can win a championship in a literary competition is currently active in the British literary world.

This is also similar to the new concept composition contest on earth. The first prize of the new concept composition contest does not have a bonus, but there are many opportunities for promotion.

“Respectful editor of Enni, please believe me, this year’s literary competition, the champion should be me.” Kevin said.

Enni is just an editor for reviewers, but she also knows that writing articles requires polishing and the like. Therefore, I am really not very optimistic about the champion mentioned by Kevin.

However, even if Kevin does not win this literary competition, she will continue to publish “Jane Eyre” and support Kevin’s creation. (This book has been signed, please rest assured to collect it. Thank you, I wish you a happy family and all the best. Oh, everyone who bought the lottery ticket won the lottery, and everyone who bought the stock got rich. Finally, please collect it and ask for a reward.)

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