Rebirth As a Writer In Britain

Chapter 136

Chapter 136 Plagiarism

“Sold newspapers, sold newspapers, the literary world’s huge news, genius writer Kevin is a plagiarism. (Baidu search network is the fastest and most stable update) ≦ Suixiao,”

Suddenly, from the alleys of the newspapers, the most familiar cries in the English morning came. This is similar to the early morning papers sold during the Republic of China in China on the earth. It’s just that there are very few China today, and the parallel world of Britain still remains.

Enni just finished her breakfast and planned to go to work in the London Literature Publishing House. After hearing the sound, she stopped and bought a newspaper that the other party said.

This is a “English Literary Morning Post”, the purpose of this newspaper is to discover the latest and most comprehensive news in English literature. Because this parallel world of Britain attaches great importance to literature, many people are full of strong interest in literature, which directly leads to a very good market for the “English Literary Morning Post”.

“Good morning, please give me a copy. Thank you,” the editor-in-chief Enni said softly.

So, after getting the newspaper, she quickly opened it and read it. Sure enough, the headline of the “British Literary Morning Post” turned out to be “Genius Writer Kevin Is a Plagiarist”.

“What the **** is going on? Could it be someone who saw that Kevin was too popular recently and wanted to slander him.” Editor Enni said in surprise after seeing this headline headline.

Kevin was first discovered by the editor-in-chief of Enni, and she also watched Kevin’s progress step by step, and then became popular. So naturally she would not believe it when she saw such a topic. So curiosity asked her to look down:

The recent name of Kevin has shocked the entire English literature world, even the film and television industry or the music industry. Because his “Jane Eyre” was a smash hit, his “When You Are Old” was sung by Bella. His “Wuthering Heights” has been printed several times in a few months.

Is Kevin really a literary genius sent by God? I used to be the same as you, and both thought so deeply. But when his poem “Ode to the Nightingale” was finished, I suddenly discovered something.

Yes, Kevin is so young and still a student. How could he have such a mature and delicate writing, how could he have such a deep understanding of the real world? Then you can inject this understanding and experience flawlessly into the poetry.

This is a difficult task, even if it is Shakespeare’s rebirth, it is difficult to do. I think God will not send out a literary genius so easily. God likes those who make progress step by step.

then. I searched everywhere on the Internet, trying to find out why Kevin can write such perfect poems as a student.

But just looking for it like this, I found the problem. Kevin’s “Ode to the Nightingale” is suspected of plagiarism. This poem is basically the same as that written by a writer in Northern Ireland, except that it was written by a thrush. And Kevin turned it into a Nightingale.

If you don’t believe me, you can check it out. This Northern Irish writer is called Charleston Nophie.

Yes, I don’t believe in this result either, this song is liked by countless people. The poems that were personally commented and praised by the famous poetry critic David Lee are suspected of plagiarism. But after seeing it, I have to admit that this is a fact.

Then, everything can be explained clearly. Why can Kevin as a student learn poetry with such a deep understanding of the real world? Why is each of Kevin’s poems so beautiful and concise?

I think “Jane Eyre” and “Wuthering Heights” should also be suspected of plagiarism. I am trying to find evidence. Because as a former supporter of Kevin, I watched both of these works. Its description is too delicate, and it’s not like a child can grasp it at all.

Of course, I hope that these two works I like are not suspected of plagiarism. But even if these two works are not, the plagiarism in “Ode to the Nightingale” will always be a stain on Kevin.

Editor-in-chief Enni read the entire article and couldn’t believe the result, nor would she believe that Kevin was plagiarism. If Kevin is really famous for plagiarism, then at the 7th London Literary Competition. Is it plagiarism that he wrote a championship-level work in ten minutes?

Editor-in-chief Enni gave a “hum”, then stuffed the newspaper directly into the trash can next to it, and then raised her head proudly and went to work.

Editor-in-chief Enni thinks so, but others don’t think so. When the newspaper “British Literary Morning Post” went crazy, and when they saw the article “Genius Writer Kevin Is a Plagiarist”, they were undoubtedly shocked. The news seemed to be that a huge stone was suddenly dropped by someone on the calm lake. No matter how small the sound, it can attract people to look at it.

“Oh my God, is this true? Is Kevin’s “Ode to the Nightingale” really plagiarism? I still support him so much. If it is so. Then I have committed a crime. Because a wise man said: Support those The wrong person is a crime.”

“I shouldn’t believe this is true. I watched the last chapter of the poem “Ode to the Nightingale” yesterday. It’s very good. But if it is plagiarism, then Kevin’s behavior is a bit shameful.”

“I think this article is eloquent, and the evidence is very sufficient. The evidence he cited does have many similarities with the poems written by Kevin. Is it true that Kevin is plagiarizing?”

“I don’t believe it. I don’t believe it is true. How could the person who wrote “Jane Eyre” and “Wuthering Heights” and “When You Are Old” be a nasty plagiarism.”

Kevin’s readers can hardly accept this fact, because they like Kevin’s articles so much, and they are deeply immersed in the romantic mood written by Kevin. But if all this is plagiarism, their hearts will collapse.

As a literary editor, Zella naturally pays attention to newspapers in the industry like “English Literary Morning Post”. When she saw the news about Kevin’s plagiarism, she felt very happy.

This Kevin, who was despised by himself, finally had negative news. And this negative news is fatal to a writer. Because in this parallel world of Britain, people attach great importance to the protection of literary copyright. It can be said that if a writer is really proven to be plagiarism. Then he can hardly get involved in the literary world in his entire life.

So Zela had to feel comfortable seeing the news, and her face began to flush, as if she had suddenly been moisturized by a sensation.

“Kevin, I didn’t expect your result to be the same as Draxler.”

The Draxler that Zella said was also a writer, but that was seven years ago, when his essays were very popular in the UK. But the good times didn’t last long. When his fourth collection of essays was published, readers found the problem. This collection of essays is almost identical to that of an American writer. Draxler was therefore identified as a copyist.

This writer, once known as a prose genius, also bid farewell to the literary world because of the plagiarism label. No one would believe that he wrote his works anymore, and no publishing house would take the risk to publish his works. In desperation, Draxler had to give up the road of writing, and then started a small business in beverages.

Therefore, Zella felt that if Kevin really plagiarized, the end result would be similar to Draxler.

Zella was happy, and told Augustine the news. After Augustine heard the news, the unhappiness of the previous few days has completely disappeared. Since Kevin became the editor-in-chief of “Youth” and killed his manuscript, his mood has not been better. Now I am finally cheerful.

Augustine and Kevin are classmates. Since Kevin won the semi-finals of the 7th London Literary Competition, he has been unable to figure it out. At the beginning, he couldn’t write a summary of the event, and was considered by the whole school to be the least promising person. How come you become a best-selling author.

Seeing this plagiarized news now, everything seems to be clear.

“Hmph, I said how he suddenly seemed to be a different person. It turned out to be plagiarism.” Augustine said proudly.

For a time, the news that Kevin was a plagiarism began to spread throughout the English literature world, and many people were surprised. Especially Curry and Santos and others.

They all watched Kevin come out step by step. At the 7th London Literary Competition, they liked Kevin very much, and deeply believed that Kevin would bring unexpected light to the British literature in the future. .

But how can such a character be said to be a plagiarism? Is his book really plagiarized?

“No I don’t believe this is true. How could the person who wrote a championship-level work in a dozen minutes at the competition site copy someone else’s work.” Curry said.

Santos also didn’t believe that Kevin’s article was reviewed by him. This is the best young man he has ever written about. How could someone he likes be a hated copyist.

“This is just nonsense. Kevin’s “Jane Eyre” and “Wuthering Heights” have sold well. As for plagiarism for a poem?” Santos said.

Except that Curry and Santos didn’t believe it, Teacher Collison didn’t believe it either. Although he knew that Kevin was not easy to learn before, and he was not motivated. But he is generally kind and honest. He is not going to plagiarize for these fame and fortune.

So Collison called Kevin himself. After class, Kevin either reviewed the “Youth” manuscript or wrote “Robinson Crusoe” after class. Because the plagiarized news came so suddenly, he didn’t know about it. When Collison heard on the phone that someone had written an article to report his plagiarism, he was surprised. (To be continued.)

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