Rebirth As a Writer In Britain

Chapter 17

Chapter 17 Zera’s entanglement

After the organizer announced the successful conclusion of this literary competition, the players who did not get the ranking also left the field one by one. Of course, there is also a person who stayed to choose to take photos with famous artists such as Curry.

Enni editor-in-chief walked to Kevin’s side for the first time, and then said: “Kevin, you are so stupid, do you know? You just missed a good opportunity to recommend “Jane Eyre”.”

“Really? But Enni, I didn’t think so much at the time.” Kevin scratched his head and said.

“It’s okay, you are the champion of this literary competition. According to the organizer’s plan, you will get a lot of opportunities for packaging and promotion. At that time, “Jane Eyre” will be released again.” Enni said.

“Well, too. Oh, I’m so happy today, this trophy seems to be full of magic, it excites me and makes me ecstatic.”

“Of course, otherwise there won’t be so many people thinking about participating in this literary competition. Go ahead, go and accept interviews from the media, maybe you will be the protagonist today and will be the headline of the entire London daily.”

As expected, the media quickly gathered around Kevin and kept taking pictures of him.

“Dear Mr. Kevin, can you tell me how you feel at the moment?”

“Mr. Kevin, before that, have you ever thought that the champion of this literary competition will be you?”

“How did your essay “Meditation on a Broom” get inspired?”

For a while, the media one after another threw the question to Kevin, who was surrounded by circles, and could only answer their questions one by one in place.

With the end of the press conference, Kevin’s victory in this literary competition was also announced. This is the world of Twitter. Therefore, many people saw this information on the official Twitter of the London Literature Publishing House for the first time.

“Oh my God, it’s really a god, the first one to submit a work, and then won the first place. Is it really the reincarnation of Shakespeare?”

“It’s him? How could it be? This is incredible. How did he get inspiration for more than ten minutes.”

“It turns out that we have to look at him with admiration.”

“Only a genius can have such a speed. I admire him too much.”

“Kevin? I have to meet such an awesome character with my own eyes, and write a championship-level work in ten minutes. I think he must be handsome.”

The University of Edinburgh, as Kevin’s school, is most concerned about this result. After seeing Kevin’s championship on Twitter, the teachers and principals of the school were all excited.

The principal with a beer belly excitedly hugged Collison, and said: “Collison, great, your students are great. He is the pride of our University of Edinburgh.”

“No, Principal Harden, don’t forget, Kevin is your student as well. So, congratulations.”

“Haha, yeah. Thank God, thank God for letting a literary genius sit in Edinburgh University.” President Harden’s face is still so excited, as if this championship is his own.

The other teachers’ faces were mostly ashamed at this time. At the beginning, they were not optimistic about Kevin, and even thought that Kevin was a waste, which was a disgrace to the University of Edinburgh. But after hearing that Kevin had won the London Literary Competition, they had to feel guilty for what they thought.

Collison has always believed in Kevin’s future, so he blessed Kevin silently in his heart: Good fellow, you finally did not disappoint me. Come on, you will be a great writer.

After seeing this tweet, Augustine stiffened his entire face.

“How is it possible? I have been in the same class with him for so many years. I know his literary level best. In ten minutes, he can write such excellent works?”

Augustine couldn’t believe his eyes. He rushed into the bathroom and quickly washed his eyes with water ten times, ten times. Then he ran back and looked at the results on the computer. The first name was still Kevin.

With a “pop”, his hand accidentally dropped the cup on the table to the ground, and it was completely broken into one piece.

“How could this be? This person who couldn’t even write the summary of the event won the championship of the most authoritative literary competition in Britain? But I, a person who has published works in literary journals since I was a child, can’t make it to the semi-finals?”

Augustine was in a bad mood.

Zera editor also saw the Twitter that Kevin won the championship of this literary competition, and her face became very ugly. But soon she calmed down again.

“Humph! Even if you win the championship, no publishing house will publish your “Jane Eyre”.”

As an old editor in the literary world, Zella has always refused to admit his mistakes. She began to drink water frantically and drank three consecutive cups until there was a knock on the door outside.

“Please come in.” Zera finished editing, and quickly sorted out her appearance.

“Oh, vice president, what do you want to do with me?”

Zera saw that it was Lavin, the vice president of Dehai Publishing House, who came in, and immediately greeted him.

“Zera, I believe you have also seen the events of this literary competition. It is said that the champion of this year is very powerful, and the work was completed in ten minutes. As one of the famous British publishing houses, I think we Such genius should not be let go.” President Lavin said.

“What does the vice president mean?”

“I mean to ask you to contact this champion to see if he has any recent works, or we can sign some contracts with him. In the future, all his novels and articles will be published by our publishing house. You know, UU Reading www. The title of London Literary Competition is enough for us to promote his book. And it will definitely sell well,” said President Lavin.

“But the vice president, he is still a student, and a newcomer…”

In fact, Zella is very clear that no matter whether the opponent is a student or a newcomer, no one who can win the championship in the London Literary Competition, has written works, so far, no one has not been mixed into the best-selling list. She just couldn’t let go of the face of throwing “Jane Eyre” into the trash can.

“Zera, what’s the matter with you today? Do you know that what you just said has fallen short of the level of a professional editor? You must know that for such a literary genius, his works are definitely best-sellers. Remember, don’t look at it with ordinary people’s eyes Look at the world of genius.” President Lavin emphasized.

“Okay! I want to try my best.”

“That’s good, I have to go to the meeting, let me leave first. Bye.”

“Bye bye.”

After President Lavin left, Zera’s face looked even more ugly than before. Now the above asks himself to take the initiative to contact Kevin, what should I do now? Do you really want to put it down?

But the manuscript with Kevin’s contact information has been thrown into the trash can by him. Now it is impossible to find it. How can this be good?

At this time, Zela started to feel entangled in her heart. Of course, what she struggles with is not how to find Kevin’s contact information, but whether or not to find Kevin.

You must know that it is the task that the vice president of Dehai Publishing House has personally arranged for her. If you don’t take this task seriously, it will be difficult for you to get involved in Dehai Publishing House in the future.

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