Rebirth As a Writer In Britain

Chapter 177

Chapter 177 Write “On Jealousy”

Although Wall doesn’t believe that Kevin’s article can reverse the number of votes, he can only try it at this time. (Baidu search is the fastest and most stable update for After all, before the voting is over, any opportunity may exist.

What Kevin thought of at this time was “On Jealousy” by Francis Bacon, a famous British essayist.

Francis Bacon is a British philosopher and scientist. He tried his best to advocate that “reading history makes people wise, reading poetry makes people wise, calculus makes people sophisticated, philosophy makes people profound, theory makes people cultivated, and logical rhetoric makes people eloquent.

This thinker who pursued the truth all his life was called “the true ancestor of British materialism and the entire modern experimental science” by Marx. He also put forward many ideas in logic, aesthetics, and pedagogy. He is the author of “New Tools”, “A Collection of Essays on Essays” and so on. The latter includes 58 essays, discussing a wide range of life issues from various angles, subtle and philosophical, and has many readers all over the world.

This “On Jealousy” is a classic in the essay, and since the publication of this article, it has received praise from all walks of life. Moreover, some countries have also included it in the language textbooks.

Francis Bacon boldly expounded his views on jealousy in the article. He started by saying:

Among the various kinds of human beings, there are two that are the most deceptive, and these are love and jealousy. Both of these emotions can arouse strong sex, create illusory images, and be enough to confuse people’s hearts-if there is such a thing as witchcraft.

Therefore, we know that “jealousy” is called a kind of “evil eye” in the “Bible”, while astrologers call it a “catastrophe”. That is to say, jealousy can project danger and disaster to the place where its eyes are focused. Not only the above, but some people believe that when the poisonous eye of jealousy hurts the most, it is when the jealous person is most proud of it. On the one hand, it is because of this situation that the jealousy becomes sharper; on the other hand, it is because of this situation. Those who are jealous are the most vulnerable.

In addition to explaining the psychology and harm of “jealousy”, Francis Bacon also said in the article who is easy to be jealous, and who is easy to attract jealousy. Or what kind of jealousy must be more than public jealousy. There is also the difference between public jealousy and private jealousy.

For example, Francis Bacon believes that the unscrupulous people will be jealous of the moral. Because if the human mind cannot obtain nourishment from its own strengths, it must find other people’s shortcomings as nourishment.

And those who are jealous often have neither advantages. He can’t see the advantages of others, so he can only comfort himself by corrupting the happiness of others. When a person lacks a certain virtue in himself, he must belittle the virtue of others in order to achieve a balance between the two.

As for who is easy to attract jealousy, Francis Bacon believes that a rising star is jealous, especially the jealousy of those noble elders, because the distance between them has changed. The rise of others is enough to create an illusion, making people feel as if they have been lowered.

It is precisely because of Francis Bacon’s unique insight and comprehensive analysis of “jealousy”. The reason why this article has become a century-old classic.

Therefore, Kevin has reason to believe that such a wonderful essay is naturally well received in this parallel world.

So, Kevin began to use the literary memory in his mind, and then quickly tapped it in the computer file, and then carefully checked it before sending it to Wall.

Wall knew that this issue of “Time” would be published the day after tomorrow, so after receiving Kevin’s submission, he immediately reviewed it.

When he read the complete “On Jealousy” completely, he still sighed with that familiar sentence: “Kevin really deserves to be a literary genius.”

This is the first time Wall has seen such a thorough analysis of people’s “jealous” in an article, especially since the author is a student in his twenties. He has been deeply impressed by this article and the person who wrote it.

“Perhaps this article does make Kevin’s votes higher.”

See such wonderful and comprehensive prose. Wall also had the same idea as Kevin.

After Bara saw that he had far surpassed Kevin in the number of votes, he was relieved a lot. And at this time, he also deeply believes that this time the gold medal writer is none other than him.

So, he couldn’t help but fantasize in his mind. When “Time” announces the news of his gold medal writer, the British media newspapers will definitely report in a large amount. By then, their headlines may be “The King of Comedy Turns into a Gold Writer” or something.

Thinking of everyone’s awe at his comprehensive talent at that time, Bala was secretly happy.

“It seems to be right to spend some money. Humph! Kevin, you are still a little tender.”

Therefore, Bara did not plan to focus too much on the matter of the gold medalist at this time, but continued his comedy performance.

Two days later, this issue of “Time” was published normally, and those who subscribed to this newspaper were still as usual. After I got the newspaper, I read it carefully.

Since Kevin started writing columns in Time Magazine, many people have developed a habit. That is, first look at Kevin’s story-telling column, and then slowly read news or articles in other sections.

“After the serialization of “Ode to the Nightingale”, what kind of articles will Kevin write?”

When they opened this column of Kevin with curiosity and saw this “On Jealousy”, they read it seriously. Since there are not many texts, in less than 20 minutes, almost everyone reading this essay has almost finished it.

“It’s not bad, Kevin has such a deep understanding of the psychology of human nature at such a young age, and writes so comprehensively.”

“Dear Kevin, tell me, are you a psychologist? I feel that only a psychologist can write everything about’jealous’ Kevin is really great, his one This essay is enough to earn the title of gold medal writer. Anyway, my vote will definitely go to him.”

“I have read a lot of articles about’jealousy’, but their ideas are too traditional and the analysis is not comprehensive enough. This article by Kevin is the best I think. Kevin, Come on. We will all support you.”

“”On Jealousy” is really well written, and I have always liked Kevin’s articles. My vote has not been voted out yet, maybe I should give it to him. Otherwise, God will not forgive me.”

After reading the complete essay, these people, like Wall, had to be surprised that Kevin had such a thorough understanding of human nature. At the same time, those who were still hesitating about which writer to vote for, decided to vote for Kevin at this time. (To be continued)

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