Rebirth As a Writer In Britain

Chapter 182

Chapter 182 Swipe?

When Wall’s colleagues heard Wall say this, they immediately went to the official website of Time Magazine. When they saw that Kevin’s number of votes actually overwhelmed Balla, they had to be surprised. Geli Literature Network

“This is really a miracle! When I saw that Bara’s number of votes was so high, I thought that Kevin had no chance of getting the gold medal writer. But now Kevin’s votes suddenly surpassed him. It’s incredible.”

“Yes, they all registered to vote after knowing that “On Jealousy” was selected as a British secondary school textbook. So, I say this is the charm of literature. Kevin is simply amazing.”

Wall still had an excited look on his face, because he knew very well that after today is the end of voting. Judging from the current situation, even if Bala swipes the ticket, it is too late. Therefore, the title of this gold medal writer is none other than Kevin.

Wall watched Kevin get up step by step, and they also became friends step by step because of literature. Seeing that Kevin was awarded the gold medal writer of Time Magazine, he was naturally happy.

Wall could no longer restrain the joy in his heart. He picked up the phone and immediately called Kevin.

“Hi, dear Kevin, you are amazing. Thank you for letting me know that the charm of literature is so great.”

“Dear Mr. Wall? What do you mean?”

Kevin has been reviewing the “Youth” manuscript in school today, so he doesn’t know that his number of votes has already overwhelmed Balla. Now he naturally doesn’t know what Wall calls the “literary charm”.

“What I mean is that your gold medal writer’s number of votes has surpassed Barra. All of this is related to your “On Jealousy” being selected as a British textbook. It is this article that made you create a miracle. You are simply too lethargic. People are surprised.” Wall said excitedly.

“But Mr. Wall, voting is not over now, I think I shouldn’t be happy too early. After all, before anything is over, all results are not results.” Kevin said modestly.

“No, no. Kevin, today is the last day of voting. In any case, Bara is impossible to overtake you anymore. You must know that your current number of votes is still increasing. So. Congratulations, this gold medal writer You must be the name you are.” Wall explained.

Hear what Wall said. Kevin also had slight surprises in his heart. After all, the title of a gold medalist is also a symbol of glory and strength for a writer. If you can be selected as a British secondary school textbook at the same time, and you can get the title of Gold Medal Writer of “Times”, it will undoubtedly be very happy.

Barra had just returned home from a performance in Liverpool. After taking a shower, he remembered the election of the gold medal writer of “Time”. So he started turning on his computer and entered the official website of Time Magazine.

“Fk, what’s the matter? Why are Kevin’s votes ahead of me?”

After seeing the results of all this, Bara was simply stupid. After all, before leaving for Liverpool. He clearly saw that his number of votes had already left Kevin a few blocks away. But now Kevin’s number of votes ranks ahead of him.

He checked the time, and he couldn’t help it anymore. He picked up the phone and called the assistant, and then asked him to quickly arrange for the ticket to be swiped. No matter what, he has to get his votes higher than Kevin.

But Bara’s assistant told him that it was too late to swipe the ticket. After all, people who swipe their tickets are not working at this time, and they are not online. He also couldn’t get in touch with the other party at all.

This made Bala very annoyed, he slammed the phone to the ground, and then cursed a few English foul language.

“I didn’t expect that the stable gold medal writer would be taken away by Kevin. This is hell? Or Kevin really got God’s favor?”

Even if it is no longer possible to swipe tickets, Barra can only think of other ways to get himself the title of gold medal writer.

at this time. He thought of the last part of Time Magazine’s selection of gold medal writers, that is, the senior leaders of “Time Magazine” will make the final selection.

Thinking of this, Bala couldn’t help but feel relaxed.

“Huh! Even if you have the highest box office? Who doesn’t know that my grandfather is the chairman of Time Magazine. So in the last link. Maybe they will take it for this purpose.” Bara muttered to himself.

Despite this relationship, Bala was able to relax. But for safety’s sake, he wouldn’t let it go.

“Why did Kevin’s number of votes suddenly rise? Did he swipe the tickets like me? Well, whether he swipes or not, I have to use this to beat him.”

So Bara wrote an article overnight and published it on the free website.

This article written by Barra is called “Genius Writer, please stop your ticket-checking behavior!” “. The genius writer mentioned in the article is naturally Kevin, and Bara wrote in the article:

Maybe Kevin is really a literary genius. But this literary genius appeared to be so dishonest. He even went to win votes for the title of a gold medal writer?

I don’t know if you still remember. Just the day before yesterday, the number of votes Kevin got was so low, but today his number of votes rose sharply in the two days. And ranked first with a tornado-like unstoppable.

Most of his votes were obtained in these 2 days, or today. This is too concentrated, not in line with normal phenomena. So there is only one possibility, Kevin swiped the ticket.

Yes, the title of Gold Medal Writer is a writer who wants to get so we also deeply understand Kevin’s urgent feelings. However, literature should be sincere, and the title of gold medal writer is even more obtained by sincere people.

I hope Kevin can stop the act of swiping votes and be a sincere literary genius.

After Barra published this article, the whole person turned from overcast to clear. Because he believes that when people see this article, even if it is finally confirmed that Kevin did not swipe his votes, his negative influence has already occurred.

Perhaps the judges will not take Kevin into consideration because of these negative influences when they finally determine the gold medal writers. So once Kevin is removed, no one will fight with him anymore. The title of this gold medal writer is undoubtedly won by himself.

Thinking of all this, Bala swept away the gloomy mood before. He picked up the phone that had fallen down again, and assembled it humming. (To be continued)

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