Rebirth As a Writer In Britain

Chapter 184

Chapter 184 Who swiped the ticket?

After Barra’s article was published, the person in charge of Time Magazine also saw it. They have already counted the votes today. There is no doubt that Kevin, Bala, and Bogut all ranked in the top three. Therefore, the award for the gold medal writer can only be awarded to one of these three people.

Originally, based on the number of votes, Kevin was the most hopeful writer to win the gold medal, but now after hearing the news outside that he is suspected of smashing votes, the selection can only be temporarily stopped.

To be fair, they plan to investigate the whole matter before making a decision, otherwise it may be difficult to convince the public. After all, they also know that Kevin’s readership is huge.

After knowing that the jury had chosen to investigate the matter, Balad became a little panicked in his heart. After all, if it turns out that he swiped the ticket in the end, it would be really sad.

So in order to quickly mess up the image of Kevin, and also to separate himself from the ticket, he posted a tweet on his own Twitter:

As a writer, I sincerely hope that all my assumptions are just assumptions. Because I personally hate the insincere behavior of swiping tickets. Similarly, those who help people get tickets are just as hateful. I think if they don’t exist, or if they don’t try to confuse others, there will be less hypocrisy in the world. So, God, I hope that the teams that swipe the tickets will be completely extinct, and enter the painful territory.

The purpose of Bala’s tweet is obvious, that is, to play a pun role—to show his metric, but also to show his aversion to the ticket swiping and ticket swiping team, so as to prove that he will not swipe the ticket. .

After Bala posted his tweet, he felt that this propaganda seemed to be insufficient. So he found his assistant again, and then asked him to arrange someone to write an article in the newspaper, always explaining his aversion to the dishonest behavior of swiping tickets.

As a result, in the morning of the next day, a headline like this appeared on the headlines of some newspapers, “Bala’s Curse of the Ticket Swap Team.” Or “The Curse of the King of Comedy.”

Most of these articles talk about how Barra himself hates ticket-swiping and the curse of ticket-swiping team.

This practice of Barra did have a certain effect. Many people still support Bara’s disgust and curse of the ticket-swiping team.

“Bala is right. People who help people swipe tickets are equivalent to helping people commit crimes. That is to say, they destroy a sincere person. For such people, we should hate and curse them.”

“Although Bala’s curse is a bit vicious, but for organizations such as ticket-swiping groups, perhaps we should be more cruel to stay away from it. Maybe they have destroyed many sincere children.”

“If there is no ticket swiping team, maybe there would be no ticket swiping. So. Barra cursed them to destroy early and enter **** early. This is also right.”

“I like Bara more and more, and Bara’s curse on the ticket swipe team also proves that he hates this kind of behavior. Therefore, he will never swipe the ticket in his life.”

“The Bala curse is good, and I also hate the team that helps people get tickets. Maybe they should disappear sooner, be destroyed, and enter the **** that can never be resurrected. In this beautiful world, we need truthful, fair, and upright people. all.”

Due to Balla’s arrangement, news about his curse on the ticketing team began to circulate in all major sections. This also made him very happy. After all, the more people you know, the more you achieve your goal. Maybe this way. Even if the judging panel goes to investigate, they won’t link the issue of swiping votes to themselves.

Thinking of this, Bala couldn’t help but become happy, and at the same time deeply admired his intelligence in his heart.

When Wall saw this, he felt that Bala was a bit disgusting, but unfortunately he had been trying to find out the other party’s behavior of swiping tickets for a while, but there was no strong result. Otherwise, even if he loses his job, he will show the world the true face of this “hypocrite”.

Just when Bala thought he was completely fine, or was firmly holding the title of “Time Magazine” gold medal writer, suddenly a post with the same content appeared in the major forums.

The name of this post is “Those Things about Bala Swipe Tickets”, and the author claims to be a member of the ticket swipe team. After seeing Bala’s curse on the ticket swiping team, he couldn’t help it anymore, so he chose to stand up, and then completely solved the ugly face of Bala, the ticket swiper.

It was written in the text: After seeing Bara’s curse on our team. I am very annoyed. Yes, I admit that we are wrong. But Bala is the least qualified to curse and hate our team.

Today I have to figure out his real face, so that you can take a good look at this so-called king of comedy, who is actually just a prince with a ticket.

Barra has always said that Kevin is suspected of swiping tickets, but he is the biggest swipe. Just a while ago, his assistant found us. Then tell us to swipe his tickets. Yes, just go to the official website of Time Magazine to vote for him.

Then, after we received his money, we proceeded to do things according to his instructions. I have a record of these voting accounts. UU Reading has made a form here and showed it to everyone. If you don’t believe it, you can check the voting ID, and you may understand.

Of course, we still have chats or call records with Assistant Bara and him. At this moment, I also have to match these evidences and let you see how disgusting this guy is.

Originally, as a professional ticket reader, we shouldn’t leak the customer’s chat history. But seeing his curse on us afterwards, I really can’t stand it, so, sorry, I have to tell you about the things Bara swept the ticket.

In addition to the text, this post does also include many screenshots of chat records and recordings of telephone chats. So it can be said that the evidence is full.

This post was published in all major forums in the UK overnight, and it was still at the top of some forums. Under such crazy circumstances, more and more people saw this post.

There is no doubt that as soon as this post came out, it immediately stunned people. After all, the plot is too bloody. Bala said that it didn’t take long for Kevin to swipe the ticket, and it didn’t take long for the team to curse the ticket swiping team to get good reviews. Now someone has stepped up and said that he is the biggest ticket swipe. What is going on with all this? (To be continued.)

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