Rebirth As a Writer In Britain

Chapter 199

Chapter 199 About to graduate

Louis no longer cares what these people think of him, because he has enough confidence to believe that when Kevin’s “Collection of All Beings” is published, they will understand everything. (Baidu search Geili Literature Net is the fastest and most stable update) [\/\/No pop-up window for novel updates, please search] Therefore, in the next time, Louis and colleagues at the publishing house discussed the “Collection of All Beings” “Published.

This time, the Royal Poetry Publishing House spent a lot of money to sign the “Collection of All Beings”, so of course they would not treat this book as an ordinary book.

When Louis returned to the company with the contract signed by Kevin, they immediately held a meeting to discuss the promotion.

Obviously, in this era when poems are not popular, a book of poems must be popularized in order to gain more recognition and purchase. Therefore, in the next time, the Royal Poetry Publishing House has also been doing this.

First of all, after the meeting, they published the text on the official Twitter of the Royal Poetry Press: The famous poetry critic David Li Ding strongly recommends that the genius writer Kevin’s latest poem masterpiece “The Collection of All Living Beings” will be published in Please pay attention to the recent publication.

As soon as this tweet came out, many people noticed the news. After all, the Royal Poetry Press is currently a poetry-professional publishing house, so the first people who noticed this tweet are those who like poetry.

People who like poetry naturally know David Lee’s name, so after hearing that David Lee strongly recommends them, they are all very happy in their hearts. You must know that David Lee has always been famous in the industry. He doesn’t like the poetry of ordinary people at all. Therefore, the poems he can strongly recommend must also be good poems.

“Wow, my goodness! Since David Lee recommended a collection of poems, it must be a very good collection of poems. I’m so looking forward to it.”

“I’ve heard of Kevin’s reputation a long time ago, and I can still get the recommendation of David Lee. It seems that this “Collection of All Beings” must be very good. Hurry up and publish it, I’m waiting.”

“I have been following British poetry for so long, and I haven’t seen David Lee recommend a new book for him. It seems that it must be a very good work to be recommended by him this time. I must buy one and have a look. ”

“I heard that David Lee never recommends works for newcomers. What’s going on this time? Oh, my goodness, it turns out that this author is Kevin, a prosperous genius writer some time ago.”

When David Lee got up this morning, he also saw this tweet from the official Twitter of the Royal Poetry Press. Therefore, in order to allow more people to support this collection of poems by Kevin, he also reposted it. Speaking of: “The Collection of All Beings” is a very good work, I hope you can buy it and have a look.

With this repost of David Lee, more and more people saw this information. Although many people are looking forward to this collection of Kevin’s poems. However, some people hold different views on this.

“Poetry collection? Can you still sell poetry in this era? Can you still sell 10,000 copies? Oh, maybe Kevin, a genius literary teenager, will be an exception! Well, 100,000 copies are probably the most. ”

“I admit Kevin’s talent, and the few novels he wrote a while ago have sold well. But poetry is different from novels. Poetry in this era is not as popular as it was decades ago. I don’t know his book. How many people can watch “The Collection of All Beings” come out.”

“Oh my God, I thought Kevin would take a break before opening a new book. After all, he has recently written three novels in a short period of time. “Robinson Crusoe” hasn’t been published for long. Now it’s time to publish a collection of poems. Doesn’t he really need to think about writing?”

“I didn’t expect that Kevin would suddenly write a collection of poems. Of course, those poems he wrote a while ago are all good. It’s a pity. Perhaps because of the environmental impact of this era, the sales of his collection of poems will not be very high. Up.”

Obviously, many people are not optimistic about the sales of Kevin’s “The Collection of All Beings”. After all, the market for poetry in this era has many advantages compared to novels. And this question once became the focus of consideration when the Royal Poetry Publishing House held a meeting.

In the end, as the most professional poetry publishing house in the industry, they chose to welcome the publication of this excellent poetry with a big first print.

They decided to print 100,000 copies for the first time. The first print of 100,000 copies of a collection of poems is already an amazing number. It is estimated that even if the most famous poet in the UK publishes a new book, it is estimated to be 50,000 copies. Therefore, they took a risk this time.

Of course, they also believe that Kevin’s “The Collection of All Beings” will bring them unprecedented profits. After all, they have read this collection of poems. It is so beautiful and subtle.

With the completion of “The Collection of All Beings”, Kevin’s days at Dinburgh University are running out. Because in a week, he will also usher in his university graduation. Although in the first four years. Speaking of Kevin’s name, all people think of it as rubbish. Pauper with no future.

But Kevin is still very grateful for this place in his heart. After all, there are teachers Collison who influenced his life and his best partner Kovani.

Kovani was busy with his girlfriend these days, so in the last week, he rarely came to school. But Kevin is different. In addition to being a student of Dinburgh, Kevin has another identity, that is, the literary editor of Youth.

However, with the graduation of the semester, he also plans to hand over the position of the literary editor. After all, when he said to President Harden that he graduated, it was also when he dismissed the literary editor of “Youth” www. . com Although President Harden is very reluctant to leave Kevin, he also knows that Kevin’s current ability is far more than just a literary editor. Therefore, Principal Harden can also understand his resignation.

“Dear Kevin, I know there will be that day. To be honest, I am so reluctant to give up to you. I have never seen someone as great as you. You use your talents to make the people around you treat you. Your opinion has changed three hundred and sixty-five degrees, and you are simply amazing.” Principal Harden was reluctant to say.

“Thank you for your importance to me, respectable Principal Harden. I think I have the same mood as you. I don’t give up the flowers and plants here, and everything in Fendila’s backyard. I’m too here, here is simply My home.” Kevin also expressed his reluctance to Dinburgh University to President Harden.

“Well. Since it’s home, come back when you have time. Oh, if you can, I also hope you can write a manuscript for “Youth” when you have time.” (To be continued) WWW.GEILIWX.COM Happy reading every day

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