Rebirth As a Writer In Britain

Chapter 20

Chapter 20 Director Hudson

In a prosperous commercial building in the City of London, there is a film and television company called Crankd, which is very well-known in the UK. In recent years, it has shot a lot of box office works. Moreover, their strength is also very strong. First-class stars at home and abroad have also signed various contracts with them.

There are a lot of scripts recommended to Crankd Films every year, so they also have many good stories. This is also one of the reasons why they step into the world step by step.

This afternoon, director Hudson with thin hair was worrying about the new film. As a world-class director, he has been trying to shoot a film with a true feeling and use it to explain his understanding of love.

But for so many years, he has not encountered a good script. He even spent money to ask someone to write it specifically, but the final result disappointed him.

He still doesn’t give up. He sits in the room and thinks quietly, waiting for a work that is completely in line with his own ideas, and uses it to explain his deepest understanding of love and the world.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

“Please come in.” Hudson said.

“Director Hudson, hello, this is a manuscript recommended by the London Literary Press. They hope you can use their manuscript to make a movie. Oh, it is said that this author is very awesome and has just won the London Literary Competition. And the award-winning work was completed in just ten minutes.”

“Really? Let’s put it here. No matter how powerful these newcomers are, they are all talented in writing. What they write is gorgeous, but there is no depth.” Hudson said.

“But this is specially recommended by Ms. Enni. He said that you will be pleasantly surprised when you see this work.”

“Oh, isn’t it? Then I’ll take a look later.”

After the comer left, Director Hudson began to casually look at the manuscript recommended by the London Literature Publishing House.

“The title of “Jane Eyre” is simple enough. But love is not the title. Love is complicated and mysterious. How can we use the word’Jane’? Such a work Enni also recommends it, is it the author? What does it have to do with her?”

When Hudson saw this simple title, he couldn’t help but doubt the content of the book.

However, Crankd Films and Television has been cooperating with the London Literature Publishing House for a long time. Hudson and Enni are also old friends. He understands Enni’s character. She probably wouldn’t recommend those bad works to herself!

With curiosity, Hudson began to read the manuscript of “Jane Eyre”.


An hour later, he never put his hand down again. His eyes were the same as Enni at the time, staring at the manuscript of “Jane Eyre” without a moment of drifting away.

“Do you think that because I am poor, humble, not beautiful, and short, I have no soul and no heart? You are wrong. My soul is the same as yours, and my heart is exactly the same as yours. If God grants me wealth And beauty, I will make it difficult for you to leave me, just as it is hard for me to leave you now.”

When I read this paragraph, Hudson completely understood what. He couldn’t help sighing deeply: Yes, love doesn’t care about everything about the world, love is simple, so simple that it doesn’t involve any world, so simple that love is love.

In the face of love, money, appearance, reputation, everything is nonsense, at least the souls are equal, as if two people passed through the grave and stood at the feet of God.

Hudson is ecstatic, this is the script he is striving for, and this is the movie he needs to shoot-sincere, brave, equal, and love.

He moved with tears in his eyes, folded his hands together, and gave a deep gratitude to the God he believed in.

“Almighty God, thank you for meeting such a good story in my lifetime.”

It was night at this time, and Hudson didn’t know it at all. He got stuck in the story of “Jane Eyre” and applauded silently for the girl named Jane Eyre.

“Yes, don’t fall in love because of loneliness. Time is a devil, and genius will last forever. If you are a passionate person, even if you don’t love each other, you will have feelings at that time. What should you do in the end? Think thoroughly after loneliness.”

“Time is too short, there is no time to hate someone for so long.”

“I can’t control my eyes, and I can’t help but want to see him, just like a thirsty person who knows that the water is poisonous but wants to drink. I didn’t intend to love him, and I tried to pinch off the love. Budding, but when I saw him again, the love in my heart was resurrected.”

Hudson was excited by the wonderful sentences in it, so excited that he forgot to eat and sleep tonight.

Hudson is a famous iron maniac in the film and television industry. He loves his film career too much, and he loves working overtime so wonderfully day and night. He encountered such a good manuscript today, of course he planned to read it all night.


After Kevin bought a computer here, he immediately registered a special tweet, and his name was Kevin.

After signing up, Kevin’s Twitter immediately followed the official Twitter of the London Literary Publishing House, as well as celebrities such as Curry and Santos. Anyway, Kevin has followed all the Twitter of the judges. This behavior is also appreciated by the judges. UU reading at least proves that Kevin respects his predecessors and is humbly and honest. This is rare in the world of geniuses.

After Kevin paid close attention to the people he should follow, he submitted an application for certification in accordance with the requirements of the editor-in-chief Enni. This is a feature that proves his identity. Kevin must be authenticated before he can promote his own works. After all, there is more than one person named Kevin in Britain. Before he was authenticated, no one knew that he was the champion of the 7th London Literary Competition, the genius writer who completed his work in ten minutes.

Just signed up for Twitter, do you always want to post something? correct! Don’t the fans still know who I am? Then my first tweet tells who I am.

So, Kevin posted the first tweet in his life: Hello everyone, my name is Kevin, I like literature, and I hope to be friends with you!

Soon after the tweet was published, Enni reposted this tweet and expressed her own words: Kevin is the champion of the 7th London Literature Competition, and I hope everyone can support his creation.

Enni is an editor in the industry. As soon as this is said, it means that Kevin has been certified. Some fans who follow Enni have also paid attention to Kevin at this time. Let Kevin gain thousands of Twitter fans overnight.

Kevin looked at the slowly increasing number of fans, but he didn’t feel anxious at all. He is very confident that the number of fans in the future will definitely be dozens of times as much as now. (Your support is the biggest motivation for papaya, thank you. It is not easy for everyone in this world, so I really appreciate the friends who supported this book. You are good people, and I wish you all the best )

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