Rebirth As a Writer In Britain

Chapter 207

Chapter 207 Poetry boom

Louis saw that so many people gave praise to “The Collection of All Beings”, and he was in excitement these days. After the Baidu search for Geli Literature, after the book is published, people will not think of his phrase “I saw a great collection of poems” as empty words.

“Kevin, do you know? Since the recitation meeting, more and more people have called our publishing house. Their first sentence is when “The Collection of All Beings” will be published. They can’t wait to get the full text. Read it.” Louis called Kevin excitedly.

Kevin was watching a football game in the hotel. He was very happy when he heard Louis say this: “Dear Mr. Louis, I said that “The Collection of All Beings” will not disappoint you. He will definitely cause a wave of poetry. .”

“Yes. You are such an amazing guy. I admire you more and more.”

“Thank you, let us look forward to all the surprises it brings to us_Dear Mr. Louis.”

In fact, the Royal Poetry Publishing House is also struggling while the iron is hot. When they see people have a strong curiosity about “The Collection of All Beings”, they announced the news of the publication on the official Twitter.

“Remember that great recital? Yes, tomorrow is the day when “The Collection of All Beings” will be published and sold in bookstores across the country. I hope friends who like it can continue to support it. God bless everyone.”

The Royal Poetry Publishing House’s tweet is undoubtedly exciting for those who are curious about “The Collection of All Beings”. Because once “The Collection of All Beings” is published, they can see it quickly.

So, when the major bookstores began to open the next day, they began to walk inside.

“Boss, please bring me a copy of “The Collection of All Beings”, thank you.”

“Hi. Is “The Collection of All Beings” here yet? Could you bring me a copy. Yes, its author is Kevin.”

“I want to buy three copies of “The Collection of All Beings”, yes, you heard it right, they are three copies.”

“Can you leave me a copy of Kevin’s Collection of All Beings? I’ll pick it up later. Oh, no problem. I can pay an extra £5 for the reservation.”

All of a sudden, the major bookstores ushered in a buying craze for The Collection of All Living Beings. Curious readers walked into the bookstore one after another, trying to be the first to buy this collection of poems.

This craze makes publisher observers and major bookstores very excited, because the more people buy. The more they benefit.

Many bookstores are very surprised by this phenomenon. Because they have been in the book industry for many years, they have never seen a collection of poems that can cause such a sensation. and so. They can only sigh one after another: “This is incredible.”

In addition to the incredible feeling of the major bookstores, Louis, who is responsible for the operation of the entire book, is also very surprised. Although yesterday he still vowed to believe that this must be a best-selling book. But the people who bought it that day crowded the bookstore, and he still didn’t expect it.

and so. At this time, Louis was finally able to speak plainly on Twitter.

“Everyone, I said that this is a great work. I think you will agree with me after reading “The Collection of All Beings”.”

In addition to Louis’ surprise, so did David Lee. He was the first person besides Kevin to see “The Collection of All Beings”. After he read the content of the entire collection of poems, he also deeply believed that it was a great work.

But he never thought that this work would have such a good effect on the day it went on sale. He was so excited. Because of good poetry, he hasn’t seen a collection of poems attracting such attention for many years.

So he became more and more convinced of how correct his prediction that “Kevin will take English poetry to another level” is.

As a poetry critic, David Lee must take up his professional weapons to make some contributions to this excellent collection of poetry. He intends to write a commentary on “The Collection of All Beings”. This is the second time he has written a review of Kevin’s poems. As the most professional poetry critic in the UK, it is still very difficult to write two reviews for a newcomer in a short period of time.

The name of this commentary by David Lee is called “The Classics Have nothing to Do with Age.” Obviously, David Lee chose this name to convey his thoughts-a classic poem and its age. It doesn’t matter.

It also means that even though Kevin is so young. But it does not affect his writing of poems that are comparable to classics.

In fact, David Lee’s comments and comments express this kind of thought. In his article, he comprehensively analyzed the characteristics of the poems in Kevin’s “Collection of All Beings” and expressed his own views on contemporary poets and poetry.

David Lee wrote at the end of the comment: A good poem must come from the bottom of his heart, which means that although the poet holds a pen, he can accurately say that he holds a poetic heart. With this poetic heart, the poems he wrote can easily enter the readers’ minds.

The “poetic heart” that David Lee said came from the insight he got when he talked to Kevin for the first time. At that time, Kevin told him that every poet should have a poet. It was also during that conversation that David Lee learned a lot from a young poet, and then changed his view of the classics and age.

After this commentary by David Lee was published. In addition to being surprised by this, many people are more curious about Kevin’s collection of poems “The Collection of All Beings”. After all, there have been too many recent recitations and review articles about it, so many that they even easily remember it.

Therefore, at this time, more and more people went to the bookstore to buy a copy of “The Collection of All Beings”. With the purchase of these people, some of the popular bookstores have already sold out.

This phenomenon makes the people of the Royal Poetry Press completely confident in their hearts. After all, they are the publishing rights signed at 15% of the royalties. Before it was published, there was no trace of worry in their hearts. lie. But now I see the hot buying scene in the bookstore , including the president Geralf, also put down a hundred hearts.

President Geraf is not only confident in the 100,000 copies of this first print. In his heart, he still has full confidence in the printing of 100,000 copies or 200,000 copies or 300,000 copies again.

“Louis, I think it is absolutely necessary for us to reprint it again. Judging from the sales data of major bookstores tonight, this book “The Collection of All Beings” is still very popular in the market.” Geraf found Louis happily.

“Yes, I also think we need to plan to reprint it again. Perhaps it will become the best-selling work in the British poetry world this year. Dear President Geralf, I am so excited. This is our pride. .”

Louis heard that President Jelav said that he was planning to print “The Collection of All Living Beings”, and he was even more happy in his heart. After all, he is the person in charge of this book. The better the sales of the book, the better he can prove his ability to do things. A promotion and salary increase in the future are naturally promising. (To be continued.) WWW.GEILIWX.COM Happy reading every day

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