Rebirth As a Writer In Britain

Chapter 223

Chapter 223 Attention of the President of the Poetry

“”,. Baidu searched for the number of votes for Kevin ranked third, which not only attracted the attention of many colleagues, but also attracted the attention of the judges. Among them, Randolph Aum, the president of the British Poetry Association, is One of the most interested in Kevin.

“Oh, what is this sacred Kevin, since his ability overwhelms so many famous poets.”

So Randolph Orm called his assistant over and told him to find some information about Kevin and show him.

“Dear Mr. Randolph Aum, I heard that Kevin is a literary genius. The reason why he got so many support votes this time is related to his published “Collection of All Living Beings”.” Randolph Aum’s assistant Speaking of.

“Oh? The Collection of All Living Beings, the one that was recently printed three times in a month?”

Although Randolph Orm is very old, he is always concerned about matters in the English poetry world. Kevin’s “The Collection of All Beings” is so popular and so popular. Therefore, he still knows the news that it was printed three times in a month.

“Yes, dear Mr. Randolph Aum, I bought this collection of poems out of curiosity, and it is really good. He is the most beautiful poem I have ever seen. []” Randolph Aum’s The assistant said with a smile.

Randolph Orm couldn’t help but become curious when he heard it, and immediately said: “Hurry up and show me this collection of poems. When you say so, I am full of expectations for it.”

“Okay, wait a minute.”

So Randolph Aum’s assistant turned around and walked into his office, then took Kevin’s “Collection of All Beings” and handed it to Randolph Aum.

Randolph Orm is a respected predecessor in the English poetry world. In his early years, he has been devoted to the study of poetry culture. He has written 30 books on poetry theory so far. Therefore, in terms of poetry, he is definitely a connoisseur among connoisseurs. After all, being able to be the president of the British Poetry Association naturally has some achievements.

Randolph Orm’s reading habits are different from those of others, usually when he gets a book, he doesn’t like to read the first page first. Instead, turn a page at random. If the content of the opened page can attract him, he will continue to read it. On the contrary, if this random page fails to arouse his interest. Maybe he will consider whether to watch a work.

When Randolph Orm got the “Collection of All Beings”, he turned a page at random, and then looked at it seriously.

Randolph Orm turned to a poem called “The Day Gone”. This poem is one of the representative works of John Keats, the talented British poet on earth.

There is no doubt that as one of the representative works of the British genius poet John Keats, this song “Day Gone” is naturally perfect. after all. In that era when there were so many English poets, John Keats was able to stand out with a poem and became an indelible part of the history of English literature. There is no doubt about the talent of his works.

The day is gone, and all its fun is lost!

Soft hands, softer skin, delicate tone and red lips,

Warm breath, passionate, dreamy whispers,

Bright eyes. A plump body, a thin waist!

Everything passed away against time, alas, when the dusk—-

The night of love, the dark festival

In order to cover the secret joy with incense sticks,

Is beginning to knit the dark night densely;

At this time, a flower, her charm

Withered, there is no trace of Li Ying before my eyes;

Withered, the beautiful body I hold;

Withered. 『↺49↰↷⇆↴ʌMore beautiful reading. 』Voice, warmth, cleanliness and heaven–

But today I have read the holy book of love,

And I fasted and prayed, it should make me sleep soundly

Randolph Orm couldn’t help reading after reading it. After reading it. He closed his eyes deeply again, enjoying the beautiful artistic conception brought to him by the poetry.

“Too beautiful, this poem is simply too beautiful.” When Randolph Orm opened his eyes, he frequently sighed.

Such beautiful poems naturally aroused his interest in this collection of sentient beings, so he continued to look down, this look. He was completely fascinated, until 7 o’clock in the evening, he forgot to enjoy dinner.

“Hi! Dear Mr. Randolph Orm, it’s time for you to enjoy dinner.” Finally, under the reminder of his assistant, he remembered that he hadn’t enjoyed dinner yet.

“Okay, thank you for your reminder. As the outside world said, everything is full of beautiful melody, everything is so poetic. My whole soul will almost be sucked in by it just now. , This is incredible.” Randolph Aum said excitedly.

“Yes, I did the same at the time. I think those who voted for Kevin are in the same situation as us. After all, this “The Collection of All Beings” is really exciting.

Randolph Orm remembered the voting when he heard the assistant say this.

“Yes, I also have to vote for Kevin. Oh, as the president of the Poetry Association, I seem to be unable to vote casually. Okay, then I will leave it to the last joint.” Randolph Orm laughed Speaking of.

Randolph Aum and David Lee hope that English poetry can reach a better height, instead of staying in the world of Shakespeare, it should be more outstanding works.

Randolph Orm thinks that Kevin’s “The Collection of All Beings” can fill in the gaps in poetry culture over the years. Because he has never seen a collection of poems that can contain so many excellent to almost perfect poems in one. He was pleasantly surprised by this collection of poems.

Randolph Orm hadn’t finished watching “The Collection of All Beings” at this time so he asked his assistant to go outside and pack him a box lunch, planning to continue watching while eating.

At this time, the voting for the British Poet Laureate was still going on. Although many players saw that they were so far behind, they didn’t seem anxious. After all, they know that getting votes is not the only basis for the final election.

According to previous years, the winner of the title of Poet Laureate is not exactly the one with the highest number of votes. Take Keliman, the last time Poet Laureate, the number of votes he won during the voting session was not the highest, just ranked fifth. However, due to his contribution from the royal family and aristocracy and his poetic talent, he easily won the title of Poet Laureate.

Therefore, now is just the beginning of voting. These people have full confidence that they will pass the other side, and then form a strong contender for the Poet Laureate. (To be continued.).

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