Rebirth As a Writer In Britain

Chapter 228

Chapter 228 A strong recommendation from the preside

After Bella and the film crew left Edinburgh, Kevin spent a few more peaceful days in Edinburgh. In the past few days, the campaign for the title of British Poet Laureate has been going on like tea. Kevin still ranked second, while York Rutland ranked first.

But even though Kevin’s number of votes has been in second place for so long, people in the industry are still not optimistic about him getting the title of Poet Laureate this time. The reason is still the ironclad fact that there has never been a person under 30 who has won this award in history.

However, Louis is full of confidence that Kevin has won the title of Poet Laureate. Now the third edition of “The Collection of All Beings” has basically been sold out. What he and the Royal Poetry Press are waiting for is the news that Kevin has won the title of Poet Laureate. As long as Kevin can obtain this title later, they will undoubtedly place orders immediately and then print a large number of them. After all, according to previous years, every time a poet receives the award, his books will sell for a while.

Kevin was recommended by David Lee. Seeing that Kevin received such a high number of votes, he finally got comfort in his heart. What if the last Kevin didn’t get the title of Poet Laureate? His number of votes has been told to others that he is so good, he has won the support of countless people, and the number of these supports is higher than the other eight people.

Today is the last day of the Poet Laureate vote. Seeing that his father, York Rutland is still the first, he discussed with his brother Barnes to celebrate with a banquet. J’s self-confidence comes from his father’s superb identity with the royal family. Both of these are important measures in the election of Poet Laureate in previous years, so he is naturally full of confidence.

Although Kevin came in second, in fact, the number of votes obtained by ten poets is basically the same, and the bite is very tight. After all, the characters who can be recommended to participate in the Poet Laureate campaign are not simple, so their supporters will naturally not be in the minority.

The article “A Clown in the Thames” on the free website still exists. The people on the site did not deliberately want to delete the reason. Because they still don’t believe that Kevin will make a big storm in the election of the highest honor in the British poetry world.

In other words, in their eyes, Kevin is still a clown in the Thames.

After the voting for Poet Laureate. It was also the day when the final jury began its selection. Because it is the highest-level selection activity in the British poetry world. Therefore, the selection team is also in charge of the senior leaders of the British literary circle. For example, the president of the British Poetry Association. Old people in the British literary world, as well as big figures in British culture and education.

Randolph Orm, as the president of the British Poetry Association, has served as the general judge for the selection of the Poet Laureate this time.

When the voting ended, there was no doubt that he supported Kevin. Because he had read “The Collection of All Living Beings”, he thought it was the best collection of poems he had ever seen in his lifetime. Many poets’ collections may have a dozen very good poems, or more than twenty. But this “Collection of All Beings” by Kevin is very close to perfection in every poem.

Such a poet. Even if he is younger, even if he is not a royal noble, according to the talent of writing poetry, he should be awarded the title of poet laureate.

So Randolph Orm voted for Kevin without hesitation. When the other judges saw this vote by Randolph Orm, their faces were very surprised.

“President, are you sure you did not make a mistake? You also support Kevin?”

“Yes! I think Kevin’s poems are very good. Therefore, he is capable of earning the title of Poet Laureate.” Randolph Aum explained the reason for his vote.

“But York Rutland has the most votes, and he is a royal nobleman, and his contribution to poetry is not bad. I think you can vote for him. You know. We, the British Poetry Association. Many of the membership fees are also sponsored by their royal family.”

Yes, the British Poetry Association does not have the same funds as the Chinese Poetry Association. In many cases, they are sponsored by royal and noble groups interested in poetry. This is why in the early days the winners could only be poets of the royal family and nobles.

Randolph Orm certainly noticed this. Moreover, he knew York Rutland in the first place, and the two of them knew each other slightly. But he really couldn’t resist the attraction brought to him by “The Collection of All Beings”. He felt that the title of Poet Laureate should be given to the author who wrote such close to perfect poems. Therefore, he unscrupulously supported Kevin.

“No, no, the number of votes won by the poet laureate does not necessarily have to be the highest one. After all, the votes of the ten of them are not very different. I also know that the reason why Kevin is ranked second is because of the recent popularity The extremely short-lived “Collection of All Beings”, but because of this collection of poems, I was even more certain that I would vote for him.” Randolph Aum continued to explain.

“This collection of poems has been raging lately. Is it really that magical? I rarely read the poems written by young people nowadays, maybe you say so. I should take it and read it.”

“Yes, as for you haven’t seen this collection of poems. Then come and tell me after you finish reading it Maybe then you will understand why I support Kevin.”

Randolph Aum believes that when several other judges watched Kevin’s “The Collection of All Beings”. They will understand why they have to recommend Kevin exceptionally as the Poet Laureate this time.

“Since we all say so as the president, well, let’s try our best to look at this book “The Collection of All Beings” by Kevin. Maybe it has its advantages to sell well. But, I hope it won’t. Let us down.”

Randolph Orm, as the president of the British Poetry Association, can vigorously support a poet, which proves that the poet must have a lot of weight in his heart. Therefore, at this time, other judges were also full of curiosity about Kevin’s poems.

Yes, although Kevin’s “Collections of All Beings” has almost grabbed the headlines of the British poetry and even literary circles recently, as the predecessors of British literature and poetry, many of them would hardly consider reading modern young people writing Poetry. Therefore, this is the reason why many of them have not seen “The Collection of All Beings”. (To be continued)

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