Rebirth As a Writer In Britain

Chapter 27

Chapter 27 Intend to write a short story (seeking a

The success of the first printing of “Jane Eyre” made Kevin very happy, and the publisher also paid him the money for the first printing. With these two hundred thousand pounds, Kevin feels much more at ease.

He gave 120,000 pounds to his parents to pay off their previous debts. Although there is not a lot of money now, Kevin believes that with his fame, money will come in a lot in the future. He didn’t worry about the future at all.

What he is thinking about now is which work he should write next. There are many writers in Britain, among them, there are not a few writers who have won the Nobel Prize in Literature and have written best-selling books. Therefore, Kevin began to struggle for a while.

Should I write Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe first or Austin’s Pride and Prejudice? Or Conan Doyle’s “Sherlock Holmes”? Or is it JK Rowling’s “Harry Potter”?

Kevin was thinking in the room when suddenly the phone rang. It was the editor-in-chief Enni calling. Since signing “Jane Eyre” with Kevin, Enni seems to have become Kevin’s economic man and calls him from time to time.

“Dear Kevin, congratulations, the sales of “Jane Eyre” are so successful, you have become a new generation of best-selling authors.” The editor-in-chief Enni said excitedly on the phone.

“Yes, thank you, respectable editor-in-chief Enni, you found “Jane Eyre” good, and then turned it into paper, let it be displayed in front of the world. You are the biggest hero of this book. ”

“Haha, you are the most humble writer I have ever seen, the most charming writer, and a favorite writer.”

Enni couldn’t help but speak her heart. Yes, since the divorce from her ex-husband, Enni has almost become cold with men, but after the appearance of Kevin, a confident and talented teenager, the iceberg in her heart seems to be slowly melting.

“Thank you for your compliment. How is it? What’s the good thing this time?”

Every time Enni calls, something good happens, so Kevin also has a foreboding that it must be a good thing this time.

“You are not only a genius writer, but also a genius prophet. This time is indeed a good thing. Because of the best seller of “Jane Eyre”, Crankd Films and Television has quickly finalized a film and television contract with us. Ni asked sincerely.

Film and television contract? This is the word he has heard the most in his previous life, but he can’t even think of life. I didn’t expect it was finally related to him now.

“Is it true? Crankd Films and Television has settled the film and television contract so quickly?” Kevin confirmed.

Kevin remembers that when he left London, Director Hudson only agreed verbally, and did not come over with the contract. I didn’t expect that not long had passed, but now it’s done.

“Yes, but the contract still needs the author’s signature, so in the afternoon our colleagues will take the contract to Edinburgh to sign with you. If you are sure there is nothing wrong after reading the contract,” Enni said seriously.

In this parallel world, Britain has a high regard for literature, so it also respects original authors. Regardless of whether the novel and the publisher are a buyout or a sharing contract, when other copyrights are involved, the original author must also agree to it to take effect. Therefore, even though the London Literary Press has signed the film and television copyright contract, it must be signed by Kevin.

“Of course there is no problem, then just contact me when you come over.” Kevin said.

“Okay, we will arrange for someone to go there in the afternoon. They will contact you at that time. Kevin, come on, you are awesome.”

After this woman in her thirties said the three words “you are awesome”, her face suddenly flushed. what happened? These are just the three most common words. How could this happen? She suddenly remembered that she had said these three words to her ex-husband when she lived with her ex-husband.

My God, the other party is still a teenager, what am I thinking about–

Someone from the publishing house is coming over this afternoon, which means that Kevin has to take a half-day off. So he called Collison, the head teacher, and told him the facts.

“Yo, dear Kevin, you are great. As a newcomer, it’s a great thing that you can make a movie with your first book. Go ahead and do what you want to do, just like you wrote Just like Jane Eyre, brave and fearless.” Collison encouraged.

“Thank you, my respected teacher Collison. You are an amazing teacher.” Kevin thanked.

After asking for leave from school, Kevin will have more free time. Since the people from the London Literary Press are coming to Edinburgh in the afternoon, I guess he will have to meet with them. Therefore, he also told his parents about this matter.

“Go, son, do what you want to do, nothing is more meaningful than this.” Kevin’s father said.

“Yes, dear Kevin, you have become our pride now. Do you know? Now that I walk through the community every day, those familiar aunts will talk to me for a few words and say,’Hi, your son The writing is great”. “Kevin’s mother said.

“Thank you, dear father and mother, you have given me the literary talent. Oh, when “Jane Eyre” is made into a movie, I will have money again. At that time, we can buy a house of our own. It’s no longer this simple hut.” Kevin said.

Kevin still remembers the days when his father had to postpone the rent payment every month because he had no money. Kevin still remembered that his relatives and friends would lament that the house was too small. He is born again, he has written a book, he is going to do something for the family, and he is going to provide some useful help for the poor old man.

Thinking of this, Kevin felt more and more that he had to make a career in this parallel world, write books, win awards, and enter the film and entertainment circles. Anyway, he wants to become a tycoon in this country, whether it is a writer or a local tyrant.

The people at the London Literature Publishing House also called Kevin at this time, and they said they might not arrive until around three o’clock in the afternoon. Therefore, Kevin still has a lot of free time.

Kevin has many memories of the works of British writers on earth in his previous life, so he doesn’t want to waste this fragmentary time. He plans to use these fragmented time to write essays or short articles several times and submit them to local magazines or newspapers.

After all, these essays and short stories are classics in the world on earth, and people are full of praise.

Speaking of prose, Kevin thought of Wall from Time Magazine. After Kevin won the London Literary Competition, Wall once called him, UU read and was also responsible for the publication of “Contemplation on a Broom”. Although the short essays were few in number, Wall gave Kevin five thousand pounds for the contribution. It can be seen that the author’s remuneration system of Time Magazine is still quite good. So, at this time, Kevin thought of Wall.

Kevin picked up the phone and looked through the recent phone records. Then he called Wall.

“Hi, dear Mr. Kevin, today is really a good day, just because you called me.” Wall had already noted Kevin’s phone number, so when the phone rang, he already knew It was Kevin who called.

“Dear Mr. Wall, thank you very much for remembering me. Oh, I want to ask you, do you still need prose in your newspapers? I want to write some essays for submission recently.” Kevin said.

“Of course, it is our honour that you can write a manuscript for Time Magazine. We are too late to welcome. Wait a minute, I will send you my private mailbox, and you can send it directly to my mailbox.” Wall was excited. Speaking of.

Yes, the champion of the 7th London Literary Competition, the first work “Jane Eyre” went on sale and sold out in a short period of time. If such a character can really write more articles for “Time”, then The sales of Time Magazine will inevitably be much better than usual.

Apart from anything else, just the week after Kevin agreed to publish “Meditations on a Broom” in “Time”, the sales of “Time” have soared. This also made Wall deeply appreciated by the leaders above.

So, when Wall heard that Kevin was going to contribute to their newspaper, he was totally excited.

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