Rebirth As a Writer In Britain

Chapter 29

Chapter 29 Film and television rights are finalized

After three o’clock in the afternoon, the people from the London Literary Publishing House have arrived in Edinburgh. After Kevin answered the phone, he also arranged them in Edinburgh’s relatively high-end Feyasen Teahouse.

Kevin thought in his heart that although he still does not have a lot of money, he has not yet become a local tyrant, and he is still far from the life of the British aristocrats. However, as a future writer, he must have the tolerance of a writer. The staff of the London Literature Publishing House should come over, so how about arranging a decent teahouse.

Why did you arrange a tea house? Because in the UK, drinking afternoon tea is as popular as in the southern part of China. Especially among the upper class people like the nobles, they will come to the teahouse to enjoy a good afternoon when they have nothing to do.

Since this time they only brought the contract to Kevin to confirm and then sign, so they only came to two people. Among them is a young girl, Kevin still clearly remembers her name-Sunny.

Sanny wears **** clothes all the time, so people can’t help but love it. Of course, this has something to do with her being born sexy.

“Hi, dear Kevin, we meet again. Nice to see you again. You are like Prince Street in Edinburgh, full of room for development.” Sunny said with a smile.

“Dear Sonny, I am also very happy to see you again. Oh, you are just like the tea in this Fayasen Teahouse, fresh and elegant. A glance can relieve people’s physical and mental fatigue.” Kevin also replied. A metaphor for the other side.

“Mr. Kevin really deserves to be a genius writer. Under any circumstance, he can say rich and talented sentences. Oh, sorry, please allow us to go back to the topic. I believe the editor-in-chief Enni has already told you the situation of our visit this time. Right?” Sonny said.

“Yes, Enni called me today.”

“Well, Mr. Kevin, this is the film and television contract that Cranked Film & Television Company has finalized for us. You can see for yourself. If there is no objection, just sign in the author column.”

After that, Sunny took out a contract from her briefcase and handed it to Kevin.

Kevin saw this so-called film and television contract for the first time, so he couldn’t wait to take it in his hand and watch it.

According to the contract, Crankd Films chose to directly buy out the film and television copyrights of “Jane Eyre” for a total of 400,000 pounds. But according to the contract signed between Kevin and the London Literary Publishing House, he can only get 50% of the money, which means that only £200,000 belongs to Kevin in the end.

As a newcomer, Kevin is satisfied with this treatment. Although the value of “Jane Eyre” is far more than this. But he believes that the following channels will be opened, and the income of “Jane Eyre” will definitely not be this number.

“How? Does Mr. Kevin have any questions about this contract? If so, you can ask it at any time. If not, I will bother you to sign, and then “Jane Eyre” and Cranked Film & Television Company The buyout contract can basically take effect.”

Ten minutes later, Sunny asked with a smile.

“IOK, there is basically no major problem with the contract.” After speaking, Kevin signed the word happily.

After Kevin signed the contract, it proved that the film and television copyright of “Jane Eyre” was basically sold. This speed was a bit unexpected for Kevin.

“Well, Mr. Kevin, first of all congratulations, your “Jane Eyre” has been published to the finalization of film and television rights in such a short period of time. But you have to say that you are a genius, and your “About a Broomstick” I like “Thinking of Love” and this “Jane Eyre” very much.” After receiving the contract, Sunny smiled and shook hands with Kevin.

After Kevin was reborn, it was the first time that she shook hands with a beautiful British girl. Only at this time did she realize that the hands of women in this country were so smooth and soft. It feels quite comfortable anyway.

“Thank you very much for your appreciation. Oh, when Miss Sunny laughed, it was so beautiful, like the scenery of Holyrood Park.”

Kevin continued to throw out his metaphor, which made Sanny and the others smile again and again.

After Kevin signed the contract, the people who originally planned to stay at the London Literary Publishing House had dinner in Edinburgh, but Sunny said he would go elsewhere. So he didn’t keep too much.

Even the film and television contract has been knocked out, so he can only wait for everything to go smoothly, and then collect a lot of money.

After Kevin answered home from the teahouse, his parents and others were still at work and not at home. Therefore, he was able to quietly think about which literary master’s work should be written.

At this time, the phone rang again. He thought it was because Sonny and others had forgotten something to call, but when he looked at the number, he found that it was Lavin from Dehai Publishing House.

“Hi, respectful President LaVine, is there anything wrong?” Kevin pressed the answer button.

“Hi, Kevin, hello. I’m very happy, you can think of me when you see the number. Oh, how did you think about the things I talked to you that day?” Lavin asked.

Kevin certainly knows that what Lavin is talking about refers to the issue of signing a long-term contract with Dehai Publishing House. So I immediately replied: “Sorry, dear Mr. Lavin, I said, I will not sign a long-term contract with any publishing house, including the current London Literary Publishing House. For this, I can only say thank you value.”

“But my dear Kevin, don’t you think you need to reconsider? We must know that our Dehai Publishing House is also well-known throughout the UK. Over the years, our publishing house has also unearthed many good works. They have deeply influenced the British literary world.” President Lavin still did not give up.

“Yes, I think God will thank you publishers for their contributions to English literature, but my attitude is still the same, and I will not sign long-term contracts with any publishers. I hope President Lavin will respect my decision. Thank you.”

Kevin has never changed his original intention As the saying goes, I have the memory of a writer, and I am self-willed.

“Dear Kevin, I think you are too self-willed. You know, being too self-willed is not necessarily a good thing for young people.”

Lavin seems to have other meanings in his words. That is a tactful suggestion that Kevin should not toast or eat fine wine. We must know that Dehai Publishing still has a certain influence in the British literary world, and there is no shortage of literary champions. After all, the London Literature Competition is held every four years.

Of course Kevin knew all of this. But sorry, no matter how many championships there are, no one will ever have what Kevin has in mind. Therefore, he still has capricious capital that no one else has.

So Kevin said, “Thank you for your reminder. But respected Mr. Lavin, my decision is still the same. Sorry.”

After finishing speaking, Kevin directly hung up the call. This is very rude and ungentleman behavior in the UK. Therefore, LaVine feels very upset!

“Huh! Isn’t it the champion of the literary competition? We Dehai Publishing House still has no shortage of authors who can write good articles. Isn’t “Jane Eyre” selling well? I don’t believe that our publishing house can’t find one that can take you Compared to the work that goes on. It will also let you know what is outside and there are people, there are heavens outside the world.”

After Lavin tried to persuade Kevin repeatedly and unsuccessfully, he felt very shameless on his face. Although he is a man full of business opportunities, he has become irrational at this time. Perhaps he wants to let the young man Kevin know that his books are not the only ones that can sell well in English literature.

So, he chose Augustine’s new book “Heaven under the Moon”.

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