Rebirth As a Writer In Britain

Chapter 290

Chapter 290 Excellent magic novel

One second to remember 【】, to provide you with wonderful novel reading.

The first batch of people who bought the “Harry Potter” series of stories are generally Kevin’s readers, and these people are people who like Kevin’s words very much, so they read it as soon as they got the book. .

Since there are so many works in three books, they have to read them one by one. And “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” is in the first series, so many people start from this work.

“Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” is also the first in the series of “Harry Potter” by the British female writer j.k. Rowling on earth. The original English version of this novel was published in the UK on June 26, 1997; when it was published, it fascinated thousands of readers.

Therefore, when Kevin’s readers saw “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone”, they were also deeply attracted by the story inside.

“Oh my God, I have never seen such an interesting magic novel. Kevin’s writing is amazing. Haha, three books, it seems that my life is not alone anymore.”

“I haven’t read this book yet, but I saw the first few chapters. I couldn’t help but say a few words. This is really a very good magic novel. It turns out that I am correct to support Kevin as always. .Because he never “disappointed me.” ”

“Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, I didn’t feel much when I first read the first chapter. But the more you read down, the more you discover the charm of this story. Well, Kevin can only use genius To describe it.”

“Too wonderful, so wonderful. I didn’t expect magic novels to be written like this. I had to get caught up in the plot inside. Well, these three books can ease my boring time. Thank you, Kevin.”

These people couldn’t help sighing while watching the first Harry Potter. Yes, they never thought that there would be such a wonderful and exciting magic novel.

This “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” is beyond any magical novel they have ever read, and it gives people a completely different feeling. Therefore, they were excited about seeing an unprecedented magic novel.

What a rare thing they think such an excellent magic novel is, after all, magic novels in the UK have been written too ordinary for so long. They are so excited about it, so while reading, they also recommend it to classmates and friends around them.

People’s reputation is always the best means of propaganda. After some readers’ publicity recommendations, many people also tried to go to bookstores to buy the three stories of “Harry Potter”.

“I want to see if this magic novel by Kevin is really so different?”

It’s just such a question, the trace of curiosity in their hearts, when they read “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone”. Like the people who recommended them, they had to fall into these unprecedented storylines.

The Dursleys, who live at No. 4 Priveng Road, always proudly say that they are unconventional people. Please-please, please. They have never been involved in mysterious and weird things, because they don’t believe in evil ways.

Mr. Vernon Deszaar works as a supervisor in a company called Gruning, which produces drilling rigs. He is tall and burly, so fat that he has almost no neck. But he has a big beard. Mrs. Dursley is a thin blonde woman. Her neck is almost twice as long as a normal person. In this way, whenever she spends a lot of time looking at her neighbours through the fence, her long neck can come in handy. The Dursleys have a young son named Dudley. In their opinion, there is no better child in the world than Dudley.

These are the first two paragraphs of the first chapter of “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone”, “The Boy Who Lived”. The two paragraphs alone have already made people see Kevin’s interesting and humorous pen.

As the plot progresses: on this evening, Harry Potter, a one-year-old boy who lost his parents, was mysteriously sent to the door of No. 4 Privt Road and began a life of bullying at his uncle and aunt’s house.

The uncle and aunt seemed fierce, and they often yelled at him and kept him sleeping in the cupboard under the stairs. And their son Dudley like a demon king. He often added fists to the thin Harry.

Ten years later, Harry, who lives with his uncle and aunt’s house, has never had a birthday. But on his eleventh birthday, everything changed. An owl sent a letter: inviting Harry to go to a magical place he had never heard of-Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

When I saw this part, the curiosity of many people was completely ignited.

“It’s great, it’s a new and strange story. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry? What kind of school is this? Will Harry learn magic there?”

“It must be that God thought Harry was too pitiful, so he sent an owl to deliver the letter, intending to invite him to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Haha, as for the plot later, let’s continue watching.”

“Kevin’s writing is really good, although I haven’t finished it yet. But the first few chapters have attracted me deeply. I am curious what will happen when Harry goes to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. What?”

“Will Harry meet someone who loves him when he goes to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry? Will he have real friends? What will he do after learning magic? My goodness, this work is amazing.”

With layers of curiosity and excitement, they have to continue to look down and even some people don’t even bother to eat lunch. After all, they have fallen into the storyline compiled by Harry Potter, and they are eager to know the connection between Harry and the Sorcerer’s Stone.

After the three stories of “Harry Potter” were published, Kevin also had a lot of leisure. So, today he plans to go for a walk and take a breath of fresh air.

Kevin’s favorite to go to is Holyrood Park, after all, it is the most famous park in Edinburgh, and the scenery inside is not only picturesque. It also has landscapes, flora and fauna that are not available in the world.

Not only that, if you are not tired, you can walk through Holyrood Park, and then climb the famous Arthurian Throne Mountain. In this way, you can enjoy the beautiful scenery of Edinburgh.

The distance between Kevin Lee and Holyrood Park is a bit far, so as soon as he walked out of the gate of Sihua Culture Co., Ltd., he hit the goal directly.

But after arriving at the goal, Kevin found a familiar figure, and this figure also saw him and walked towards him. (To be continued.) () “Rebirth as a British Writer” only represents the views of the author Papaya Master. If it is found that its content violates national laws and conflicts, please delete it. The position is only to provide healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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