Rebirth As a Writer In Britain

Chapter 296

Chapter 296 Interview invitation for “Interview with

With the votes of Kevin’s many readers and supporters, these three magical works written by Kevin are called the best magical novels in the UK, and they deserve their name. After all, almost all votes are in favor.

This makes all the people of Sihua Culture Co., Ltd. very happy. With the title of the most outstanding magic novel on the official website of English Literature, their publicity and promotion will be completely different. And once it is said, this is also a well-known name. Many people will inevitably choose to buy a copy because of such a title.

In fact, it is true. After the most outstanding magic fiction event held on the English Literature website, the sales of these three Harry Potter-related works skyrocketed. Many people want to know what kind of work makes people think it can be the best magic novel.

So, after another two days, the 800,000 copies printed for the second time were sold by half. With the addition of the 300,000 copies that were first printed, so far these three Harry Potter-related stories have directly sold 700,000 copies. This may not be a top best seller for other types of novels. But for unpopular magical works, it has long been a miracle among miracles.

After seeing such a situation, Crawford and his colleagues had to admire their young boss.

“Mr. Crawford, our boss is really good. He seems to be a prophet. He can believe in miracles every time, but miracles can happen every time. I have never seen anyone so good.”

“Yes, Mr. Crawford, although I have the shortest time to come to Sihua. But this time the boss has brought us too many unexpected things. Whether it is his writing talent or management philosophy. This is simply too much. Great. I’m very happy.”

“Yes, I said, he is a miracle creator. Thank God for letting us follow a boss like this. After all, it feels wonderful to live by the side of miracles.” Crawford was also happy. Speaking of.

“I am also honored for this. It seems that the sales of these three Harry Potter books will continue to rise. By then, they will surpass the “My Youth with Mineral Water” published by Dehai Publishing House. I think it was. How contemptuous they were of us.”

“Isn’t that possible! I have been an editor for so many years, and I really rarely see anyone whose sales capacity can surpass Tony Allen, and this is still his masterpiece.” Another colleague interjected.

“What’s impossible! Go and find out, every work of our boss is a historical record. I didn’t believe it before. Now I deeply believe that he can do it this time.”

“Well, guys, let’s not guess here either. At least now our first work published by Sihua, it has caused a sensation. We have achieved our goal to stand out. We have succeeded. Next. Let us look forward to its miracle together.” Crawford said.

Therefore, all employees of Sihua are happily looking forward to the arrival of this “miracle”.

Kevin’s “Harry Potter” series of stories are called Britain’s best magical novels, which also shocked many television stations and literary media. This is a big deal for English literature. Therefore, they sent out invitation letters to Kevin one after another. Plan to interview face to face.

One of the most active is also the British integrated television station. Because they have a column called “Interview with People”, the purpose of this column is to interview successful people. In recent years, they have also interviewed many national leaders and successful businessmen.

After learning about Kevin’s general situation, the British TV station immediately sent a letter of invitation to Kevin. I plan to conduct an interview with this comprehensive literary genius.

Kevin was also very happy to agree to them after receiving the invitation letter from the British TV station. After all, in the UK, there is an undisclosed statement-businessmen who have not been on the “People Interview” program are not considered successful businessmen. In other words, “A writer who has not been on the “Interview with People” program is not considered a successful writer.”

When Kevin received the interview invitation letter from the other party, he also checked it on the Internet. There are not many writers who have appeared on the “Interview with People” program of British Comprehensive Television. Therefore, he is very willing to be one of the few.

The British TV station didn’t want to wait until the popularity of these three works of Kevin fell before interviewing Kevin, so they decided to conduct the interview three days later after getting Kevin’s permission.

The address of the British TV station is in Manchester. The city is obviously a little far away from Edinburgh. Therefore, Kevin intends to start tomorrow.

So Kevin called Crawford and Kovani over and told them about his upcoming interview in Manchester.

“What, buddy, the “People Interview” program is going to interview you? My God, you have been a successful person from this moment.” Kovani said in surprise.

Kovani has also heard about the “Interviews” section of the British Comprehensive Television, so he also knows the secret statement.

“Yes. So the few days I left, Sihua left it to you to manage. However. I also went there for a few days. I will be back after the interview.” Kevin ordered.

“Boss. Don’t worry I have me here. Recently, more writers have contributed to our company and magazines. We are already on the right path.” Crawford is happy. Speaking of.

Crawford was also very surprised and happy after hearing that his boss was going to be interviewed on the “People Interview” program. After all, he has a very good understanding of things in the British literary world. Over the years, not many writers have been able to participate in this column. Kevin is so young that he can be invited by the other party. This is simply incredible, and it directly proves that this young boss is one of Britain’s most successful writers.

“That’s good, oh, wait a minute and show me the specific sales figures of the current three works of “Harry Potter”. Then, I may need to use it.” Kevin instructed .

“Okay, I’ll ask someone to bring it to you later.” Crawford responded.

After Kevin confessed the matter. He packed his things and planned to leave for Manchester.

Since he was reborn here, Kevin has generally traveled back and forth between Edinburgh and London, and he has not gone to Manchester too often. The last time I visited this city was during the signing ceremony. It has been a while now, and the strangeness of his stepping into Manchester again is still so strong. (To be continued.)

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