Rebirth As a Writer In Britain

Chapter 300

Chapter 300 During the interview

The activity of “Interview with People” continues, and the audience in front of the TV is also very happy to watch the conversation between Kevin and Pierce at this time.

Pierce continued to ask: “Kevin, what is the most important thing you want to do when you get the first payment? Sorry, maybe I have to ask such a question when facing an interview with a writer. ”

“When I got the draft fee for “Jane Eyre”, I actually wanted to buy a house for my parents in Edinburgh. But later I found that it was not enough to buy a good house in the city, so I didn’t go for it at that time. This matter.” Kevin answered truthfully.

“Oh, when did you buy the house?” Pierce asked curiously.

“It was when “Wuthering Heights” signed the film and television rights. At that time, I was enough to buy a very good house in Edinburgh.”

“Is it great to be able to buy a house for your family with my own contribution fee?”

“No, no, I think my parents are the greatest. What I do now is just to reward them. It’s not great.” Kevin replied sincerely.

As a result, there was a warm applause from the audience again. For such a person who knows how to be grateful.

“Everyone, talking with Kevin here, I already feel that he is a very interesting person with a personality. Perhaps it is this mentality and personality that has promoted his current results.” Pierce said.

“Thank you, I also feel that you are a very interesting host.”

“Well, let us two interesting people continue. Everything about you is full of legends. From writing to starting a company and running a magazine, do you feel any difference from before?” Pierce Continue to ask.

“If there are any differences, I think it should be a few more identities. After more identities, there will be more things to face. Therefore, the pressure will naturally increase. But no matter what kind of body you have Identity, I am still me, this is affirmative.” Kevin replied.

“So among the many identities, or among the many roles, what do you want people to mention the most? Writer? Boss? Or magazine founder?” Pierce asked.

Kevin listened. After thinking for a while, he said: “I think I am a writer, and my dream is to become a great writer like Shakespeare. Therefore, I would rather people think of me as a writer as soon as they mention me. This will make me very much. happy.”

“When you opened Sihua Culture Co., Ltd., many people suspected that you would affect your writing. Like many predecessors, you even gave up writing at the end. And you personally emphasized it at the company’s opening conference. That’s a question. Now Sihua has been in business for a while, what is your experience now?” Pierce began to ask questions about Kevin’s company.

“Yes, many people had such thoughts when it was announced on Twitter to open Sihua. But now Sihua has been open for a while, and my feeling is still the same as before. This will not affect my literacy. His love and creation. Of course, free time becomes less pitiful. This is certain.” Kevin replied with a smile.

“Now that the company and the magazine are all running as you want?”

“Thank God, all of this is developing in a positive direction, and the sales of “Wen Feng” have been increasing. This is what I am happy about.”

“When I checked your information, I also learned that while you serialized “The Collection of Sherlock Holmes”, you also wrote three works of the “Harry Potter” series of stories. Can you tell me that this is in your mind. Do you use it more?” Pierce finally asked the question he most wanted to know in his heart.

Yes, Kevin not only serialized “The Collection of Sherlock Holmes” in his “Wenfeng” magazine during this period. He also wrote three excellent magical “Harry Potter” at the same time. What kind of brain is needed to write two different types at the same time, and write them so well!

Kevin thought for a while: Although both “Harry Potter” and “The Sherlock Holmes” were written almost at the same time. But if you say it like this, it’s a myth. Therefore, he can only compile the story:

“Although these two different types of works are relatively close in time, they were not written at the same time. I have conceived the series of “Holmes” stories many times in my mind. Therefore, it should have been formed at the earliest. .”

“Okay. Even so, it is great enough. Your ability to conceive is simply amazing. We also learned that when these three works in the Harry Potter series were just published, their sales were not good. At that time Have you ever worried about this?”

“When the three stories of “Harry Potter” were just published, the sales were the lowest among the works I wrote. And because of this. Many people think that I wrote magical fantasy this time as a bad decision. But I I don’t think so. Since I have written a story, then I will believe in the charm of the story itself. Therefore, even if their grades were poor at the time, I am confident that they will get better.” Kevin replied.

“If, I mean, if their sales are not getting better now, it means that not all of your first printed 300,000 copies have been sold. Is your confidence still unabated?”

“Of course! I believe in myself and the charm of these three stories in “Harry Potter”.” Kevin replied firmly.

“It’s really a confident guy, maybe it’s your confidence that created the best sales of magic in the UK now can tell us that when the UK station launched “Harry Potter” How do you feel when the series of stories can be called the best magic in Britain?” Pierce continued to ask.

Kevin replied: “I just learned about this matter, and it was told by my staff. Undoubtedly, I am happy to be able to get this vote on the official website of English Literature. And in the end, many people gave it. The number of votes for support has moved me even more. So, thank you very much for your love and support.”

“Do you also think that the “Harry Potter” series of stories you wrote will be the best magic in Britain?”

“This is hard to say. After all, I can’t guarantee that I will write this type later, nor can I guarantee that later writers will create better magical works. But I think at least when people mention excellent magical works. At that time, they would think of “Harry Potter”!” Kevin said.

“Harry Potter” is one of the best-selling on the planet. Kevin has reason to believe that in this parallel world where literary works are so blank, no matter what kind of awesome magical geniuses appear later, it will definitely occupy a certain amount. status. (To be continued…).


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