Rebirth As a Writer In Britain

Chapter 302

Chapter 302 High Song 1


Pierce looked at the time and found that there were still ten minutes before the end of the “Interview with People” program. (Baidu search network updates the fastest and most stable) (..M) So he strives to ask a few more questions in the remaining time.

So Pierce continued to ask: “Will you listen to songs that are adapted from your poems?”

“Of course, every one of my capital will go to listen. And they will also send me their new song album.” Kevin replied.

“Among so many songs, which ones are you personally satisfied with?”

“They adapted these poems very well, and I like each one better. But if you insist on saying something more satisfying, I think it belongs to Miss Bella. Especially the song “When You Are Old” is in I was still listening last night.” Kevin said with a smile.

Bella also learned about Kevin’s acceptance of the “Interview with People” program after being told by her agent. So when the show started, she had been watching this talk show in front of the computer. Now that Kevin said that her favorite is the song she composed, the heart of this nineteen-year-old girl suddenly felt warm.

“Thank you for liking my song!” Bella said in her heart.

“”When You Are Old” is really great, and I like it very much. It seems that we finally have the same hobby, that is, we all like the song “When You Are Old”.” Pierce released another humorous Discourse.

“Well, it’s an honor to like the same song as you.” Kevin also said with a smile.

“I believe you all want to hear what it would be like to sing Kevin at this time? Do you think?” Pierce suddenly asked like an audience in the audience.

“Yes!” the audience in the audience said in unison.

“Kevin, can you please satisfy the audience and friends on the TV? Yes, just sing a song “When You Are Old”. To know that this is a poem written by you, we would love to know it from you What does it feel like to sing it out?” Pierce said happily.

Pierce’s temporary request also excited the audience in front of the TV. After all, they all know that Kevin writes a good article, and they have not heard what it feels like to sing. Especially this song is from his poems, perhaps singing from his mouth will have a completely different effect.

“So happy, Kevin is going to sing. Hi! Honey, come out soon, Kevin is going to sing.”

“Kevin. Sing one! I’m also curious if you can sing as well as the poems you wrote?”

“Oh my God, Pierce’s request is amazing. When Bella compiled “When You Are Old” into a song, I felt like listening to Kevin sing it. Now I finally have a chance. ”

“Haha, Kevin is ready to sing. Hi, buddies, are you ready? Come over and listen to Kevin’s singing together.”

“Kevin. Hurry up and sing, I think the song “When You Are Old” will be so nice to sing from your mouth. I look forward to it!”

at this time. Many people in front of the TV began to call friends and friends, they all tried to listen to Kevin sing “When You Are Old” together.

Bella was also very excited at this time, thinking in her heart: Why didn’t I expect him to sing this song! Humph, when I wait for the next concert, I must invite him to the stage and sing this song together.

Seeing that the audience in the audience was so enthusiastic, it was naturally inconvenient for Kevin to refuse. Therefore, he can only say: “Well, since the audience friends all want to hear it. Then I will sing ugly. But beforehand, I sing very badly. I hope that my singing will convey to you. They didn’t turn into noise when they were in the ears.”

“Great, then we will welcome Kevin with warm applause to bring us this song “When You Are Old”.” Pierce said happily.

After Pierce finished speaking, he gestured to the backstage staff to play the pure music of “When You Are Old”. After all, singing this song with a melody will have the best effect.

Kevin has listened to the song “When You Are Old” many times since Bella sent the album to herself. So he is very familiar with this song. When the backstage melody sounded, he sang:

When you are old. Temples, drowsiness,

Take down this one while snoozing by the stove,

Slowly recite, dreaming of your eyes before

The look is gentle. Deep reflections in the eyes;

How many people love your charming and charming time,

Love your beauty comes from false or true feelings,

But there is only one who loves the sincerity of your soul,

Love the sad wind and frost on your declining face;

Bend down, beside the red fireplace,

Sorrowfully whispered, how Eros escaped.

Take a stroll on the top of the mountains above your head,

Hid his face among the stars.

After singing, the audience immediately burst into applause, and the TV audience cried out to listen to it again.

“It’s incredible, Kevin sings so well and affectionately. Haha, according to this singing skill, I think there can be another singer.”

“Perhaps this is the reason for the poems written by Kevin. I always feel like singing from him is great. I enjoy the way he just sang. He is a singing poet.”

“Obviously Kevin is not a professional singer, so he is immature in dealing with some musical skills. But he just sang really well, I was very touched by it. I feel that Kevin is really versatile and writing so well. The same goes for singing.”

At this time, they had to admire Kevin’s singing skills. In fact, Kevin also sings very well. After all, besides his hobby of literature another hobby is music. So whether it is Kevin on earth or Kevin in this parallel world, they also have some musical cells flowing in them.

As a singer, Bella felt great after listening to Kevin’s singing in front of the computer. He did not expect this talented man to sing as well as writing well. He was simply happy about it.

“It seems that I will really sing a song with you next time, otherwise such a good voice would be a waste.” Bella said to herself.

“Oh my God, Kevin, I really didn’t expect you to sing like this. Haha, it seems that you can still try to develop in the direction of music.” Pierce said in surprise.

“No, no, I don’t think my throat is suitable for singing. I just sang very badly. So, I hope you can be considerate.” Kevin said.

“Kevin just sang very well, do you think it is!” Pierce said to the audience at this time.

As a result, the audience clapped once again, indicating that Kevin really sang very well just now. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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