Rebirth As a Writer In Britain

Chapter 304

Chapter 304 1.1 million copies sold.


After the “Interview with People” program was broadcast, more and more people became aware of the existence of “Harry Potter”. (..M) So, another group of people who hadn’t bought these three books walked into the store.

“Hello, please give me a copy of Harry Potter. Oh, if so, buy all three of them,”

“Is there any Harry Potter? Yes, it was written by Kevin. Give me a copy of each story. Thank you.”

“Hi. Boss, please bring me a new copy of Kevin’s work. Yes. I want to buy them all.”

“Please leave me a little bit about Kevin’s new Harry Potter story? Don’t worry, I’ll pass it in half an hour.”

The 800,000 copies of “Harry Potter” that were reprinted for the second time were already scarce, but with the frantic purchase of this group of people, they were soon sold out. At this time, the people of Sihua Culture Co., Ltd. had to consider for the third time whether to print.

It didn’t take long for Kevin to return to Edinburgh. After listening to Crawford’s report, he was very happy in his heart. I immediately decided to reprint for the third time. And this time, 800,000 copies were printed directly.

“What? Boss, do you mean that our third reprint is the same as the second, and it is also 800,000 copies?” Crawford couldn’t believe his ears.

“Yes. Now Harry Potter is gaining momentum, so it can sell better. And as I said, the sales of 1.1 million copies are far from its true level.” Kevin confidently said .

After these few things, Crawford had already believed in his young boss. So even though he felt that Kevin’s additional 800,000 copies were a bit bold at this time, he still supported him.

“Well, I’m going to order. If we can sell all the copies of the third printing, it will be a miracle. Maybe in the next ten years, there will be no one. This magical work can surpass its sales.” Crawford said.

Yes, if all the 800,000 copies sold for the third additional printing are sold out, it will add up to 1.9 million copies in total. As an unpopular fantasy theme work, it can sell 1.9 million copies, which is simply a very surprising miracle.

“Don’t worry. It will bring us surprises.” Kevin’s words still reveal full of confidence, and this confident magnetic field also infected his employees. Therefore, at this time, Sihua believes that his boss will create the miracle of the sales king of this magical work.

Since going to Manchester, Kevin has never had a chance to log on Twitter. So when he came back this time, he logged on to his Twitter page for the first time, and then wrote: Finally back from Manchester, thank you friends for your support. Thanks to the invitation of “Character Interview”, “Character Interview” is a great show. I like it very much.

Pierce serves as the host of “Interview with People”. After seeing this tweet from Kevin, he immediately reposted it and said: Kevin is one of the most attractive writers I have ever met, and I am very happy to be able to talk to him on the show. His future will go further.

As I said before, Pierce has a habit. That is, I like to write some thoughts after the interview. Then published in newspapers or magazines. After this “Character Interview” is over. He also wrote an insight essay in the first time.

The title of Pierce’s article this time is “He Believes that Confidence Can Create Miracles.” This “he” of course refers to Kevin. Pierce wrote this insight based on his conclusions from his conversations with Kevin.

He wrote in the article: I have liked self-confidence since I was a child, and deeply believe that all success is inseparable from self-confidence.

Yes it is. I never think that a person who is not confident can have success. I don’t think God will like those who are weak. But in my conversation with Kevin today, I also understood another charm of self-confidence, which is that it can work miracles.

I have to say that as the youngest poet laureate in history, Kevin has created many miracles in the literary circle. For example, the sales volume of the work, the box office of the adapted movie, or the effect caused by the written poetry, and so on.

But this series of achievements all come from his self-confidence. Like the Harry Potter story he recently published. Others only published one, but he directly published three. And when others laughed at him for writing unpopular magical themes, his confidence told him that Harry Potter would be a good work. His confidence also told him that Harry Potter’s series of stories will set a record for British magic novels.

As a result, it was his confidence that earned the sales of 1.1 million copies today. In exchange for the title of Britain’s best magic novel. Therefore, I have to admire this young man deeply.

Yes, during the “Interview with People” program, I always found that his body was full of confidence exuding, they seemed to be radiant. So, I think his current success may all come from his self-confidence. …….

Pierce published this insight in the newspaper of “British Literature and Art”, and he has cooperated more with this newspaper over the years. and so. After seeing Pierce’s article about Kevin, they also gave face to face and published it directly in the headline section.

The sales volume of “British Literature and Art” is not low in the UK, so after the first issue of the article was published, many people saw it. Until they read this article by Pierce, many people indirectly learned the news that the three Harry Potter books of Kevin have sold 1.1 million copies.

All those who know this information, UU Reading www.uukanshu. com had to be surprised and incredible again at this time.

“Oh my God, the 800,000 copies that Kevin printed are sold out so soon? It seems that Harry Potter’s story may be really exciting.”

“I can’t believe that magic novels can sell more than 1 million copies. Well, I have to say that Kevin has indeed created a miracle.”

“Just yesterday, my classmates told me that there are no Harry Potter works available for purchase in the store. After reading this article by Pierce, I learned that Kevin’s second printing It’s all sold out. After all, he said it was 300,000 copies before, but now 800,000 copies have been printed, which happens to be 1.1 million copies.”

“Oh my God, why is the sales of the magical works written by Kevin so good? Based on this, maybe he has been very successful. I really like his work.”

When Kevin announced the additional printing of 800,000 copies, how many people said that he was a lunatic, thinking about money and going crazy. But now? Knowing that Kevin’s second reprint has been sold out, they can only be surprised and surprised. After all, the current results are simply unimaginable results for them. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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