Rebirth As a Writer In Britain

Chapter 308

Chapter 308 Jiahe Film Company’s hesitation

But what makes Alves lost is that Kevin will not reduce the conditions of film and television copyright because of this.

Kevin said: “I’m very sorry, Mr. Alves, I don’t think I can do it. Because I like them so much, it’s all too difficult.”

“Couldn’t it be for our sincerity?” Alsvin continued to persuade.

“No, no, it has nothing to do with your sincerity. It’s like you really like some things, and I suddenly want to buy them at a relatively moderate price, maybe you won’t agree.” Kevin explained.

“This…” Alves suddenly fell into thought.

“Mr. Alves, let’s forget it. The price of 2.5 million pounds is simply too expensive.” At this time, a colleague of Alves reminded.

“Mr. Alves can consider it slowly, and don’t need to make a decision in such a hurry.” Kevin also said.

Regarding the film and television copyright of “Harry Potter”, Kevin doesn’t worry about not selling it. Therefore, he will not easily make concessions. Besides, it is their loss to sign “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” without being cruel. Perhaps, once the opportunity is missed, it will never again.

Alves certainly knows this, but the price of 2.5 million pounds is indeed a bit higher. Their Jiahe Film Company is just a small company. If you want to buy such a high-priced manuscript at a time, you really need to think carefully.

Therefore, Alves did not dare to make a decision on the face of it at this time. But he didn’t dare to directly say that he needed to go back and think about it. After all, he was afraid that once he missed it, he might have no chance again. After all, at the time of “Wuthering Heights” and “Robinson Crusoe”, many film and television companies that missed its film and television copyrights regretted it. Alves didn’t want this to happen to him.

Crawford can’t figure out what his boss is thinking. If he were to talk about it, maybe he would have agreed to sign the contract by the time of £2 million. After all, this is the first work operated by Sihua Culture Co., Ltd. It is a very good thing to have such a beginning.

Therefore, he just drank tea quietly by the side, everything depends on what his boss said and how to do it.

“Mr. Kevin, how about 2.3 million pounds like this. Can you? 200,000 pounds less.” After a brief thought, Alves finally spoke.

“I’m really sorry, dear Mr. Alves, maybe an excellent work shouldn’t be the same as the price of cabbage in the vegetable market. I have the price of a bite.” Kevin still has his attitude.

“Mr. Alves, let’s go back and think about it. I think we need to think carefully about the price.” At this time, Alves’ colleague said again.

“Okay! Mr. Kevin, let’s go back and think about it first. Don’t worry. We will give you the answer soon. Please be sure to sign the film and television rights of “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” to us. ”

Helplessly, Alves had to make this decision. After all, the price of 2.5 million pounds is not a small amount, and he dare not make the decision to sign the contract easily. Besides, for this kind of commercial negotiation, it is normal to go back and think before making a decision.

“Alright! Then we welcome your news. However, I can’t guarantee that the copyright of “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” is still in our hands before you reply to us.” Kevin laughed Speaking of.

Yes, with the popularity of the “Harry Potter” story, Jiahe Films is definitely not the only film company that is eyeing their film and television copyrights. Therefore, Kevin will not make such a promise. After all, there may be other film companies who will not hesitate to pay 2.5 million pounds to buy the film and television rights of any work in the “Harry Potter” series.

“Okay. We will get back to you as soon as possible.” Alves said.

Alves has already heard the bad news from Kevin’s words, so after returning this time, he plans to discuss with the people above to see if he has to spend 2.5 million pounds to buy “Harry. The film and television rights of “Porter and the Philosopher’s Stone”

Kevin didn’t seem anxious at all, so at this time he happily sent off the people from Jiahe Film Company.

“Boss, does the film and television rights of “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” really need 2.5 million pounds before signing it out?” After everyone left, Crawford walked over and said his doubts. .

“Of course! This is an excellent magical work, we can’t treat it badly.” Kevin said with a smile.

“But what if the people at Golden Harvest Studios gave up because the price was too high?” Crawford said.

“No, no, Crawford’s. Even if Golden Harvest Film Company gives up, it doesn’t matter much. Because there is definitely more than one film company interested in its film and television copyright. You don’t need to worry too much.” Speaking confidently.

“Okay. I’ll leave this to you. Oh, the third reprint of the “Harry Potter” series of stories is already underway, and I believe it will soon be sold in bookstores across the country. “Crawford said happily.

“Yeah! Well done. Tell the employees of Sihua that if all the 800,000 copies printed for the third time are sold out. Each person’s salary will be increased by 50 pounds this month.” Kevin said.

Kevin knows that part-time work is hard and difficult, so as long as the sales of his works are good he doesn’t care about paying more to his employees. After all, for migrant workers, improving their welfare is the best way for them to work hard for themselves.

When Crawford heard Kevin’s words, his face was also very bright. Because of this, your salary will also add up. And as a leader. Maybe you will get more.

“Thank you boss, don’t worry, we are confident to do everything well.” Crawford said with a smile.

“Well, that’s good. During this time, there may be other film and television companies coming to your door. Then you can ask them to contact me. Let me talk to them.” Kevin ordered.

Kevin is the boss and the author, so maybe it’s best to do it yourself with regard to the film and television copyrights of “Harry Potter”. After all, only he knew in his heart how valuable this excellent magical work was.

“Okay, then there is no other business, I will go back to deal with the matter first.”

After speaking, Crawford returned to Sihua Culture Co., Ltd. first. After all, in addition to the publishing operations of books, he is also responsible for the management of “Wenfeng” magazine, and there are many things that need to be done. (To be continued.)

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