Rebirth As a Writer In Britain

Chapter 310

Chapter 310 Regret of Golden Harvest Film Company

“Kevin, we are friends, so I think we can open our hearts as much as possible to talk about the film and television copyrights of “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone”.” Director Hudson said first.

“Well, dear Director Hudson, I like your frankness. I don’t know what price your company will give the film and television rights of “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone”?” Kevin was also direct. Asked.

“Two million pounds. We learned that the film and television rights for “Robinson Crusoe” that you signed with Hudson before is also two million pounds. So, we won’t give you less this time.” Cranked Film & Television A colleague from the company said.

When Hudson heard it, he nodded in satisfaction. After all, the price of 2 million pounds is also a very moderate and reasonable price, and he thinks Kevin will not refuse.

However, Kevin’s attitude is still the same as that of those facing Golden Harvest Films. The film and television copyright of any work in the “Harry Potter” series cannot be less than 2.5 million pounds.

So, Kevin shook his head and said: “No, no, maybe £2 million won’t let me sell its film and television rights. You know I like the Harry Potter story too much. I can’t do that. I’m a perfunctory favorite.”

“This… Then what kind of conditions does Mr. Kevin need to sell his film and television rights to us? I think we can meet your requirements as much as possible.”

“2.5 million pounds, this is the price I think about the friendship with Director Hudson, so it can’t be lower.” Kevin said.

“Huh? 2.5 million pounds? That’s too high, right?”

Sure enough, the people at Cranked Film and Television Company were surprised when they heard this price. After all, they didn’t expect Kevin to speak so much. Before coming over, they felt that at most 2.1 million could be done. But now Kevin directly counts 2.5 million when he speaks. This was unexpected.

Hudson was used to any unusual words and actions by Kevin, so he didn’t seem particularly surprised at this time. On the contrary, only in this way will he feel that the talent in front of him is the real Kevin.

“Mr. Kevin, is there no more room for negotiation on terms?” The Crankd Films and Television Company tried to communicate with Kevin to see if the terms of 2.5 million pounds could be reduced.

But Kevin still insisted on his price of 2.5 million pounds, not a lot of money. So, it makes them seem a little lost. They know the friendship between Hudson and Kevin. So at this time, he also gestured to Hudson with his eyes, trying to get the other party to intercede with Kevin.

Hudson did not intercede. He knows Kevin’s character, and it is estimated that Crankd Films will need to spend 2.5 million pounds to sign the film and television rights of “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone”.

Cranked Film and Television Company is a large-scale film and television company in the UK. Naturally, they have the ability to sign a script of 2.5 million pounds, and they have also signed a script of more than 2 million pounds on many occasions. Now their people are thinking about whether they should spend £2.5 million to sign “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone”.

Of course, the reason for their hesitation is because “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” is a magical work. Before this parallel world of Britain, there has not been a magical novel adapted into a movie. If they sign up, they will be the first.

As a pioneer, there are many risks. For example, will the first attempt succeed? For example, can people accept movies adapted from magical novels? Or what effect will the magic novel be adapted into a movie?

But precisely because no one has done it before, if it succeeds in the end, then the benefits they have gained are very large. As Hudson thought, as the first movie adaptation of a magical novel, once it is released, it will inevitably arouse the curiosity of many people, and these people will eventually enter the cinema for their inner curiosity. At that time, the box office number of this movie is unimaginable.

Therefore, the people at Cranked Film and Television Company can’t help but wonder whether this is a contract or not?

“Everyone, I think “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” will not disappoint your expectations of it. If you choose to put it on the screen. It will be a high-grossing movie.” Kevin said confidently at this time.

The “Jane Eyre” that Kevin brought to their company that created the miracle of the British movie box office is still vivid today. Therefore, Kevin’s remarks couldn’t help but feel the urge to spend 2.5 million pounds to sign “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” in their hearts.

“I also like Kevin’s “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone”, what do you think?” Hudson finally spoke.

As an excellent director, Hudson’s words are naturally authoritative. Therefore, as soon as he spoke, the impulse in the hearts of the people of Crankd Film and Television Company instantly transformed into behavior.

So they said: “Mr. Kevin, okay. “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” is so good, and we are partial to him. So. I think 2.5 million pounds, we can accept it. ”

“OK, the facts will prove that your Crankd Films and Television Company is doing a right thing. “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” will definitely be able to afford the price of 2.5 million pounds.” Kevin continued to give each other. Confidence in signing.

“Kevin, congratulations. Your work has sold high-priced film and television rights.” Hudson said to Kevin at this time.

“Thank you! I think I should congratulate you Crankd Films and Television Company, you have also signed a box office movie script.” Kevin said witty.

“Haha, well, then we congratulate each other. Today is really a wonderful day.” Hudson said with a smile.

After the two parties agreed to the 2.5 million pounds, the film and television copyright of “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” was officially signed. This makes Kevin very happy, and all this is finally owned by him alone. He doesn’t need to be half-and-half with any publishing company.

Just after Kevin sent away Hudson and others his phone rang again. He looked at the number a bit familiar, but couldn’t remember who it was.

So, Kevin happily pressed the answer button, and then said: “Hi! Hello, it’s me, Kevin, who are you?”

“Mr. Kevin, it’s great to hear your voice. It hasn’t been long since we met, can you? Alves from Jiahe Film Company.” The other party said happily.

“Oh, it’s Mr. Alves, of course I remember.”

“Mr. Kevin, this is the case. We will go back and discuss with the people in the company. We can accept your price of 2.5 million pounds. As long as you agree to sign the film and television rights of “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” Give us Jiahe, I think we can accept it.” Alves said excitedly on the phone.

“But Mr. Alves, I’m sorry, I signed the film and television rights of “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” to Crankd Film and Television just half an hour ago.”

“Oh no!”

Alves was surprised at this time. (To be continued.)

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