Rebirth As a Writer In Britain

Chapter 32

Chapter 32 Reader’s counterattack (ticket

Eighteen-year-old Jenny Norfolk saw the news on Twitter that “Jane Eyre” was a hype, and her heart was very emotional. She read “Jane Eyre” earlier than many people and also liked the stories in the book very much. She will never allow others to say bad things about “Jane Eyre”, because in her opinion, Jane Eyre is one of the good novels she has read.

Didn’t the people on Twitter say that the first sales volume of “Jane Eyre” was deceptive? Then I will show them the sales data of the bookstore under my family business.

So, Jenny Norfolk, who was eighteen, called a bookstore manager and asked them to send her the photos of the purchase order and sales data of “Jane Eyre”.

After Jenny Norfolk got the photos, he immediately uploaded it to Twitter and said: “I don’t know why those people slander “Jane Eyre” as a hype? I’m Jenny Nor from a bookstore. Fokker, the following picture is a comparison of the quantity of “Jane Eyre” purchased by a bookstore and the quantity sold. Take a closer look, it’s all sold out.”

The eighteen-year-old Jenny Norfolk not only published a tweet to prove the sales of Jane Eyre, she also ran to Kevin’s Twitter message and told him, dear Kevin, you wrote Jane Eyre. “Love” is so wonderful, your writing is so romantic and full of charm. No matter what, please believe that God will not let the truth hide in the dark forever. It will float out, and then tell those who doubt and slander-this is the truth, slander is so shameful.

Not only Jenny Norfolk, but those who bought “Jane Eyre” and watched “Jane Eyre”, when they see someone who suspects the content of “Jane Eyre” is rubbish, they doubt “Jane Eyre” When the sales volume is hype, my heart is also very hot.

“I don’t know why these people are intent. I bought “Jane Eyre” personally. I watched it twice, and now I plan to watch it a third time. I can only assure God that this is definitely a wonderful novel. ”

“Yeah, I was really crushed when I saw this news, and I even thought it was in a dream. Because people who have watched “Jane Eyre” would not doubt the content, it is so wonderful. It easily triggers people’s desire for a better life. Such works are destined to sell well, so why hype?”

“The sales of “Jane Eyre” are hype? Oh my god, there are always big jokes in the sky over Scotland recently. I personally went to the bookstore to line up to buy them that day. I know the scene is hot. Besides, I After watching “Jane Eyre”, there are too many classic sentences in it.”

“It’s really an unforgivable act. When did we become the navy hired by the publisher? We are the readers of Jane Eyre. We have really seen everything about Jane Eyre. It’s like that. wonderful.”

“I’m really surprised to see that the sales of “Jane Eyre” are hype and the news can make the headlines on Twitter. You must know that no one who has seen it will doubt its excitement, just like no one will doubt Scotland. The night is so charming.”

For a while, people who supported “Jane Eyre” began to express their views on Twitter. And in order to prove that they really watched “Jane Eyre”, they also added pictures and proofs.

Some bookstores saw this, and began to take pictures of their own purchase and sold quantity lists on the Internet, and strongly supported “Jane Eyre”.

“There are pictures and the truth! This is all the proof of “Jane Eyre” in my bookstore.”

“There are pictures and the truth. This is also the proof of the sales of “Jane Eyre” in my bookstore.”

“No one is more convincing than the truth. Those who are suspicious, please look at the picture.”

“I have nothing to say, this is the proof of me and “Jane Eyre”. I am the owner of the bookstore and also a fan of “Jane Eyre”.”

But when the doubters saw the refutation of the readers of “Jane Eyre”, they were not convinced in their hearts. They remembered the Jennings incident. Isn’t the Jennings incident that year the same as it is now?

When everyone suspected that Jennings’ poetry collection was hype, so many so-called real readers came forward and spoke for Jennings. But in the end? The final facts prove that these so-called “loyal” readers are also a means of hype by Jennings.

So they feel that everything now is so similar to the Jennings incident back then.

“Hehe, you so-called ‘real readers’ don’t come here for hype. Be quiet, God won’t forgive your lies.”

“I don’t want to say who is wrong with this matter. What I want to say is that “Jane Eyre” as a newcomer’s first work has received such a high degree of attention. This is not a normal thing in itself. Now? Behind the abnormality, there must be some conspiracy.”

“Look, these naval forces came out again. They are so similar to the Jennings incident that year. They say that history is always surprisingly similar. Isn’t the hype of literary works the same?”

“Well, I was going to buy a copy of “Jane Eyre”? But when I saw the news about right and wrong, I was a little shaken. Maybe I should think about it seriously.”

“No need to think upstairs. “Jane Eyre” is definitely a hype. I don’t expect a newcomer’s work to get such good results without hype. Remember the last literary competition champion? Current sales are not as good as Kevin’s. UU Reading www.uukanshu.cóm”

“Yes, it’s obviously a bit special to get such attention simply by the title of the seventh literary competition. After all, the first few literary champions in the past, although the first works they published were also very popular, they were far from it. There is no half of Kevin’s now.”

Seeing that these people still don’t believe in the authenticity of the sales of “Jane Eyre”, Jenny Norfolk and everyone began to refute it again.

They have all seen “Jane Eyre” and love the story deeply. They will never allow some people to slander it unpredictably. They will fight back and fight with them to the end.

But even though they tried harder to no avail, those who doubted continued to doubt, those who slandered continued to slander. Their purpose is to distort the reputation of “Jane Eyre” and make its secondary sales zero.

After seeing all the news, Zella, Augustine and others all smiled in their hearts. This is the result they want. This is all they expect.

“Huh! Kevin, please believe that the sales of my “Sound under the Moon” will definitely surpass your “Jane Eyre”.” Augustine said fiercely in his heart.

“I said, young man, being high-spirited is not a good thing after all.” Lavin made a helpless expression.

In their hearts, they all think like this: After the “Jane Eyre” scandal, Kevin will be like Jennings back then, and it will be difficult to gain trust. The second launch of “Jane Eyre” will not be able to sell.

After all, no one would buy a dishonest work in this UK where integrity is important.

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