Rebirth As a Writer In Britain

Chapter 347

Chapter 347 As planned

At Hoffman’s strong request, everyone finally agreed to the release of “Wuthering Heights” according to the original plan. But Hoffman knew that his behavior at the meeting this time came at a price.

If the box office of “Wuthering Heights” does not sell well in the end, perhaps his position as the general manager will be lost. So, after coming out of the meeting, he folded his hands together and said to the God he believed in: I hope God bless.

Things are indeed as everyone guessed. After Montron Films announced that they would release “Star Wars of the Century” in a week, the entire British film industry had an opportunity to boil. Especially those movie fans, they have already heard of this North American box office champion, but they have never had a chance to see it. The news from Montrond Films is undoubtedly the biggest surprise for them.

“I’m so happy that I finally have the opportunity to see this movie, which is claimed to be the best-watched movie of the century. I think no matter what happens on the day it is shown, I will not miss it. Otherwise, God will not forgive me. .”

“I heard about “Star Wars of the Century” a month ago, and it is said that as a movie fan, it would be a pity not to watch this movie. So, thank you Montrond Films for bringing it into the UK. I think It will definitely make waves in the UK.”

“It’s really exciting to hear this news. Yesterday, I was thinking about when to watch this movie with my lover. Now I can see it without going far away. I think it must be a shocking movie, otherwise he It won’t make so many people crazy and fascinated.”

“I have been looking forward to “Star Wars of the Century” for a long time, and I will not miss it this time. Thank God for allowing me to see this excellent movie so soon.”

It’s not just British movie fans who say so, those movie media are also reporting on “Star Wars of the Century” one after another at this time.

Especially the “British Film World” magazine, which should be one of the old magazines in the film industry, before that, they also reported on Kevin’s “Wuthering Heights”. Their duty is also to track, discover and report on the hotter movies in the UK.

Since they got the news that Montrond Films and Television is about to introduce “Star Wars of the Century”, they have made a large-scale report on it as soon as possible. That is, under the report of “British Film World”, more and more people know The news that this movie will be released in the UK soon.

then. At this time, some other small film and television magazines and newspapers have also entered the report of this North American champion box office. This made “Star Wars of the Century” suddenly become popular in various cinemas and cities in the UK.

Many movie theaters also choose to sell tickets in advance at this time. In order to ensure that they can see this excellent movie on the day of the show, most of those movie fans chose to buy tickets for “Star Wars of the Century” in advance. But even though they were long in advance, many people still couldn’t buy tickets.

“It’s really bad, since the cinema says it’s sold out. Alas. I can only buy tickets for the next afternoon.”

“Man, my situation is similar to yours. I wanted to watch it on the day of the show, but there were too many people who bought the tickets, and they were sold out when it was my turn. I could only buy them the next day. Yes. And it’s still midnight.”

“Well, maybe this is the charm of this movie. Too many people are eager to see it in the same day.”

“Star Wars of the Century” hasn’t been released yet, but tickets for many movie theaters have sold until the third day. This makes the people of Montron Film and Television Company very happy. After all, if such a heat continues, the final box office of this movie must be a huge number.

The popularity of “Star Wars of the Century” also made people gradually forget the existence of “Wuthering Heights”. This makes the people of Zachs Film and Television Company very panic. After all, “Wuthering Heights” will also be released at that time, and “Star Wars of the Century” is so attractive, and it will inevitably lower the box office of “Wuthering Heights”.

Bérich has followed Mr. Hoffman for many years, and he has also known Mr. Hoffman for so many years. He is a very mature and independent person. But Hoffman’s insistence at the meeting to release “Wuthering Heights” as originally planned made him very puzzled. Now that the limelight of “Star Wars of the Century” has overshadowed “Wuthering Heights”, he can’t help but feel that perhaps this time Hoffman’s persistence is wrong.

Kevin has also seen reports on “Star Wars of the Century” these days. He admired this movie. But he is not worried about the box office of his “Wuthering Heights”. Therefore, these days, he is still happily managing his company and magazines. For the outsiders’ forgetfulness of “Wuthering Heights”, he doesn’t seem to care much at this time.

Of course, it’s not that Kevin doesn’t care in his heart, but that he believes in the strength of Wuthering Heights. This classic work was fascinated by people when it was on earth. Now that he has come to this parallel world with an underdeveloped literary level, he doesn’t worry that people will resist it at all. This is an absolute confidence and trust in classic works.

Although Kevin doesn’t care about the outside world’s neglect of his “Wuthering Heights”, he knows his readers will care. Therefore, in order to stabilize the mood of readers. He chose to log on to his Twitter, and then wrote:

Dear readers, thank you for your continued support of Wuthering Heights. UU Reading Yes, the news of “Star Wars of the Century” is too hot recently. So that people forget its existence. But please rest assured, a good work will not be forgotten, it will be remembered. Thank you, thank God.

As soon as Kevin’s tweet came out, although it was supported by readers, it also attracted some media’s bad intentions. They understood this tweet by Kevin as pride and arrogance. Especially those who are already dissatisfied with Kevin. At this time, they all began to express their opinions and attack Kevin.

“Kevin is too arrogant. Although I admit that his previous “Jane Eyre” was made into a movie and got very good results, but I still want to compare with the current North American box office champion “Star Wars of the Century” by one level. of.”

“Yeah, I think Kevin is jealous of the popularity of “Star Wars of the Century”. You must know that “Wuthering Heights” written by him will be released soon. And now that “Star Wars of the Century” is so popular, when the time comes The box office of his “Wuthering Heights” must be bleak.”

“Does this tweet of Kevin want to declare war on “Star Wars of the Century”? It is estimated that the ending will be a disastrous defeat. You must know that “Star Wars of the Century” has won very good box office in various European countries, and it is definitely not a general film work. It’s comparable. So, Kevin, you still have to die.” (To be continued.)

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