Rebirth As a Writer In Britain

Chapter 52

Chapter 52 Beautiful poetry (

After returning to Edinburgh, Kevin spent a few more ordinary days. In the past few days, apart from going to school, he wrote “Wuthering Heights”.

A few days later, Time Magazine officially opened a column for Kevin. Today is the first day after the “Kevin Says” column was published.

Bogut was drinking English black tea at home and singing popular dramas. Instead, he wanted to see how many people read the stuff written by this guy who hadn’t even read James’ “Leaf’s Dialogue”. Instead, he wanted to see how the readers sprayed the column of this newcomer’s work at the end.

Eighteen-year-old Jenny Norfolk asked a bookstore to order a lot of Time Magazine, so she also saw this poem written by Kevin in advance.

When you are old, with sideburns, drowsiness,

Take down this book while napping by the stove,

recite slowly, dreaming of the past in your eyes

has a soft look, deep reflections in his eyes;

How many people love your charming and charming time,

The beauty of loving you comes from false or true feelings,

But there is only one person who loves the sincerity of your soul,

I love the sad wind and frost on your declining face;

bent down, beside the red fireplace,

whispered sadly, how did Eros escape,

Take a leisurely stroll on the top of the mountains above your head,

hides his face among the stars.

After 18-year-old Jenny Norfolk read it, she couldn’t help but read it, and then gently covered the newspaper under her deep and white neck, completely indulging in the artistic conception of this poem .

“It’s so beautiful, why is there such a beautiful and romantic poetry in the world.”

Jenny Norfolk’s heart was completely ignited, she suddenly longed for a sincere and simple love, and she also imagined that when she was old, there would be someone who would always love her and love the sincerity in her soul. Love her fading beauty.

“Kevin, you are amazing. Why do you always write such great articles?”

It’s not just Jenny Norfolk. Those who bought Time Magazine praised “When You Are Old” after reading the article in “Kevin Says Something”.

Once upon a time, many people said that there are no talents in the English poetry world. No one can write a poem like Shakespeare, or no one can write a perfect poem.

But when Kevin’s “When You Are Old” appeared, it immediately gave them a bright feeling.

How many people love your charming and charming time,

The beauty of loving you comes from false or true feelings,

But there is only one person who loves the sincerity of your soul,

I love the sad wind and frost on your declining face;

just such a short paragraph, enough to impress the spring hearts of thousands of boys and girls. Yes, in this false and hurried society, how many people’s love comes from sincerity? How many people’s love is pure? But there will always be someone who loves your soul sincerely, and loves you with the wind and frost that has gradually become tainted by the years.

This poem also tells people that love is sincere, and love is the same unswervingly no matter how the years change and how it is lost.

Of course, readers praise not only the emotion expressed by this poem, but also the writing style of this poem.

The words used in the poems are very common, as if they are hand-in-hand, but they also give people a feeling of reaping benefits. Perhaps this is the true meaning of poetry, this is the true meaning of literature. Isn’t it true that literature seeks to be sincere and not pretentious? Isn’t it the pursuit of literature to use the simplest sentences to compose something that can move people’s hearts?

And all of this, Kevin’s “When You Are Old” has been completely done. Many people began to sigh the romance, elegance, and perfection of this poem.

“This is the most suitable poem for Britain, because only Britain can afford such a beautiful poem.”

The famous poetry critic David Lee sighed after watching Kevin’s “When You Are Old”.

David Lee is one of the few existing professional poetry critics in the UK, and he rarely expresses such sighs. After all, in the current era, few people can write poems that make him sigh that way.

But when he finished reading this song “When You Are Old” by Kevin, he had to do it. He even read it five times in a row. Known as the “memory genius”, he was able to fully recite “When You Are Old” at this time.

Not only that, he also plans to take a moment tonight and then post a long comment. Yes, such beautiful and romantic poetry, he wants more people to know. He wants to add his opinion.

“Oh my god, this is the most romantic poem I have ever read. Romance wants to die at this moment.”

“I yearn for the love in poetry, which will not change until death, life and death will follow.”

“How longing for a man to love the depths of my soul and everything in me.”

Those unmarried single girls began to yearn for the unswerving love, and began to yearn for the beautiful things.

Some old readers of Time Magazine can no longer control their joy at this time. They write letters and send emails. They want to commend this column of Kevin’s story opened by Time Magazine. It is this column that allows them to see such romantic poems and such beautiful poems.

“Thank you for this column, I think there is nothing more successful than this idea. Oh, and thank you Kevin by the way for his poetry, maybe he was sent by God to save English poetry.”

“Kevin said that this column is too right, why not open it earlier? This kind of poem should be known to people earlier. No, no, maybe it’s too early, it doesn’t taste like this. It’s just right now.”

“I finally saw a refreshing article in this weekly magazine. Although it is just a short poem, I can’t help but read it several times. This is enough.”

This letter from the reader is obvious, that is, the articles in the previous column of Time Magazine are too old and too traditional to give him a new feeling. There was only one column before Time Magazine, which was written by Bogu.

This also indirectly shows that Bogut’s previous article has no bright spots and new ideas For a while, the staff responsible for receiving letters from readers in Time magazine began to get busy, because the letters from the readers are no matter the express delivery. There are still more emails. They began to read one by one.

“Maybe we have to work overtime tonight? Otherwise, how can I finish reading these letters.”

“No, no, it’s not that exaggerated. Maybe they will stop sending emails soon. Then we can read it tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.”

“Okay, but why there are still 98 unread letters in my mailbox…101.”

It is not only the readers who praised Kevin’s “When You Are Old”, but also people in other magazines and newspapers think this is a very wonderful poem.

“Hey, why didn’t we think of asking Kevin to write a column? You know, he is the champion of the seventh literary competition, and his strength and reputation are there.”

“It seems that this column of “Time” has been very successful, and their sales will be much better than before. Our competition is starting to be fierce again.”

“It’s a great poem. It’s a perfect work.”

Wall was very excited when he heard colleagues say that the number of letters from readers has been several times larger than before. This is the result he wants.

“The facts prove how correct I am bravely signing Kevin to write the column.” Wall shouted “yes” and said excitedly. This issue is divided into strong recommendations. I hope that friends will support you so that the papaya book will be on the front page. Thank you all. I wish you all the best.

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