Rebirth As a Writer In Britain

Chapter 7

Chapter 7 Into the rematch

“Forget it, it doesn’t have much to do with me anyway. Let’s go back to school first.” Kevin thought.

Yes, every time the school announces the news either that a certain student did a good deed, or that Augustine published an article in which newspaper. He was already okay. So, Kevin went straight back to the classroom.

The atmosphere of the University of Edinburgh is relatively free. This is also a feature of British universities. There will not be too many constraints here, and students can also be free. Because of this, Kevin can go back and forth in school at will.

But today is the class teacher Collison’s class again, so he decided to go back to the classroom to listen to the class. You know, apart from Collison, no teacher is willing to help him.

Not long after Kevin sat down, Collison walked into the classroom with a smile on his face. It seems that there should be a happy event.

“The good news is that this year’s London Literary Competition’s semi-final place has been released. There is only one semi-final place in Edinburgh, and this place is located in the University of Edinburgh. Can you guess who it is?” Collison is Said this with a smile.

“No doubt, it must be Augustine.”

“Yeah, I also think it is Augustine, after all, in Edinburgh, only Augustine can have such strength.”

“A few days ago, his father also said that Augustine has shown extraordinary talent since he was a child.”

All the students thought that this place would definitely be Augustine. After all, Augustine had published articles in magazines and newspapers, and he had certain strength. But they forgot that in addition to Augustine who participated in this literary competition, another person named Kevin also participated.

Augustine also showed a smile on his face at this time. Since he was a child, he has never missed any literary competitions, so this time he believes it will be no exception.

“Augustine, congratulations. This kind of competition is a duel of genius and genius, and you have entered the semi-finals. I believe you will become a great writer.”

“Yes, Augustine, don’t you not know us then.”

Linda smiled when she heard these compliments. Perhaps she was thinking in her heart: finally found her own happiness.

Collison saw that something was wrong, and didn’t want to sell it anymore. I hurriedly said: “Everyone, this person is not Augustine, but Kevin. Dear Kevin, I have to admire you. In half an hour, you can write an article that impresses the judges. You know, this is something ordinary people cannot do.”

As soon as I said this, the classroom suddenly became quiet. Augustine’s face was also black for an instant, and then he lowered his face gently.

Kevin had expected this result a long time ago. Only then did he know what the other classmates were watching when he passed the bulletin board. Perhaps, it was the matter of entering the semi-finals.

“What? Dear Teacher Collison, did you say that Kevin was qualified for the rematch?” As Kevin’s best friend, Kovani couldn’t believe his ears.

“Yes, you heard that right. Kevin is the only person in Edinburgh who can participate in the semi-finals. He also won the honor for the University of Edinburgh. Maybe we should give him applause.”

After finishing speaking, Collison took the lead and applauded, and then there was warm applause in the classroom.

“It’s incredible, Kevin, you are beyond our expectations.”

“Yes, we didn’t expect you to have such a talent. And your work was completed in the last half an hour.”

“Kevin, tell me, are you possessed by God at that moment?”

Classmates are not disgusted with Kaiwen, but he is usually not optimistic about his literary ability. But he didn’t expect that he was the only one who could get the semi-finals of the London Literary Competition, which made everyone admire his talent in an instant.

“Yes, Kevin, I’m also curious, how can you finish an article that impresses tricky judges in half an hour.” Collison also asked curiously.

For a time, all eyes were on Kevin. Oh, except Augustine. Augustine wanted to find a hole to go in at this time.

“It’s nothing, I just write casually. In the future, I think there will be more touching works.” Kevin said neither humble nor arrogant.

“Writing casually?” The four words made everyone confused. For such a talented competition, he usually couldn’t write a summary of the event well, but he went into the semi-finals by writing casually. This is simply amazing.

The students’ views on Kevin can’t help but take a 360-degree turn. Yes, this is the most senior literary competition in the UK, and being able to enter the semi-finals is already a representative of ability and talent. You know, only Kevin entered in Edinburgh.

Especially Kovani, he and Kevin walked recently, but did not find that Kevin has such a literary level. Even a few days ago, he told Kevin to give up some ideas.

“Kevin, you are so good. Now you are the pride of our University of Edinburgh. I rely on, I guess those noble princesses have come to give you a hug.”

Kovani said this to Augustine and Linda deliberately, who told Linda to mock Kevin in front of so many people for being a pauper with no future.

“Thank you, my best partner.” Kevin thanked.

Sure enough, Kevin’s name was also spread in the University of Edinburgh. The principal even specially asked someone to make a banner and put out a note saying “Warmly celebrate Kevin’s qualification for the semi-finals of the London Literary Competition.”

This makes those who despise Kevin can’t help but surprise. They are also thinking deeply in their hearts: “Perhaps their opinions were wrong at the beginning. People who can qualify for the semi-finals of this literary competition are definitely not a waste.”

Kevin heard the news that he had entered the rematch, although he was not too surprised. But my heart is still very happy.

Of course, the main reason is that he has just been laughed at by the editor of Zela that it is a miracle that he can enter the semi-finals.

At this time, Kevin smiled without saying a word. Perhaps, God wanted him to be born again here, and he was planning to make him perform miracles.

After the announcement of the semi-finals, Kevin will rush to London to participate in the semi-finals within three days. Although the time is tight, it is specifically requested by the organizer. What they need is a genius writer who can write good articles all the time. Not the kind of author who thought for decades to write a vulgar work.

Therefore, after some preparations, Kevin had to fly to London, and then went to the organizer to report. Fortunately, the organizer is responsible for the round-trip expenses, including food, lodging, and transportation. The poor Kevin does not need to worry about funding.

Besides, when the principal heard that the only place in Edinburgh was located at the University of Edinburgh, he was very happy and made a promise that the school can sponsor all of Kevin’s rematch.

Anyway, for a while, Kevin became the object of discussion for the entire University of Edinburgh. Maybe it’s embarrassing, Linda and Augustine also both asked for leave during this time.

In the    Deyun editorial room, editor Zela of UU Reading changed into a pink overall today. The goal of last quarter was not achieved. She encouraged herself silently in her heart, and she must discover more good works in this quarter.

She still picked up a copy of “Edinburgh Evening News” and looked at it as usual, and suddenly a striking headline came into his eyes-“Announcement of the semi-final list of the 6th London Literary Competition”.

As a literary editor, she naturally pays attention to literary matters, especially such large-scale literary competitions. She will not miss it even more.

“The results of the rematch have been announced so soon? Let me see if there are any Edinburgh literary talents on the rematch list. Oh, I think there must be Augustine’s son, after all, the tiger father has no dog son.”

Zera couldn’t wait to open the newspaper, and then carefully looked at the list of rematches.

Edinburgh, Kevin Stephen, University of Edinburgh.

“Why is this name a bit familiar?”

Zella suddenly remembered something after seeing Kevin’s name, and then threw the newspaper aside.

“Huh! Even if you enter the semi-finals, you may not necessarily be the champion. You know, the time for the semi-finals is the time to show your strength.” Zella said in his heart hummingly.

Zera didn’t believe in her own judgment. Although she didn’t read Kevin’s “Jane Eyre”, she knew from the name of the book that there was nothing new in this book. It is not easy for a young man with no new ideas to win the championship in the semi-finals.

After calming down, Zella continued to review her manuscript.

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