Rebirth As a Writer In Britain

Chapter 75

Chapter 75 On-site questioning session

The questioning session continued, and Kevin looked at the people in the audience again. At this time he saw a white-skinned man, about 30 years old, who looked a bit like his father. Therefore, he intends to give the other party a chance to ask questions.

“The friend in the fifth position in the fourth row. Thank you.” Kevin said.

When the other party heard it, he stood up excitedly, and then asked, “Thank you for choosing me. My question is, you have a poem called “When You Are Old”, which is a romantic love poem. In reality, do you have a girl you like? Was this poem written for her?”

As soon as this question came up, Jenny Norfolk, who was sitting aside, was also full of curiosity. Yes, such an excellent writer, such a romantic man, does he have a favorite woman in his mind? Was his song “When You Are Old” written for the other party?

Jenny Norfolk can’t help but pay special attention to the answer to this question.

“Thank you for your question, please sit down first. Yes, there is no doubt that “When You Are Old” is an affectionate love poem. But I am not writing this poem for this or that, but It is the love dedicated to me. The love I am looking forward to is so sincere and unswerving.” Kevin replied.

Hearing Kevin’s answer, Jenny Norfolk has understood that Kevin has no one to like yet, and his romantic song “When You Are Old” is not written for anyone. She felt weird in her heart, but it was an unexplainable taste anyway.

The questioner was quite satisfied with Kevin’s answer, so he nodded and sat down according to the rules.

“The lady in the first position of the fifth row, thank you.” Kevin continued to nod.

“Hello, Mr. Kevin, is there any difference between your “Wuthering Heights” and the previous “Jane Eyre”?” the questioner asked.

“They don’t have the same place at all. If they insist on saying the same, I think it is love. Their theme also revolves around love, but in fact everything in the world revolves around love. Of course. , This story seems a bit sad. Because I want to try to write about the sad side of the world. So, sorry, please forgive me for letting you see the desolation of this world in advance.” Kevin immediately replied.

This answer can be described as a classic, yes, many things in the world also revolve around love. It is love that makes this world so beautiful, so wonderful and meaningful.

When Kevin’s answer was over, applause immediately rang out.

“Well, please continue to ask questions, we still have time.” The host said at this time.

“Hello, Mr. Kevin, how long did it take you to write this “Wuthering Heights”? As far as I know, it has not been long since your first novel “Jane Eyre” was published, and now it is published again. It’s “Wuthering Heights”. This process is too fast.” The questioner said.

“Hehe, to be honest, the time to write Wuthering Heights is not very long. Because I don’t like a book that is too muddy, I like to write quickly and follow my inner thoughts. Therefore, my thinking rarely gets stuck. I think I need to thank God for giving me unlimited inspiration.” Kevin replied.

Kevin’s answer is more montage, because he can’t tell the literary memory system in his mind, so he can only answer like this. Fortunately, readers of this answer are fairly satisfied.

“Hello, Mr. Kevin, are there any characters in this “Wuthering Heights”?” the questioner asked.

Speaking of characters with richer personality in “Wuthering Heights”, of course, it is Catherine Oshaw. Celine Oshaw is a complicated character. She is sometimes friendly, sometimes violent, sometimes gentle, sometimes excited, sometimes affectionate, sometimes willful.

She made her father feel desperate, because he couldn’t understand her, so he said he couldn’t love her. Her brother Hendley felt that he was deprived of nothing by Heathcliff, but Catherine saw a reflection of her wild nature in this black boy. She plays with him in the wilderness, where is their natural habitat, they are obsessed with the rough beauty of the countryside. But Catherine has a fatal weakness. She found that she could not resist the attraction of the elegant life of Thrush Grange, the lovely and fresh old house after the storm in the villa was so peaceful.

In this way, she was led to abandon the true nature she knew well—this nature was one with Heathcliff—only because of the glitz of the world. The vulgar Heathcliff has a lower social status than her, so she decided to marry Edgar. It was this decision that contributed to the tragedy of the story. In the moving scene of her reunion with Heathcliff in Chapter 15, she confessed this fact.

So Kevin replied: “I think it should be Celine Oshaw, maybe you will know when you read the complete copy of Wuthering Heights. Her personality is so diverse.”


After half an hour, the host walked up to the stage and said, “Well, everyone, due to time constraints, there is only one last question left. Please continue to ask questions.”

So, the readers who hadn’t been selected in the audience quickly raised their hands. Kevin looked around and found an eight or nine-year-old girl. This is probably the youngest reader in the entire signing hall.

Kevin thought to himself, maybe he should give such young readers a chance to ask himself questions. So he ordered this eight or nine-year-old girl. After the little girl was drawn by Kevin, there was a big smile inside.

“Thank you, distinguished Mr. Kevin. I like your “Jane Eyre” because it tells me that people must be brave to pursue what they like, whether it is love, career, or other things. I think The question is, how old did you start publishing your work, and I want to learn from you,” the little girl said.

In the heart of the little girl, he regarded Kevin as that kind of literary genius. So he thought that Kevin would publish articles in literary newspapers at an early age like Augustine. And her ideal is to be a writer, she wants to learn from Kevin, and then asks such a topic.

“To be honest, I haven’t been writing articles for a long time, and no one would have thought that I would become a writer before, including my father and mother. When they heard that my book could be published, they were simply surprised. Also. Yes, you can be yourself, or even better.” Kevin told the truth.

With Kevin’s last answer , this question session has officially ended. Although the readers are reluctant to give up, there are still many questions to ask Kevin in their hearts. But according to the rules stated in advance, the question time is only half an hour.

After the question session is over, it’s time for the signing ceremony. All readers who want to sign Kevin’s autograph must first buy a copy of “Wuthering Heights”, and then queue for Kevin to sign.

Of course, before the signing ceremony, these people also ordered “Wuthering Heights” in a bookstore early, and at this time each of them also had a copy in hand.

“Please line up, everyone, one by one, okay?” the host said after the questioning session.

So, the readers took a copy of “Wuthering Heights” in their hands, and then lined up to wait for Kevin’s autograph. They are looking forward to this moment so much.

Kevin felt a bit thirsty in his throat after answering the readers’ questions. After taking a few sips of drinks, he sat down, and then seriously signed the books that everyone handed over.

This is the first signing event in his life, and it is also the first time he has autographed so many people, although his hands are a bit tired. But Kevin felt very comfortable in his heart.

Due to the large number of people, the organizer temporarily changed its attention, that is, start with a row of seats first. Wait for the first row of seats to finish signing, then move on to the second row, and so on. By doing so, congestion is avoided. (Thank you for the rewards of today’s “Evergreen No Regrets”, “Zimeng Still” and “Strolling by the River Tai”. Thank you, and wish you all the best and win the lottery.

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