Rebirth As a Writer In Britain

Chapter 84

Chapter 84 Backfire

It is not only Heathcliff that makes them curious, but also Catherine Oshaw. Kevin was asked about this topic during the signing event-Who has the richest character in “Wuthering Heights”?

Kevin’s answer was Catherine Oshaw, which is actually the case. When readers read “Wuthering Heights”, apart from talking about Heathcliff, they also have to discuss Catherine Oshaw.

Catherine Oshaw is also a complicated character. She is sometimes friendly, sometimes violent, sometimes gentle, sometimes excited, sometimes affectionate, sometimes willful.

“Catherine Oshaw is really a poor woman. Her father couldn’t understand her, and he was desperate for her.”

“Heathcliff deprived her brother Hendry of everything, but she saw a reflection of her wild nature in this black boy. And played with him in the wilderness. They were obsessed with the roughness of the countryside. Beauty. This is an incomparable woman.”

“I think Catherine has a fatal weakness. She found that she couldn’t resist the attraction of the elegant life of Thrush Grange. After the storm in the villa, the lovely and fresh old house was so peaceful. In this way, she was drawn to her back. She knew her true nature-this nature is one with Heathcliff-only for the earthly glitz. The vulgar Heathcliff had a lower social status than her, so she decided to marry Ed plus.”

They started talking about Catherine Oshaw again. In addition to discussing Heathcliff and Catherine Oshaw, there are also figures such as Mr. Oshaw, Mr. Lockwood, and Frans. Anyway, at this moment, they have forgotten something.

Adams is still happily waiting for his readers to sort out the shortcomings of “Wuthering Heights” and post it on the Internet. But two days have passed, and there seems to be no movement. This makes him very depressed.

In two days, how should I finish watching “Wuthering Heights”, right? But why didn’t they come out to refute each other?

Yes, in two days, if nothing else is delayed, I have indeed finished watching “Wuthering Heights”. In fact, many people have already watched “Wuthering Heights”. But they did not choose to stand on Adams’ side.

Because reason and kindness will not forgive them, because facts and truth will not forgive them. This is a rare good book in English literature in recent years. If they attack him and try to pick the bones in the egg, then they will feel a sense of guilt. They cannot do this. This is also the belief of this parallel world–respect for a good book.

“Wuthering Heights is really wonderful, I have to like this book. Mr. Kevin, sorry, I misunderstood you before.”

“Yeah, I finally figured out why this book can be covered by Bella. Because its content is so attractive. I don’t think anyone will reject this book.”

“Adams, sorry, I have to say that your opinion is wrong this time. Wuthering Heights is indeed worthy of a big hit.”

“Kevin’s writing is really good, delicate and old, and there is no impetuousness at all. Maybe I want to read his previous “Jane Eyre”. I think it is absolutely wonderful. ”

Many fans of Adams tweeted at this time to apologize to Kevin and Kevin’s readers. This almost made Adams vomit blood. As he was reaching old age, he suffered a heart attack immediately and was escorted to the hospital by his son.

Yes, no one can accept this fact. Your readers suddenly became Kevin’s supporters. This is an uncomfortable thing. And he was still an old man, and he lost to a newcomer writer like this. Of course Adams would be so angry that he had a heart attack.

Bella’s fans are also very happy to see someone say good things about their idol. Immediately expressed his own voice.

“The novel recommended by Bella is really different. I said, my idol will not recommend a novel easily.”

“Bella, thank you, thank you for recommending a good book to us. If you hadn’t made the cover for it, maybe I wouldn’t have thought of buying it. If I didn’t buy it, I wouldn’t have seen it Wonderful.”

“Wuthering Heights is indeed a very rare novel, and Bella’s cover for it looks very beautiful. Bella, my goddess, I love you so much.”

Since “Wuthering Heights” was published and sold, many of Bella’s fans have also become fans of Kevin. Of course, since one of them is in the film and television circle and the other is in the literary circle, there is no conflict. Bella is still very happy to be able to add a few more readers to Kevin. After all, she herself admires Kevin’s talent very much! Especially the poem “When You Are Old” made her fantasize about being held by a man in a lonely night.

All of this was expected by Kevin. Some readers about Adams finally became his own supporters, and Bella’s fans also became his own fans at the same time. He was not too surprised.

He called Bella, after all, he hadn’t chatted with this beauty star for a long time. Just to find a topic.

Bella had just finished filming, and when she saw Kevin’s call, she immediately picked it up.

“Hi! Great writer, congratulations, your response to “Wuthering Heights” is very enthusiastic. Undoubtedly, you are the most successful newcomer writer this year.” Bella pressed the answer button and said first.

“Really? I’m about to apologize to you Sorry, I robbed your fans.” Kevin teased.

“Haha, what a humorous guy. Okay, then I will cooperate with you in this joke. You not only grabbed my fan, but also turned me into your fan.” Bella said jokingly.

Bella of course knew that Kevin was talking about his own fans who also became his readers. So I also made a joke. After all, they are in different fields, and they all know that there is no contradiction.

“Okay, let’s get back to business, Kevin, you are really great. I didn’t expect this book to be such a success. You know? Many friends have called and said that I made a cover for a good book and it was very worthwhile. “Bella continued.

“Perhaps all of this should thank you for making a cover for it. You have to know if you are such a big beauty standing there, can they not be attracted by it? In other words, maybe you are driving all of its sales.” Kay Wen said humorously.

“No, no! Kevin, you are too humble. This is entirely due to your talent.”

“Well, then I won’t be humble to accept your point of view.” Kevin said unceremoniously.

After all, this is in the UK, and the culture here hates that kind of exaggerated hypocrisy.

Kevin continued to chat with the star, and even talked about some habits in life. As a big star, private life is inherently mysterious. Belaken told Kevin that he is undoubtedly regarded as his best friend. This makes Kevin very happy. After all, such a big beauty, no man will not be tempted.

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