Rebirth As a Writer In Britain

Chapter 86

Chapter 86 Master of Tears (please give me a reward

“Of course! Thank you for liking this book.” Kevin took the “Wuthering Heights” handed over by the other party, and then signed his name happily.

After receiving the “Wuthering Heights” signed by Kevin, the girl’s face was full of happiness.

“Thank you, distinguished Mr. Kevin. Oh, let’s go, our Jingxin Cultural Book City has prepared a residence for you.”

The girl just remembered business at this time. Yes, her final task this time is to pick up Kevin and then arrange a residence.


Kevin followed him to the center of Glasgow, on the north bank of the Clyde River. Although it does not have the bustling city of London, it is considered a fashion capital. This time, Jingxin Cultural Bookstore arranged Kevin in a five-star hotel.

After Kevin rested in the hotel for about an hour, Enni and others also came to the north bank of the Clyde River. Under the arrangement of Jingxin Cultural Bookstore, they met in the bookstore.

Enni is more casual this time, just a deep V T-shirt with a pair of brown jeans. But because of this, her proud figure is even more prominent.

After discussing the signing event for tomorrow, the three parties finally reached an agreement. The general content is similar to that of a bookstore in Edinburgh-first the question session, then the formal signing, and finally a group photo.

“Kevin, congratulations, you finally ushered in the second signing event in your life. I hope this time is more successful and complete than before.” After the meeting, the editor-in-chief Enni blessed Kevin.

“Thank you, under your careful arrangement, I think everything we expect will succeed.” Kevin said with a smile.

Yes, their common aspirations this time are the same. That is the big sale of “Wuthering Heights”. After all, they signed a sharing contract. That is, the more “Wuthering Heights” is sold, the more both parties will earn.

Since the Adams incident, the topic of “Wuthering Heights” has never stopped. This has also aroused many people’s curiosity about this book, which naturally led to its unabated popularity. So Kevin was very successful in the next few signings. With the end of these signing events, more and more people like Kevin, and his Twitter followers have also increased by 300,000.

At this time, there is no longer any doubt that the original London Literary Publishing House had asked the big star Bella for the cover promotion to be wrong, and no one would doubt that this book would be at a loss. The crazy behavior of the London Literary Publishing House was triumphed. Their innovative propaganda methods have not only created history but also created huge benefits.

This success of the London Literary Publishing House also made many publishing colleagues begin to understand. Perhaps their propaganda methods should be crazier and more innovative.

But they will not understand that if the author this time is not Kevin, and the book is not called “Wuthering Heights”, perhaps the innovative propaganda or crazy promotion they have done will be useless. Because in this world, only classic works with proper publicity can create miracles.

Many people began to be fascinated by the storyline written by Kevin. They were happy, sad, moved, and moved.

“It’s really annoying, why didn’t Kevin make the ending of the story more perfect. Does he want to be the father of grief?”

“Yeah, this novel is full of frustration and sadness. Heathcliff fell in love with Catherine Oshaw, but Catherine Oshaw married Edgar Linton, which simply made Heathcliff was desperate for life. Finally ran away from home.”

“But Kevin is the father of grief after all, and the grief is not over yet. Heathcliff, who returns home, wants to retaliate against Hindley and Linton. Hindley is a slutty daddy who is a drunk, gambling, and squandered family property. He fell into poverty. Even the remaining property was mortgaged to Heathcliff and became his servant. Heathcliff often visited Thrush Grange, and Linton’s sister Isabella was enamored of him, and finally eloped with him. But Heathcliff imprisoned her in Wuthering Heights and tortured her to vent her strong resentment.”

“This world has this sadness, but Kevin deliberately portrayed it to make it bigger and take shape! I have to say, I think Kevin is more like a tearmaker. Anyway, after watching “Wuthering Heights”, I shed a total of tears Sixteen times.”

“Yeah! Kevin is a tearmaker. I shed tears many times for the sad story inside. Damn it, Kevin, you return my tears.”

Jenny Norfolk saw that Kevin was given the title of “Master of Tears” by others, and she also found it very appropriate. After all, she was the same. When watching “Wuthering Heights”, she also watched it while crying.

So, after “Romantic Poet”, Kevin added another title of “Master of Tears”.

Even when Bella called him, he directly referred to Kevin as the “Master of Tears.”

“Hi! Master of tears, let me tell you one thing, my new song album is ready to go on sale. Do you remember that song “When You Are Old”?” Bella said.

“Of course I remember, that was my poem. Do you really regard it as the main song?” It has been a while Kevin just thought of it at this time.

“Yes, “When You Are Old” is the title song of my album. Only after such a romantic poem is compiled into music can it impress more people.” Bella said affirmatively.

“Thank you! I think I will support it. Maybe you will become the most popular singer in Britain.”

Bella has been secretly preparing for the new song album while filming recently, so she completed this task in such a fast time.

This is what Bella expected. In her early years, she thought about releasing an album and becoming a singer, but she never had time. Only then did she take the time to make this idea a reality.

Originally, she had been struggling to find a good song as the title song of her new album, but after searching for a long time, she was not satisfied. Since the appearance of “When You Come” written by Kevin, she has been moved by this poem.

She thought: This poem can move me. Perhaps compiling it into music can also move other people.

So Bella chose to use the lyrics of Kevin’s “When You Are Old” as her main song.

When working on the arrangement of this song, Bella took great pains. She revised it ten times, and she didn’t give up until she was satisfied. Therefore, she has reason to believe that when her fans hear the song “When You Are Old”, it will resonate deep in her heart. (Sorry, because the computer was suddenly poisoned, the update of this chapter is relatively slow. Recently, the computer is very depressed, woooo! Thank you for your support of papaya. Remember to take care of yourself, good night.)

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