Rebirth: Business Queen

Chapter 110 - Guan Changyun, a classmate who skipped class (1)

I usually go there every day without any problems, but last night I encountered “Ghost hitting the wall!”

Yes, yesterday, after seeing Xiao Yao’s eyes yesterday, he had a bad day. Could it be that Xiao Yao made him so unlucky?

Hmph, since Xiao Yao made him so unlucky, he must get it back from Xiao Yao. In a blink of an eye, there were many ways to repay Xiao Yao in his heart.

For example, find her grandfather and grandmother at the school, and then tell her grandfather and grandmother, saying that Xiao Yao disrespects the teacher, and the school asks her to take a break from school for a period of time.

Yes, this is the way to go. At that time, it would be great to see Xiao Yao kneeling down and begging him not to let her drop out of school, crying bitterly.

Thinking of this, Chen Qiming continued to tremble in the bed. However, this time he was not afraid, but trembling happily in the bed with a smile.

Unfortunately, even if he basically guessed the truth, it was Xiao Yao who made him so unlucky.

But he didn’t know Xiao Yao’s ability, so he was destined to become a real lunatic for the rest of his life and stay in the lunatic asylum that Xiao Yao placed for him forever. Live crazy crazy days forever.

In the afternoon, just after Xiao Yao left the school gate, he was stopped by the man named Gouzi when he passed the first alley on the left.

“This classmate, our boss wants to see you and pay you back the 10,000 yuan by the way!”

“Okay, you lead the way!” Xiao Yao nodded and said.

She just happened to want to meet their eldest brother who values ​​friendship, and now that she has come to the door, she will definitely not refuse.

Gouzi took Xiao Yao to another alley, and Xiao Yao followed without saying a word.

When they got there, Xiao Yao saw that in addition to the other person who robbed them last time, there was another person who should be their boss.

But when Xiao Yao met that person, they all exclaimed.

“Why are you?” Xiao Yao asked in surprise.

“It’s really you?” Guan Changyun exclaimed with the same doubt and certain surprise.

And they were surprised because they were classmates.

Xiao Yao was very surprised. She didn’t expect that the eldest brother of the three dogs who valued love and righteousness was actually a classmate in her class, and he was the next table to her, Guan Changyun, a classmate in the last row who often skipped class.

Guan Changyun has been in Class F like Xiao Yao since his first year of high school. However, Guan Changyun had been absent from the first day of class registration and roll call, and after that he was often absent from school.

Except for the first day, Chen Qiming, the head teacher, said angrily that he wanted to find the parents. However, when he called the parents, he was very angry at first. After talking for a while, Ma turned into a flattering nod and bow. After that, he didn’t care whether Guan Yunchang came or not. If Guan Changyun came to class occasionally, Chen Qiming would treat him politely. If he didn’t understand anything, he could ask his teacher or classmates.

After that, everyone was very curious about the identity of Guan Changyun, including Xiao Yao. However, at that time Xiao Yao was already sitting next to Guan Changyun. Occasionally when Guan Changyun came to class, Xiao Yao would secretly observe the adjacent table.

So now, I suddenly told her that the leader of these gangsters would be one of her classmates. And this classmate is only 18 years old, but he is called eldest brother by several people in their twenties. Could this surprise her?

Could it be that he does not come to class every day just to be someone else’s big brother?

For the first time, Xiao Yao had a different understanding of his classmates.

Guan Changyun’s surprise was no less than Xiao Yao’s. He didn’t expect that the heroic female hero of the country who could fight with martial arts in his brother’s mouth was really Xiao Yao, a classmate in his class.

In those days, he was put in the detention center in place of the dog, and then he needed 10,000 yuan to be released on bail. Beard, four eyes and a dog, but he really got 10,000 yuan out of nowhere to bail him out.

Later, when he asked about the source of the 10,000 yuan, they were embarrassed, and with the light of worship in their eyes, they explained the process. They said that at first they wanted to rob, but when they didn’t, they borrowed 10,000 yuan from a female classmate who was from Gaoying School and had a red birthmark on her face. Guan Changyun believed in these brothers.

As soon as they said that he had a red birthmark on his face, and it was from Gaoying School, he had a vague impression that the table next to him also seemed to have a red birthmark on his face, and as far as he knew, he was the only one in the school with a red face. birthmarked. But as far as he knows, the next table is weak and easy to bully, and he has never heard that she has a martial arts skill. It seems that she has no money, right? Are these all superficial?

In the end, he was curious, and when he was paying back the money, he wanted to meet the borrower.

But he didn’t expect that this person was really his classmate Xiao Yao at the next table.

“Haha, I really didn’t expect that the eldest brother in their mouths would be you!” Xiao Yao laughed and said his surprise.

“Hehe, I didn’t expect that the heroic female hero of the country who is full of kung fu would be you!” Guan Changyun also made no secret of his surprise.

“Hey, big brother, do you two know each other?” Gouzi also asked in surprise. When he asked, he was also a little guilty. When the three of them robbed, they hit someone the eldest brother knew.

“Haha, we are in the same class, and we are at the next table!” Guan Changyun said.

“Huh?” Dog, Beard and Four Eyes were surprised.

“Student Guan Changyun, what I’m more curious about is that since you are younger than them, how could you be their eldest brother?” Xiao Yao asked the question in his heart.

I met the three of them before, and I planned to let them help her build a gang force, so I wanted to know the boss they said. But now, since the boss they mentioned is someone she knows, she has to ask about their origin and relationship.

But seeing Guan Changyun now, it reminded her even more of the dark emperor who was powerful in the underworld in her previous life. It seems that he was also called Guan Changyun. They wouldn’t be the same person, right? Xiao Yao was curious, but she couldn’t confirm it now. However, she thought they should be the same. No matter what, since she met her, she couldn’t let it go.

“This, let me tell you!” The dog said anxiously.

It turned out that Gouzi, Beard, Siyan and Guan Changyun all came from a village. While Gouzi and Beard are orphans, Siyan and Guan Changyun are single families. However, the four-eyed single family is different from Guan Changyun. He has an elderly grandmother in his seventies, and his mother is a half lunatic. She can work in good times and bad, and roll on the ground and scold people in bad times. Often beating and scolding four eyes.

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